Конспект урока по домашнему чтению "Walt Disney"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

I. Организационный момент

II. Цели урока

1. Воспитательная: сознать условия для воспитания чувства прекрасного.

2. Развивающая: развивать способности учащихся к репродуктивной и продуктивной речевой деятельности. Развивать навыки аудирования.

3. Познавательная: познакомить учащихся с жизнью и творчеством выдающегося американского мультипликатора Уолта Диснея.

III. Начало урока

Т. Bear boys and girls, today we are going to speak about outstanding man Walt Disney.

I suppose that everybody knows this name. Always we watch different cartoons we remember this man. In some countries of the world there are perfect amusement parks called “Disneyland”. Every child dreams to visit one of these parks. It is known that all children like different cartoons.

And you...

IV. Речевая зарядка

1. Do you like cartoons?

2. How often do you watch cartoons?

3. What cartoons do you like most of all?

4. What is your favorite Russian cartoon?

5. What is your favorite foreign cartoon?

6. What is the name of the creator of “Nu, pogodi!”

7. What is your favorite cartoon character?

8. What is the name of your favorite cartoon director?

9. Do you know the names of Wall Disney's cartoons? Call me their names, please.

T. I hope you read me text about W.Disney at home and you understood these combinations of words. Translate them into English.

· американец по происхождению
· блестящий бизнесмен
· был зачислен в школу
· переехали в Канзас
· бизнес по доставке газет
· брать уроки
· уроки по рисованию
· карикатуристы
· превратить в небольшую студию
· стать партнёром
· один из первых
· парк с аттракционами
· приветствовать посетителей

V. Работа по домашнему тексту

Т. I think your home task was not difficult and you learned new facts about W.Disney. So, answer my questions.

· What do you learn from the text?
· What facts of W.Disney's life made on you great impression?
· Do you agree that his life was not easy?
· Waft Disney was a man of purpose, wasn't he?

VI. Работа по карточкам.

Т. And now you get different cards with the tasks to your home text

Учащиеся получают карточки с различными заданиями.


Put these sentences in right order according to the text.

1. After school Walt and Roy delivered newspapers, but their father didn't pay them any money.

2. One of his discoveries was the movie house that had just opened in Mareeline.

3. He remembered nothing of his early years in Chicago.

4. Walt Disney was an American original, a man who developed the animated film into an art form.

5. The summer of 1918 was the best that Walt had known.

6. “Alice in Cartoonland” was one of his first cartoons.

7. Walt’s brother Roy became his partner.

8. By January 1930 W.Disney had created 2 Mickey Mouse cartoons.

Ответы (4, 3, 2, 1, 5, 7, 8)


Answer these questions.

1. When was Walt Disney born?

2. How old was Walt when he enrolled at the Park School?

3. Where did Walt's father buy a newspaper delivery business?

4. Who delivered newspapers after school?

5. When did Walt Disney move to Chicago?

6. Where did Wall Disney take classes in Chicago?


Are following statements true or falls? Use the phrases of agreement/disagreement.

agreement disagreement
– Yes, of course!
– Sure!
– Yes, it's true!
– You are right!
– I agree with you!
– Naturally!
– You are wrong!
– That's wrong!
– Nothing of the kind!
– You are mistaken!

1. Walt Disney was born on September 5, 1901.

2. Walt didn't go to school.

3. Mr. Disney bought newspaper delivery business.

4. On Saturday mornings he took classes in painting and drawing at the Kansas City Art Institute.

5. Nobody of his teachers worked on the Chicago newspapers.

6. In some years Walt bought a new camera.

7. His firs film was “Mickey Mouse”.

8. His brother Roy began to work with Walt and became his partner.

9. The first Disneyland was built in 1995.


Complete me sentences.

1. Watt Disney remembered nothing…
2. Walt was almost 7 when he...
3. In l911 when Walt was 10 years old...
4. On Saturday mornings he took classes in painting...
5. The summer of 1918 was...
6. By January 1930 Walt Disney had created...
7. All of Walt Disney's characters walkthrough.
1. ... 12 Mickey Mouse cartoons.
2. ... the best that Walt had known.
3. ... of his early days in Chicago.
4. ... the family moved to Kansas.
5. ... was enrolled at the Park School.
6. ... the streets of Disneyland to greet its many visitors.
7. ... and drawing at the Kansas City Art Institute.

Ответы (1, 3; 2, 5; 3, 4; 4, 7; 5, 2; 6, 1; 7, 6)

VII. Аудирование микротекста

Т. You have done your tasks well Listen to the small text and answer the questions. (Текст прослушивается 2 раза.)

Вопросы к тексту:

1. Did Walt help his tamer?

2. What did Walt do with pleasure?

3. What did Wart's aunt give him?

4. Where did Wart's brothers go?

Т. We have some minutes else. Imagine you meet Walt Disney. What would you ask him about?

VIII. Подведение итогов



Walt Disney was an American original, a man who developed the animated film into an art form. A brilliant businessman, he also created Disneyland, which proved to be as much an innovation in the world of outdoor entertainment as Disney films were in the world of motion pictures.

Walt Disney was born on Sunday, December 5,190 L He remembered nothing of his early years in Chicago, but the memories of Marceline, Missouri, stayed with him throughout his life.

As Watt, grew older he wondered far away from the family farm and learned to watch animals that lived in the woods.

Walt was almost 7 when he was enrolled at the Park School. He read the standard texts, studied arithmetic, writing, geography and spelling. One of his discoveries was the movie house mat had just opened in Marceline.

In 1911, when Waft was ten years old, the family moved to Kansas City. Mr. Disney bough a newspaper delivery business and me father expected Walt to help with the newspaper business and deliver newspapers. After school Walt and Roy delivered newspapers, but their father didn't pay them any money. On Saturday mornings he took classes in painting and drawing at the Kansas City Art Institute.

In 1917 Walt Disney moved to Chicago and took a job at the post office and took classes at Chicago's Academy of Fine Art. Some of his teachers were cartoonists on the Chicago newspapers

The summer of 1918 was the best that Waft had known. For the first time in his life Walt had enough money and he thought of buying a movie camera.

His next job was drawing cartoons for screen advertisement in movie theatres, just like TV today.

In some years in Hollywood Waft rented an old camera and a garage, which he turned into a small studio. Water’s brother Roy became his partner. "Alice in Cartoonland" was one of his first cartoons. In it Alice was a real person and inhabitants of Cartoonland were animated.

In 1927 the first movie with sound was shown. It was called a talkie. Walt decided to put his new character Mickey Mouse into a talkie. By January 1930 W. Disney had created 12 Mickey Mouse cartoons. Waft set to work to create even more new cartoon characters. There were "Minnie Mouse", "Pluto", "Cow", and "Donald Duck" and so on.

For years Walt had thought about creating a perfect amusement park. He decided to call it Disneyland.

Disneyland was Waifs biggest success. All of Walt Disney's cartoon characters walk through the streets of Disneyland to greet its many visitors.

Walt died on December 14,1966 at the age of 65.

The New York "Times" wrote: "He had a genius for innovation; his production was enormous; his hand was ever on the public pulse. He was a legend in his own lifetime and so honored many times over".



Walt helped his father at the farm as much as he could. When he had time Walt loved to draw, but he didn't have any paper and pencils of his own. His aunt Maggie knew that Walt needed to play as well as work, and she gave him a pad of paper and a box of pencils.

One day Walt‘s brothers Raymond and Herb left the farm to go and live in Kansas City. Only Walt, his brother Roy and sister Ruth left to help with chores. Walt and Roy were not strong enough to take the place of their older brothers. Mr. Disney had to do most of the heavy work himself.