Сценарий урока по английскому языку по теме "We must protect our environment"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока: Совершенствовать навыки работы учащихся старших классов с текстами в зависимости от целевых установок.

Воспитательная цель: Развивать у учащихся экологическое мышление, умение ценить окружающий мир, умение ощущать себя неотъемлемой частью окружающего мира.

Учебные задачи урока:

  1. Активизировать ЛЕ по теме в чтении и в речи учащихся.
  2. Организовать работу с текстом “People start pollution. - People can stop it” с целью изучающего чтения.
  3. Организовать работу с текстами “Ecological problems of our region”, “The Baltic” с целью просмотрового чтения.

Ход урока


1. Организационный момент. Вступительное слово учителя.

- Good morning, everybody. Let’s begin our lesson. The topic of our lesson will be “We must protect our environment”. The problem is that our planet faces destruction because of acid rains, ozone holes, too much garbage, all sorts of air and water pollution. That’s why people should realize the seriousness of the question and must react. At the lesson we shall read some information about environmental problems and discuss them.

2. Фонетическая и речевая зарядка.

Teacher: There is an expression on the screen written by Ernest Hemingway, a famous American writer: “The world is a fine place and worth fighting for”. Read the expression and translate it. (Ученик зачитывает слова Американского писателя, другой переводит. Далее проходит обсуждение высказывания).

Teacher: Do you think the world is a fine place? Is the world beautiful? Is the world interesting? Is it colourful? Is it different? Is it great? But it is not big as we think

- Look at the apple. Imagine it’s our planet. I’m cutting it into 4 pieces. Three quarters (3/4) of the Earth surface is water and only 1/4 is land. (Режется 1/4 пополам). One half of it is habitable. The rest of the land is the deserts, mountains, frozen ice-caps and other places that people cannot live in. (Следующий кусочек режется на 4 части). Only 1/32 gives us food and shelter. Less than 1% of water is drinkable. So you see! People should take care of their small Earth.

3. Работа с текстом (изучающее чтение).

Teacher: Let’s work with the text about the environmental situation on our planet. We shall work with the words properly. You will do some other tasks.

a) Активизация ЛЕ.

  1. I will spell the words - guess what words they are: kind, sea, insect, civilization, deforestation.
  2. Read the words in the alphabetical order: pollution, pesticides, power, plants.
  3. Make up the word combinations and translate them:
greatest rains
acid problem
global wastes
industrial dangers
serious warming
  • Solve the puzzles:
p e s              
e q u              
    c l      
    g a n              
  • Make up the words from separate letters. Read and translate them:








б) Чтение текста.

Teacher: - That’s all with the words. I would like you to read the text itself. Remember the words. Try not to make mistakes. (Учащиеся читают текст по абзацам).


  • The pollution of the land, air and water is the problem of civilization. It is one of the greatest dangers on the Earth. Ecological problems are deforestation, ozone holes, acid rains and the global warming.
  • The seas are in danger. They are filled with industrial wastes and pesticides.
  • Every 10 minutes one kind of animal, plant or insect dies out for ever.
  • Air pollution is a very serious problem. In Cairo breathing the air is equivalent to smoking two packs of cigarettes a day.
  • Plants and factories make the greenhouse effect.
  • The greater problem is nuclear power stations. We all know Chernobyl tragedy. People are beginning to realize the environmental problems. They join international organizations and green parties. All states ought to save the Earth from an ecological catastrophe.

в) Работа над содержанием текста.

Teacher: - Let’s work under the contents of the text.

Find the key sentences. (Учащиеся находят ключевые предложения).

Correct my statements. (Учащиеся исправляют неверные утверждения учителя).

Let’s work in pairs. Ask each other questions and answer them. (Учащиеся составляют мини-диалоги. Опора находится на экране).

  1. What are ecological problems?
  2. Are the seas in danger?
  3. What is the problem of civilization?
  4. What happens every 10 minutes?
  5. Air pollution is a very serious problem, isn’t it?
  6. What makes the greenhouse effect?
  7. What is the greater problem?
  8. Do you think all states ought to save the Earth?
  • Summarize the text, retell it. The word stair will help you. (Учащиеся пересказывают текст, опираясь на опору).

The pollution of the land……………

Ecological problems are……………

The seas………………

Every 10 minutes……………….

Air pollution is………………

Plants and factories…………….

The greater problem is…………….

All states ought to……………….

4. Рефлексия.

Teacher: - Let’s do a very plain gymnastics for our necks.

- Look at the ceiling,

- Look at the floor,

- Look at the window,

- Look at the door.

5. Работа с текстами (поисковое чтение).

Teacher: - You will get to know some more information about environment and its problems. We shall divide into 2 groups. The first group will read the text “The Baltic, a Sea of Waste”. The second group will work with the text “Ecological problems of our region”. There’s no need to understand every detail of the text. Your are to look through the texts and do the tasks written on the sheets of paper.


  • The Baltic is a special case. It is a small sea and it becomes dirty very easily. There are hundreds of factories on the rivers which run into the Baltic. Millions of people live along them. Seven industrial countries surround the Baltic. All this affects the state of the sea water, flora and fauna.
  • Pollution is a serious problem. It affects everyone every day. Where does pollution come from? Is it only factories, big ships and cars that pollute? No. It is you and me as well. If you drop litter, you pollute. That’s how it begins.
  • Most big cities pour their waste into seas and rivers. For a long time people did not realize the danger. The first alarm came from Japan. Sixty people died because they had eaten polluted fish.
  • Fortunately all the countries in the Baltic area have realized the problem. They came to the agreement. The aim of it is to prevent oil pollution of the sea, to organize fishing and the preservation of sea life.

Tasks for the text:

1. Read the text and answer the question: where does pollution come from.

2. Read the text carefully and find the sentences which explain that people have realized the problem.


The Far North has grown several times. It was due to the rapid development of northern territories. Thousands of kilometers of roads and railways have been built. Thousands of wells have been drilled. A large oil and gas complex was constructed. It is harmful for the environment.

Thousands of trees are cut out. Millions of tons of oil have got into the ground and water. Flares put wastes into the air. The land, grass and trees around the flare resemble a foot of a volcano. The damage to the flora and fauna is great.

What must be done? People must minimize the damage to the Nature. They must improve technical equipment, the technology of oil and gas.

People must be responsible for their deeds. We must do our best to save the original nature of our region.

Tasks for the text:

1. Reading the text, find out what must be done to prevent the damage.

2. Think of another title of the text.

6. Обучение говорению.

Teacher: - There are a lot of kinds of containers and thins that become litter or garbage after use. Let’s see how long it takes litter to disappear, to decay.

a) - What kind of container have you got? (Учащимся даны предметы повседневного обихода: клубок шерсти, деревянная палочка, пластиковая бутылка…)

в) - What is the period of time necessary for a thing to decay?

г) - Tell me, please, the sentences about the things you have got.

Pupil 1: -Wool decays during 1 year.

Pupil 2: -Plastic bottles decay during 500 years…

7. Подведение итогов.

Teacher: - Do you realize the seriousness of the problems? I think you do. What must people do to protect our environment? I think you are ready with the posters. Come up to the blackboard, put your poster on it and announce it.

We must live in harmony with Nature.
We must plant new forests, flowers.
Hunting rare animals is forbidden.
Use 3 R’s (recycle, reuse, reduce).
Pick up litter. Put up signs: “Please, don’t litter”.
Save water.
Don’t use plastic bags.
Start ecological education at school.
Change fuel: gas instead of wood.

Teacher: - You worked well today. Your marks are good and excellent. I want you to remember that you should treat all the people, animals and plants with love and care, respect everybody and everything and you will be happy. It’s our responsibility to preserve the Earth for ourselves and for future generations. Please, put down your homework. The lesson is over, good luck to you, good bye.

Домашнее задание: АВ стр. 58 (читать, переводить текст “Окружающая среда”).