Открытый урок по теме: "English homes"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:


а) развитие поликультурной компетенции учащихся через знакомство с организацией быта и уклада жизни английских семей,

б) развитие умения аргументировано выражать свою точку зрения,


а) научить учащихся осмысленно воспринимать информацию, дифференцировать ее на слух,

б) совершенствовать навыки логической интерпретации изученного материала

в) проконтролировать умения учащихся употреблять лексику по теме “The place we live in” в практической ситуации;


а) воспитывать в детях готовность помогать другим людям,

б) быть ответственными и добросовестно относиться к исполнению порученного задания.

Оснащение урока:

а) таблички с буквами, составляющие название темы урока;

б) карточки с текстом письма;

в) карточки с текстом рифмовок и сопроводительными иллюстрациями к ним;

г) плакат с зашифрованным кроссвордом на доске;

д) раздаточные карточки с таблицей для контроля задания по аудированию;

е) табличка с вводными клише.

Ход урока.

I. Organizing moment:

T: Good morning, my dear!

P-s: Good morning, Elena Innokentievna!

T: Lovely day, isn’t it?

P1: It’s rather lovely. P2: It’s really wonderful.

T: By the way, what date is it today?

P3: It’s the 24th of April today.

T: And what day is it?

P3: It’s Wednesday.

T: All right.

II The introduction:

T: At the beginning of the lesson I want you to guess its topic. Would you like to play a letter game?

P-s: Yes, of course. With great pleasure!

T: Then name the letters of the English alphabet, please.

(There are the cards with the hidden letters on the blackboard. As soon as the children name the proper letter the teacher opens it)

T: It’s great! You’ve done it. This is the topic of our lesson today.

The postman comes in: Excuse me, are you Elena Innokentievna?

T: Yes, it’s me.

The postman: Is it the 5a form?

P-s: Yes, it is.

The postman: It’s wonderful! It’s just what I need. I’ve brought you a letter from Mr. Satchkin-Patchkin. Here it is and good-bye.

T and P-s: Thank you. Good-bye.

T: Mr. Satchkin- Patchkin? Do you know him? I can’t remember who he is.

The supposed answers:

P1: He is a green little man.

P2: He lives in a tree like a leaf in an untidy garden.

P3: We read about him in our home-reading book.

T: Oh, yes. Now I’ve recollected. What does he want, I wonder? I’m so excited. Would you, please, help me to read what he wrote in his letter?

III. Reading:

The pupils begin to read aloud the message one after another:

My dear friends,
You know that I live like a leaf on an old apple tree and do not have a flat or a house. And now I want to buy my own house in London. But it’s a pity, I’m very busy now and can’t do it myself. I know that you are good children and study well at school. I think you can help me to choose a wonderful house in London, because you learned much about English houses. I asked two girls from a house agency to come to you and discuss it with you. Please, help me. I rely on you very much.

Hope to hear from you soon.

T: Dear children, are you ready to help him?

P-s: Willingly… Of course!

(The understanding of the main idea of the letter is checked up by asking several questions)

T: 1) What does he ask us to do?

2) Where does he want to have a house?

3) Who will come to us? …Etc.

IV. Phonetic practice:

T: Then before the girls come, let’s revise the words on the topic “House” and have a phonetic exercise. Please, listen to the beginning of the rhymes and try to complete them with the proper word.

“A little grey mouse
lives in a …” (house)

“Let’s probe
and buy a nice …” (wardrobe)

“Go and switch on
the light in the …”(kitchen)

“Mum bought a doily
and put it in the …” (toilet)

“Along the bridge
we carried a …” (fridge)

“I’ll take a new broom
and clean my…”( bedroom)

V. The revision of the words on the topic:

T: Great! I see that you can pronounce these words correctly. But if we want to buy a good house for Satchkin – Patchkin we must know the meanings of them, too. Now look at this crossword. You can find the hidden words here. Listen to my sentences, try to guess what I mean. Then circle this word in the crossword and show it in the picture. And at last say what it is used for.

(There is a crossword on the blackboard, surrounded by the pictures)

с u r t a i n s q w e r t y s u i b o p w
u a s d r f g i h j k l f r i d g e z x a
p c v b m n m t e f n a u q n w e d o o r
b r t y c u i t o i k m r m k n b r v c d
o x z l h k k i t c h e n j h c o o k e r
a g l f a d s n a p o i i u y r t o e w o
r m a n i b v g x c z a t s h d f m f g b
d h m i r r o r j s k l u o a i u y r w e
q a p z s x e o f o e o r a l g h k j f z
s d f a d o g o g f i r e p l a c e l c o
b a t h r o o m o a b n s f b d e y n t f

The task:

  1. A place where we can make or watch a fire. (A fireplace)
  2. A room where we can wash ourselves. (A bathroom)
  3. A room where there is a fridge, a sink and a cooker. (A kitchen)
  4. A place where we leave our coats and shoes when we come home. (A hall)
  5. A room where people sleep. (A bedroom)
  6. We can lock it with a key. (A door)
  7. We lock the door with it. (A key)
  8. We can read books or watch TV-set in this room. (A sitting-room)
  9. A thing where we can sit on or sleep. (A sofa)
  10. We can sit in it in front of the fire or TV –set. (An armchair)
  11. We can keep food, vegetables and fruit in it. (A fridge)
  12. A thing where we put cups, plates or glasses. (A cupboard)
  13. We can see them on the windows. (Curtains)
  14. People wash the dishes in it. (A sink)
  15. We put there our clothes. (A wardrobe)
  16. A man can see himself in it. (A mirror)

The supposed answers of the pupils:

P-s: 1) It’s a fireplace. People use it to make the room warm.

2) It’s a bathroom. We use it when we want to take a shower, a bath, to wash the clothes…

3) It’s a kitchen. We go there to cook food, to wash up the dishes…Etc.

VI. The listening comprehension:

The girls from the house agency come in.

Girl 1: Good afternoon, dear boys and girls!

Girl 2: Mr. Satchkin-Patchkin asked us to come and try to choose a house for him. Would you like to do it?

P-s: With great pleasure!

Girl 2: But firstly we want to be sure that you can cope with this task.

Girl 1: We shall read the information about English homes and you have to think what it can be.

Girl 2: We shall read five little texts under the numbers 1,2,3…which describe some place in a house.

Girl 1: Listen to them carefully and put down these numbers into the tables under the names of these places.

Girl 2: Try to remember the information we read to you.

(Each pupil is given a card with the similar task. While the girls twice read this information in turn the pupils fill in the tables with the proper number)






I believe that… I think that… It seems to me that… If I’m not mistaken As I understood… I’m sure that…
  1. There is no TV-set in this room. There is no bookcase in it. But we can see a wardrobe. There are two beds, two bedside-tables with lamps on them.
  2. This room is large and comfortable. There is a fireplace in it. We can see two soft armchairs and a sofa in it. There is a beautiful carpet on the floor. We can watch a TV-set in this room.
  3. In this room we can cook and keep food in the fridge. There is a table here and some chairs around it. We can wash the dishes here in the sink.
  4. When our friends come we can lay the table in the middle of this room. There is a cupboard usually in the corner and lovely curtains on the window. We usually have dinner or supper here, but we can’t cook in this room.
  5. This is the place where we can take a shower. We usually wash our hands and faces or clean teeth in the morning here. Toilet is usually in this room, too.

(After filling in the tables the girls begin to check up the task orally. The children say what number they put opposite the names of places in the house and try to give reasons for each answer repeating the information they managed to remember. They are recommended to start their answers with the phrases given below the table.)

VII. False or true.

And now, girls, I want you to listen to some more information about traditional English houses that the children read about in their books. By the way, children, do you remember it?

P-s: We think so.

The phrases the children usually use, fulfilling such a task:

How to agree

How to disagree

It’s true…

It’s really so… You are right…

It’s false …

Far from it … I doubt that …

Agree or disagree:

  1. Traditional English houses have two floors.
  2. The bedrooms and bathrooms are usually downstairs on the ground floor.
  3. The kitchen and the hall are upstairs on the first floor.
  4. The sitting room is usually the largest room in the house. English people have a fire-place in the sitting room.
  5. Englishmen like to grow beautiful flowers in front of the houses.

VIII. Making up the decision:

T: Well, my dear, do you know what they usually say about their homes?

P-s: “ East or West home is best.”

“ There is no place like home.”

“ My house is my castle.”

T: Are you pleased with the children, girls?

G-s: Yes, quite.

T: I know that you’ve prepared some film to show what house you can offer to Satchkin- Patchkin. Would you let us watch it?

(a piece from a self shot film, showing the interior of two English houses)

(After watching the film the children discuss it using the structure There is/ There are…)

The supposed answers of the pupils:

P-s: I think that the first house is better, because there are two floors in it… there is a cosy living-room there, a big bathroom, two bedrooms… there is a nice garden in front of the house…Etc

G-s: Does this house suit Satchkin- Patchkin?

P-s: Yes, of course!

T: OK. I think we chose a good house for him. And now write down your home task “To write an answer to Mr. Satchkin- Patchkin and describe a house that we bought for him”.

IX. Drawing a diagram.

T: And at last, my dear, would you please tell me what comes to your heads when you hear the name “English homes”.

(The children begin to name their associations and make some kind of a network which may look like this one. Each of the ideas may be developed in different ways.)

X. The conclusion.

T: Well, children, are you glad that we helped our friend Satchkin-Patchkin?

P-s: Yes, of course. He can live now in his own house.

T: Do you remember the English proverb “A friend in need is a friend indeed”? Is it proper here?

T: As for me, I’m so pleased with your wish to help those who ask you for help. You were so active today. Thanks a lot for your work. (The results)