Subjunctive Mood. Обобщающий урок по теме "Сослагательное наклонение"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

  • систематизация и обобщение знаний по теме “Сослагательное наклонение”,
  • контроль изученного через систему нестандартных упражнений,
  • знакомство с поэтическим творчеством,
  • иллюстрирующим грамматическую тему,
  • отработка навыков чтения поэтических произведений,
  • воспитание интереса к английской грамматике.


  • раздаточный материал с упражнениями по теме,
  • подстановочные таблицы на доске,
  • картина с изображением острова,
  • плакаты с текстами стихов для устной разминки и фонетической зарядки.

Эпиграф урока: English grammar is easy. If you know it.

1. Устная разминка

  • What’s the weather like?
  • Lovely day, isn’t it?
  • What’s the temperature?
  • What does the thermometer say?
  • What does the weather forecast say?


When the weather is wet
We must not fret –
When the weather is cold
We must not scold.
When the weather is warm
We must not storm, –
But be thankful together
Whatever the weather.
Man is a fool:
When it’s hot, he wants it cool,
When it’s cool, he wants it hot,
He always wants what he has not.

2. Фонетическая зарядка

Whether the weather be fine, or whether the weather be not,
Whether the weather be cold, or whether the weather be hot,
We’ll weather the weather whatever the weather,
Whether we like it or not.

3. Обобщение грамматического материала

А. I. Conditional sentences type 1.

We use if + present simple + will or won’t for things that will possibly happen.

If the weather is fine, we’ll go fishing.

When we put the if part of the sentence first, we usually use a comma after it.

We can also say:

We’ll go fishing if the weather is fine.


  • If you want a thing well done, do it yourself.
  • If you run after two hares, you will catch neither.
  • If things were to be done twice, all would be wise.
  • If a man deceives me once, shame on him; if he deceives me twice, shame on me.
  • If you wish for peace, be prepared for war.
  • If the sky falls, we shall catch larks. (Если бы да кабы…)


Match the sentence parts, then write twelve sentences like this:

If you lie in the sun, you’ll get sunburned.

lie in the sun
don’t look at the map
don’t eat your breakfast
don’t work hard
go out without a coat
eat too much
miss the bus
go to bed early
don’t hurry
take this medicine
don’t listen in class
take an umbrella
don’t save your money
take a taxi
  not find the road
get sunburned
get there sooner
soon feel better
be late
miss the bus
not be tired tomorrow
get fat
catch a cold
not get wet
not be able to buy a new bicycle
not pass your exam
not understand the homework
be hungry


  • If you walk under a ladder, you will have bad luck.
  • If a girl catches the bride’s bouquet after a wedding, she will be the next to marry.
  • If you break a mirror, you will have seven years’ bad luck.
  • If you talk of the devil, he will appear.
  • If you see a small spider, you will get a lot of money.
  • If you scratch your left hand, you will give money away.
  • If you touch wood, your good luck will continue.
  • If a black cat crosses your path, you will have good luck (in Britain).
  • If a black cat crosses your path, you will have bad luck (in Russia).
  • If a rooster crows when he goes to bed
    He’ll get up with rain on his head.
  • If you mend your clothes on your back,
    You’ll leave much money to lack.
  • If you find even ash, or four-leafed clover,
    You’ll see your love before the day’s over.
  • If you plant turnips on the twenty-fifth of July
    You’ll have turnips, wet or dry.
  • If the oak is out before the ash,
    Then we’ll only have a splash;
    If the ash is out before the oak,
    Then we’ll surely have a soak.
  • If you wed in bleak November,
    Only joys will come, remember.
  • If you marry in Lent
    You will live to repent.
  • If you wed when March winds blow,
    Joy and sorrow you’ll both know.

В. II. Conditional sentences type 2.

We use if + past + would + infinitive without to for situations that are “unreal”. We imagine a result in the present or future.

If I had more money (but I haven’t), I would spend more.

When we put the if part of the sentence first, we usually use a comma after it. We can also say:

I would spend more if I had more.

The short form of would is ‘d.

Instead of would we can use might or could in the main clause.

If I got more, I could save more. (could = would be able to)

After if we often use were instead of was for all persons.

If I were you, I would get a job.

IF …If ifs and ands were pots and pans…(Если бы да кабы …)

Look at the questions below and give the suitable answer.

Example: If it rained on your birthday, what would you do?

If it rained on my birthday, I’d go to the cinema with my friends.

  1. If someone gave you $100, what would you buy?
  2. If you found a dog with a broken leg, what would you do?
  3. If you won a plane ticket for anywhere in the world, where would you go?
  4. If you forgot your best friend’s birthday, what would you say?
  5. If you saw someone robbing a bank, what would you do?
  6. If you have lost your homework, what would you do?
  7. If you found someone’s wallet in the street, what would you do with it?
  8. If you lost your home key, what would you do?
  9. If you met a famous pop star, what would you say to him/her?
  10. If you could be a film star, who would you be?


Have got a good memory? Make two teams. Each pupil in team A says what he/she would do if he/she had a million dollars. Pupils in team B must try to remember what each pupil in team A said. Score one point for each correctly remembered sentence. Then play the game again with team B’s sentences.

If X had a million dollars, he would buy a ship.
If Y had a million dollars, she would go to Hollywood.


Listen to the text and retell it.

A lady who was travelling by train took a seat in a compartment where a man was smoking one cigarette after another. “If you were a gentleman,” she said to him after some time, “you’d have stopped smoking when a lady entered the compartment.” “If you were a lady,” he answered, “you wouldn’t have entered a smoking compartment.” “If you were my husband,” the lady exclaimed, “I’d give you poison!” “If I were your husband I’d take it,” was the reply.

IF… If the sky falls, we shall catch larks. (Если бы да кабы…)

If you could spend a day with a famous person, who would you choose? What would you do? Where would you go? What would you talk about?

Say four sentences.

If I could spend a day with a famous person, I would choose Julia Roberts. I would go to Hollywood with her …


If they asked me to cut my hair
I’d grow it long.
If they told me to tidy up my room
I’d make a mess.
If they ordered me to study harder
I’d burn my books.
But the trouble is
That they leave me alone
And I hate them for that.

Текст читается дважды. Затем учащиеся самостоятельно воссоздают текст письменно в небольших группах, используя текст-модель, записанный на доске.

Skeleton Text

If they asked me … I’d …
I’d … But the trouble is
If they told me … that …
I’d … and I …
If they ordered me …

What do you think who is this poem written by? Do you have such problems?


What do you think you would do if these things happened? Write your answers.

Example. If you found a big hairy spider in your bed

  • a – scream
  • b – squash it
  • c – keep it as a pet

If I found a big hairy spider in my bed, I would scream.

  1. If you saw a famous actor in the street
    a – go up and say hello
    b – be too shy to speak
    c – follow him or her
  2. If you saw a strange object in the sky
    a – photograph it
    b – tell your friends
    c– call the police
  3. If you found a bag full of money
    a – spend it
    b – tell the police
    c – share with your friends
  4. If you heard a loud noise in the night
    a – hide under the bed
    b – get up and look
    c – go to sleep again
  5. If you saw an elephant walking down the street
    a – phone the zoo
    b – run the other way
    c – do nothing
  6. If you were alone on a desert island
    a – cry
    b – explore it
    c – look out for a ship
  7. If you found a snake in your cupboard
    a – run away
    b – pick it up
    c – shut the door
  8. If you suddenly saw yourself on television
    a – laugh
    b – record it
    c – turn the television off
  9. If the phone rang in the middle of the night
    a – get out of bed and answer it
    b – put the pillow over your head
    c – tell someone to answer it
  10. If you won a car
    a – sell it
    b – keep it to someone in your family
    c – keep it until you got your driving license

Do the exercise again. This time say what you wouldn’t do.

If I found a big spider in my bed, I wouldn’t keep it as a pet.


Choose two things from the list that you would do if you lived on a tropical island for six months. Write two sentences.

If I lived on a tropical island, I would climb palm trees.

  • sleep all day
  • climb palm trees
  • play with the monkeys
  • collect shells
  • learn the local language
  • write a book about it
  • build a boat
  • go fishing all day
  • live in a tree house
  • swim every day
  • explore the jungle
  • paint pictures of


Work with a partner. Read the difficult situations and take turns to say what would you do in each situation. For each situation say which solution you would choose and why. Then say what might or could happen if you choose the other two solutions.

I would choose a because he wouldn’t know that it was untrue.
If I choose b, he might find out that I had lied.
If I choose c, I might hurt his feelings.

1. You have invited ten friends to a party. At school you see a boy you didn’t invite to the party because you don’t like him very much. He knows about the party and he wants to know why you didn’t invite him. Would you:

  • a – tell him that you were only allowed to invite ten people?
  • b – tell him that his invitation must have got lost in the post?
  • c – tell him that you didn’t like him?

2. You are late for school and you have left your bus pass at home. You don’t want to spend more money on a bus ticket. Would you:

  • a – go home and get your bus pass?
  • b – buy a bus ticket?
  • c – hide under one of the bus seats and hope the conductor didn’t see you?

3. A good friend has borrowed money from you several times but hasn’t paid it back. He/she has just asked you again to lend him/her 20 roubles. Would you:

  • a – lend him/her the money and say nothing?
  • b – refuse to lend the money and tell him/her why?
  • c – say that you didn’t have any money?

4. You have spent a lot of time doing a Geography project for school. Someone in your class wants to copy your project instead of doing one himself/herself. Would you:

  • a – tell him/her that you got a very low mark for your work?
  • b – tell him/her copy it and say nothing?
  • c – refuse and tell your teacher?

5. Your best friend has written a song. He/she thinks it is wonderful. You think it is terrible. He/she asks you for your opinion. Would you:

  • a – say that it was the best song you’d ever heard?
  • b – say that you thought it was quite good but that he/she should ask for other people’s opinions as well?
  • c – say that it was the worst thing you’d ever heard?

6. Your aunt has knitted a jumper for your birthday. It doesn’t fit you and you don’t like it. She spent a long time knitting it for you. Would you:

  • a – thank her and wear it every time you saw her?
  • b – tell her it didn’t fit and ask her to knit you another one?
  • c – thank her and give it to someone you didn’t like?

What Would You Do If …

Team A writes questions :

  • What would you do if the roof fell in?
  • What would you do if you won $10,000?
  • What would you do if a lion entered the room?
  • What would you do if it began to rain very hard?
  • What would you do if you had no money to get home?
  • What would you do if somebody stole your bicycle?
  • What would you do if your TV set wouldn’t work?
  • What would you do if there was no bread to be had?

Team B writes answers:

  • I would jump out of the window.
  • I would go for a long holiday.
  • I would get under my desk.
  • I would put up my umbrella.
  • I would walk home.
  • I would report to the police.
  • I would have it repaired.
  • I would eat cakes and biscuits instead.

All the questions are put into one box and all the answers into another. They are all mixed up and then each player draws one slip from both receptacles and reads them out, e.g. What would you do if you had no money to get home? I would put up my umbrella.

С. Conditional sentences type 3

We use if + past perfect + would have + past participle for unreal situations in the past. We imagine a condition or situation in the past which was impossible or didn’t happen.

If you had looked, (but you didn’t look) you would have seen the tiger in the garden.

When the if clause comes first, we usually have a comma after it. We can also put the main clause first.

I Wish

We use wish + past simple to talk about something in the present that we regret.

I wish I read that book.

We use wish + past perfect to talk about something in the past that we regret. We cannot change what did or didn’t happen.

I wish I hadn’t read that book.

Note also I wish I could (do something) to talk about something in the present or in the future.

I wish I could read that book.

If only

We can use if only instead of I wish with the same use of tenses.

If only I could read that book.

Panic at the bank

It was a quiet morning at the bank in Little Rissington. The cashiers were counting money, there were two customers in the bank and the manager was having a cup of coffee.

Suddenly a robber ran in. He was carrying a gun. One of the customers, an old lady, screamed and tried to run out of the bank. She slipped and fell over. The other customer tried to pull the robber to the floor. A cashier rang the alarm bell.

The manager telephoned the police. The robber panicked and jumped out of the window.

A policeman arrived. First he helped the old lady and then he chased the robber. The robber escaped.

What would/wouldn’t you have done if you had been the following people?

  • If I had been the manager, I would (wouldn’t)…
  • If I had been the cashier, I would (wouldn’t) …
  • If I had been the old lady, I would (wouldn’t) …
  • If I had been the second customer, I would (wouldn’t) …
  • If I had been the policeman, I would (wouldn’t) …
  • If I had been the robber, I would (wouldn’t)

4. Поэтический турнир. Конкурс на лучшее чтение стихотворения


For every evil under the sun
There is a remedy or there is none,
If there be one, try to find it.
If there be none, never mind it.

2. If All Were One

If all the seas were one sea,
What a great sea that would be!
And if all the trees were one tree,
What a great tree that would be!
And if all the axes were one axe,
What a great axe that would be!
And if all the men were one man,
What a great man that would be! (2 type)
And if a great man took the great axe,
And cut down the great tree,
And let it fall into the great sea,
What a great splash that would be!

3. I Wish I Knew

When the ships go sailing by,
I watch their smoke across the sky.
When do they go beyond the blue?
I wish I knew I wish I knew.
Maybe in the years to be
I shall sail across the sea,
And find what lies beyond the blue (3 type)
I wish I knew I wish I knew!

4. If many men knew

What many men know,
If many men went
Where many men go
If many men did
What many men do,
The world would be better – (2 type)
I think so, don’t you?

By Bertha R. Hudelson

5. There was a king, and he had

Three daughters,
And they all lived in a basin of water;
The basin bended,
My story’s ended.
If the basin had been stronger, (3 type)
My story would have been longer.

6. The Centipede

A centipede has a hundred legs
With which to move about,
And, travelling
Around, for him,
Is an easy task, no doubt.
But if I were a centipede,
I’m sure I wouldn’t know (2 type)
In what direction
Right or left
My legs would want to go.
Ilo Orleans

7. Little Bears

Once two little brown bears
Found a pear tree full of pears;
But they could not climb up there
For the trunk was smooth and bare.
“If I only had a chair”,
Said the elder brown bear,
“I would get the biggest pear (2 type)
That is hanging in the air.”
“If you do not soil my hair,”
Said the youngest little bear,
“I will serve you as a chair
and you can get the biggest pear.”

Polly Dale

8. Grizzly Bear

If you ever, ever, ever, ever meet a grizzly bear,
You must never, never, never ask him where
He is going,
Or what he is doing;
For if you ever, ever dare
To stop a grizzly bear,
You will never meet
Another grizzly bear. 1 type

Mary Ostin

5. Подведение итогов урока


If You Go to Rome

If you go to Rome
You’ll see the Coliseum,
If you go to London
Maybe you’ll see the Queen,
If you stay with me
You won’t see anything
But you’ll be happy
That’s for sure.

If you climb the mountains
You’ll be above the noisy crowds.
If you catch a jet plane
You’ll be above the clouds.
If you stay with me
You won’t see anything
But you’ll be happy
That’s for sure.

If you leave me now
I’ll be sad and lonely.
If you walk away
I’ll search around for you.
If it takes a year
I’ll find you, my darling.
And you’ll be happy,
That’s for sure.

If I make some money
Will you come and leave with me?
If I make some money
Will you change your mind?
If I ask you nicely
Will you make a cup of tea?
Then I’ll be very happy
That’s for sure.

Литература: Jennifer Seidl. Grammar One (Two, Three, Four) – Oxford University Press