Литературно-поэтический вечер, посвященный творчеству английского драматурга Уильяма Шекспира

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Конспект вечера

Звучит сюита для лютни: канцона, Франческо да Милано.

Teacher: Good afternoon everybody. Our party is dedicated to the greatest playwright in world literature William Shakespeare. I hope all of you will take an active part in it. Listen to some facts of W.Shakespeare's biography and the time when he lived and worked.

Pupil 1: The name of William Shakespeare is known all over the world. The last half of the 16th and the beginning of the 17th centuries are known as the Golden Age of English literature. It was the time of the English Renaissance and sometimes it is called “The Age of Shakespeare” (Слайд: “Портрет У.Шекспира”).

Pupil 2: People often call Shakespeare “Our National Bard”, “The Immortal Poet of Nature” or “The Great Unknown”. We really know few facts of his life and many of them are doubtful, but some facts are well known and proved by documents.

Pupil 3: The first fact of Shakespeare’s biography is that he was born on Арril 23, 1564 in Stratford - upon - Avon. His father, John Shakespeare, was a glover and a dealer in corn, meat, wool and leather, and other farm products. William’s mother Mary Arden, was the daughter of a rich farmer in the village of Wilcote (Слайд: “Дом, в котором родился и жил У. Шекспир”).

Pupil 4: In his childhood William went to the Stratford Grammar School, where besides reading and writing he was taught Latin and Greek. At that time there were no theatres in England. Groups of actors traveled from town to town and played in different places, usually out-of-doors. Sometimes actors came to Stratford. Young William went to see all their shows and liked them very much. He wanted to become an actor. Sometimes he wrote little plays himself and staged them his friends.

Pupil 5: We also know that being 18 years old William married Anne Hathaway, who was 9 years older than himself. They had a daughter Susanna. Their first child was born in 1583. And then twins- a son Hamnet and a daughter Judith followed in 1585. It is presumed that later that year Shakespeare left for London. He joined a group of actors there. Now Shakespeare was a young man of twenty-one.

Pupil 6: In 1594 Shakespeare became closely allied to the company of the Lord Chamberlain's Servants, which first occupied a playhouse called " The Theater " and then built the famous Globe Theatre and held their performances there. Shakespeare became the principal playwright to the company. He was also an actor, but obviously not a first- rate one because he usually acted only small parts. But Shakespeare’s experience as an actor helped him greatly in the writing of his plays, His knowledge of the stage, and his poetical genius made his plays the most remarkable ever written. (Слайд “Театр Глобус”).

Pupil 7: It is known that only in 1611, at the height of his fame, Shakespeare returned to Stratford. Four years ago (1597) he bought the largest house there, called “New Place”. On the 23rd of April 1616, he died exactly fifty-two years after the supposed day of his birth. He was buried in a fine old church in Stratford. A monument was erected to the memory of the great playwright in Westminster Abbey, (Слайд: “Церковь Святой Троицы”).

Teacher: You have motioned the main facts in Shakespeare s biography. Now, I’d like you to agree or disagree with some facts from William Shakespeare’s life. Be active, please! (работа на данном этапе проходит в режиме Т > Р1, Р2...).

1. Shakespeare was born in the 17th century. Is it true? (Nо, it isn't true. He was born in the 16th century, in 1564)

2. William got a good education in London. (If s not true. He got his education in the local grammar school in Stratford).

3. William married late; his wife was younger than him. (It’s false. He married when he was 18, his wife was 9 years older than himself).

4. William Shakespeare had three children: a daughter Susanna and twin sons. (He really had three children: a daughter Susanna and twins, but they were a daughter Judith and a son Hamlet).

5. His wife Anne Hathaway loved theatre very much. (It’s not true).

6. Shakespeare never acted on the stage. (It’s not true).

7. Shakespeare died in London and was buried in Westminster Abbey. (It’s false. He died in Stratford-on-Avon and was buried in the Holy Trinity Church in Stratford).

8. Shakespeare wrote 47 plays, 154 sonnets and 2 poems. (He wrote 37 plays, 154 sonnets and 2 poems).

Teacher: Thank you for your answers. I see that you know Shakespeare’s life rather well. As you know, in 1594 Shakespeare became closely allied to the theatre company of the Lord Chamberlain's Servants, which first occupied a playhouse called “The Theatre” and then built the famous Globe Theatre. The fact was that William Shakespeare worked as an actor for a short time. Then he became the principal playwright to the company and wrote plays for it.

Pupil 8: Listen to the story about Globe Theatre, that famous theatre of the 16th century. Then be ready to translate a number of sentences from English into Russian (The story is illustrated by a sketch of this theatre and two photos).

Globe Theatre

In the middle, there was a kind of house. There the actors dressed and kept the things which were used in the performance.

In front of it there was a platform.

This platform. together with the balcony over it, was the stage on which the actors played. They came out of the house to the stage through two large doors.

In front of the stage there was a large yard.

Round the Yard there were three balconies, one over the other . Both these balconies and the yard were for the people who came to see the performance.

The yard and the greater part of the stage were open to the sky.

The actors were often very good. They could play, sing and dance. Women’s parts were played by boys or young men. An actor of ten played two or three parts in the performance.

Music was very important.

The performance began at three o’clock. From its beginning till it was over, people could see a flag over the theatre. The people of London loved their theatre very much. Everybody went to the theatre in London both young and old, rich or poor. Those who could not pay much for their tickets stood in the yard. If they were tired they could sit on the ground. Rich men and their wives sat in the balconies and aristocrats were allowed to sit on the stage. People had no newspapers, no radio or television in those days. That’s why the theatre played a great role in their lives.

The performance gave them a great enjoyment, but they came to the theatre not only for pleasure, they came to hear the news, to learn something of the history of England or of some other countries. They were taught the great science of life there.

Pupil 9: That is the story of the famous Globe Theatre. Now be ready to translate some sentences from English into Russian.

1) In the middle, there was a kind of house.

2) In front of it there was a platform.

3) This platform, together with the balcony over it, was the stage on which the actors played.

4) In front of the stage there was a large yard.

5) Round the yard there were three balconies, one over the other.

6) The yard and the greater part of the stage were open to the sky.

7) Women’s parts were played by boys or young men.

8) An actor of ten played two or three parts in the performance.

9) The performance began at three o’clock.

10) From its beginning till it was over, people could see a flag over the theatre.

11) The people of London loved their theatre very much.

Teacher: Thank you for your story and translation. You know we can divide Shakespeare’s creative work into three parts:

The most successful was the beginning dating back to 1590 – 1600.
The most complicate and hard working period was the second one dating back to 1601 – 1608.
Shakespeare overlooked his life and his creative work in 1609 - 1612.

T –> Gr 1, 2, 3: A number of Shakespeare’s tragedies, comedies and historical plays were written during the second period of his creative work. I ‘ m sure that you know them well . So your next task is to devide his plays into tragedies and comedies. Well, I have 14 cards in my hands where the names of Shakespeare’s plays are written. The cards are mied. We are three groups here. Take these cards and choose where a comedy or tragedy is. Place them on the blackboard in two colomns: the first one is for comedies, the other is for tragedies. Let me see which group will be the first. Start, please! ( нa доске появляются 2 колонки с названиями шекспировских произведений):


“The Comedy of Errors” - “Комедия Ошибок”

“The Taming of the Shrew” - “Укрощение Строптивой”

“All well that ends well” - “Всё хорошо, что хорошо кончается”

“A Midsummer Night’s Dream” - “Сон в летнюю ночь”

“Much Ado about Nothing” - “Много шума из ничего”

“Twelfth Night” - “Двенадцатая ночь”

“The Merry wives of Windsor” - “Виндзорские насмешницы”


“Hamlet, Prince of Denmark”


“King Lear”


“Romeo and Juliet”

“Julius Caesar”

“Anthony and Cleopatra”

Teacher: Thank you! You are so quick with your task. Let us read the names of comedies and tragedies and translate them into Russian. Repeat after me please! (T ® Cl). Good of you! Now listen to the extract from one of Shakespeare s plays and tell us what play it is from.

Pupil 10: What mostly troubled the young prince was an uncertainty about his father’s death. Claudius told everybody that a snake had bitten the king. The young prince however, suspected that Claudius himself had killed the king. Wow right was he? What ought he to think of his mother?

T –> Cl: Well, it’s true! And what was the name of the young prince?

Cl: Hamlet!

Teacher: You are right. His name was Hamlet. Now listen to an extract from this famous play.

Pupil 10:

To or not to be, that is the question:

- Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer.

The stings and arrows of outrageous fortune:

Oh to take arms against a sea of troubles;

And by opposing end them? - To die - До sleep,

No more; - and, by a sleep, to say we end.

The heartache, and the thousand natural

Shocks. That flesh in heir to, - ’tis a consummation.

Devoutly to be wish’d. To die; - to sleep; - To sleep!

Быть или не быть - таков вопрос;

Что благородней духом - покоряться

Пращам и стрелам яростной судьбы

Иль, ополчась на море смут, сразить их

Противоборством? Умереть, уснуть

И только; и сказать, что сном кончаешь

Тоску и тысячу природных мук,

Наследье плоти, - как такой развязки

Не жаждать? Умереть, уснуть, - Уснуть!

(Перевод М. Лозинского)

Teacher: “То be or not to be; that is the question.” This question is known to everybody, but there are a lot of other famous quotations and interesting expressions from Shakespeare’s plays. Translate some of them; please:

Т - Cr 1,2,3:

The beginning of the end - Начало конца.
The wrilling of time - Превратности судьбы.
There the rub- Вот в чём загвоздка.
All is well that ends well - Всё хорошо, что хорошо кончается.
Life is not all cakes and ale - Жизнь прожить - не поле перейти.
Brevity is the soul of wit - Краткость - сестра таланта.
Much ado about nothing - Много шума из ничего.
Sweets to the sweet - Прекрасное – прекрасной.
To win golden opinions - Заслужить благоприятное мнение.

(Плакат с цитатами раздаётся по группам: учащиеся переводят их на русский язык. Учитель следит за тем, какие группы быстрее справились с заданием.)

Teacher: I see you know Shakespeare’s famous quotations and interesting expressions rather well.

Pupil 12: Хотя творческое наследие Шекспира богато и разнообразно, мы очень мало знаем о личной жизни Шекспира, сведения о его биографии довольно скудные. Искусствоведы, литературоведы даже не могут назвать точную дату его рождения и называют её приблизительно, т.е. 23 апреля, а четыре года из жизни Шекспира (1612-1614) нам совершенно неизвестны. Предполагают лишь, что из Лондона он переехал вместе с семьёй в родной город, где умер 23 апреля 1616 года 52 лет от роду и похоронен в Стратфордской церкви. Позже в Вестминстерском Аббатстве в Лондоне был поставлен памятник великому драматургу. Потомки Шекспира существовали до 18 века.

Уже в 17 веке возникают сомнения в самом факте существования Шекспира. Предполагают, что совершенно другой человек взял себе это имя в качестве псевдонима.

Причины сомнений

1. Скудость биографических сведений.

2. Не сохранилась ни одна рукопись.

3. Недоверие к художественному дарованию человека, вышедшего из низов (его родители были не очень богатыми, а сам он закончил только грамматическую школу в Стратфорде).

Pupil 13: Особое место в творчестве Шекспира занимают сонеты. Эпоха возрождения требовала эрудиции автора, его умения и стремление идти в ногу с жизнью. Эпоха Возрождения - это ничто иное как расцвет мысли, искусства, всего прекрасного, т.е. стремление к новой жизни, новым свершениям. Поэтому сонеты Шекспира наполнены лиричностью, звучностью. В них много эпитетов, метафор, которые украшают сонет, облекают мысль автора в мелодичные строки.

Pupil 14: Когда литературоведы собрали все сонеты воедино и распределили их по годам написания, выяснилось, что все они были написаны в момент какого-то особого душевного состояния, какое-то событие всегда служило поводом для их написания. Некоторые критики придерживаются той точки зрения, что по своей природе сонеты Шекспира автобиографичны, другие говорят, что обращение к третьему лицу (т.е. своему другу) - традиционный литературный приём в поэзии эпохи Возрождения.

Pupil 15: Действительно, в сонетах Шекспира всегда три главных героя: сам поэт, его друг и таинственная леди. Все собрание сонетов представляет собою лирическую повесть о дружбе поэта с юношей и его страстной любви к Даме сердца. Поэт выражает доброе, тёплое восхищение своим другом и свою искреннюю любовь к таинственной незнакомке. Но, несмотря на такие авторские намерения, закрадывается мысль, что друг поэта какой-то неглубокий, поверхностный, неоткровенный в своих чувствах, а порой даже жестокий, раздражительный, обидчивый. По предположениям специалистов этот третий никто иной как внутренний мир самого Шекспира. Заглядывая в свои мысли, рассуждая сам с собой, он как бы обращается к некоему юноше и даже ревнует своё второе “Я” к возлюбленной, хотя она порой бывает обманчивая, злая.

Несчастье поэта в том, что его гений, который должен создавать замечательные вещи, страдает от мелких обид, переживаний, которые он терпит от близких ему людей.

Teacher: Indeed, Shakespeare wrote many sonnets - 154. They are very popular and loved by people. All of them were translated into different languages. Now, listen to some of Shakespeare’s sonnets. (Учащиеся декламируют сонеты Шекспира).

Teacher: Thank you! I like the way you have recited Shakespeare’s sonnets. What about his plays?

You see, Shakespeare’s plays are still popular nowdays. They are staged and many of them have contemporary meaning. Now you will see an extract from his famous play “Romeo and Juliet” (Act 3, Scene 5)

Teacher: Thank you! You are brilliant actors! And now the last point I would like to pay your attention to. It is a Quiz. Let me see who knows Shakespeare and his plays best of all.


  1. When was Shakespeare born and when did he die? (April 23, 1564 - April 23, 1616)
  2. Who was Shakespeare ’s favorite actress? (He had no favorite actress; all roles were played by men.)
  3. Where did the sonnet first appear? (In Italy, in the 14th century)
  4. How was Shakespeare called by common people? (“The Swan of Avon”, “Sweet Swan of Avon”, “Great Unknown”)
  5. Who were the most romantic and tragic lovers? (Romeo and Juliet)
  6. Who was the most jealous person who even killed his wife? (Othello)
  7. Who were the most famous Russian translators of Shakespeare’s works? (S. Marshak, B. Pasternak, A. Ostrovski, M Losinski)
  8. When was the modern building of Shakespeare Memorial Theatre opened? (1932) Where? (In Stratford - Upon - Avon)

Шекспировский мемориальный театр в Стратфорде - на - Эйвоне.

Pupil 16: Ежегодный театральный сезон Шекспировских произведений, которые ставят на сцене Шекспировского Мемориального театра, давно стал одной из английских традиций. В 1814 году, Чарльз Эдвард Флауэр, известный всем в городе Стратфорде человек, создал проект городского театрального здания. Для постройки театра было выделено 2 акра земли (1 акр = 6,4 га) на берегу реки. Конечно, было очень много критических выступлений со стороны местной и центральной прессы, но ничто не могло остановить Чарльза Эдварда Флауэра. И 23 апреля 1879 года в день рождения Шекспира на проходившем как раз в то время Шекспировском Фестивале был открыт первый Мемориальный театр. С тех пор фестивали стали проходить ежегодно по несколько недель.

Pupil 17: В 1926 году Стратфордский театр, как и два других известных театра, Drury Lain (Друэри Лэйн) и Covent Garden (Ковент Гарден), сгорели дотла. Но традиция проведения шекспировских сезонов не прекратилась. И в течение шести последующих лет он размещался в одном из местных кинотеатров, пока председатель совета (коллегии) губернаторов, а затем Сэр Арчибальд Флауэр (Sir Archibald Flower), не начали всемирно известную кампанию по сбору средств на его восстановление. В 1929 году, спустя три года после пожара в фундамент был заложен первый камень. Современный Шекспировский Мемориальный театр, который был открыт в 1932 году, не пытается имитировать своего готического предшественника. Смелый дизайн и розовый кирпич удачно гармонируют с окружающими зданиями.

Pupil 18: В своё время губернаторы потратили 100 000 фунтов стерлингов на смену декорации и проведение капитального ремонта. Для актёров было отведено большое количество гримёрных, оборудовали Green Room (Зелёную Комнату) - артистическую комнату отдыха актёров за кулисами. Для освещения сцены был установлен распределительный щит, а в зале поставили дополнительно 135 кресел. И в наши дни это один из самых комфортабельных и отлично экипированных театров в мире, полностью находящийся на самообеспечении, со своими собственными гардеробами мастерскими, библиотекой, картинной галереей и рестораном.

Teacher: The meeting of our club is over. Thank you for taking an active part in it. Good Bye!