Урок английского языка в 8-м классе по теме "Города мира: вехи, символы, образы…"


Цели и задачи урока:

  1. Совершенствовать речемыслительную деятельность учащихся через различные формы работы с текстом.
  2. Обучать стратегиям работы с различными источниками информации.
  3. Систематизировать ранее известные сведения о Британии, США, России и Франции.
  4. Расширить представления учащихся новой информацией об этих странах.
  5. Формировать “стратегии понимания” и умения ориентироваться в логико-смысловой структуре текста.
  6. Активизировать лексико-грамматический материал прошлых уроков в речи учащихся.

Развивающие задачи урока:

  1. Развивать языковую догадку и речевую наблюдательность.
  2. Развивать мышление и память.
  3. Развивать умения высказываться логично и связно, делать выводы и анализировать полученную информацию.
  4. Совершенствовать умственную деятельность учащихся через анализ и умения сравнивать и делать выводы.
  5. Развивать умения понимать содержание иноязычного текста, извлекать необходимую информацию.
  6. Развивать умения сворачивать информацию в схемы и пользоваться таблицами при чтении информации.
  7. Развивать умения систематизировать учебный материал и применять его в учебной ситуации.

Познавательные цели урока:

  1. Обогатить учащихся знаниями культурологического характера.
  2. Обучать учащихся систематизировать лингвострановедческий материал по теме.
  3. Обогатить словарный запас учащихся с первичной автоматизацией лексических единиц.

Воспитательные цели урока:

  1. Воспитывать у учащихся интерес к истории и традициям своей страны, малой родине и странам мира, языки которых учащиеся изучают.


Раздаточный материал (Приложения 1, 2, 3) для работы на уроке

Компьютерная презентация (достопримечательности Америки, Британии, России), материалы презентации используются по ходу урока

Ход урока

  1. Введение в тему урока, подготовка учащихся к восприятию темы, фонетическая зарядка по теме урока и беседа в режиме “Учитель – класс”
  2. “Гости представляют свои микрорайоны” (монологические высказывания учащихся по сюжету “ My Neighbourhood”)
  3. Определение учащимися темы урока (предлагается “African Crossword”)
  4. Чтение текста “Эйфелева башня” (множественный выбор)
  5. Работа с информацией и сворачивание информации в таблицу, последующее чтение информации в форме связного текста—Any City Has its Symbols
  6. Твои советы зарубежному сверстнику о Москве—What is worth seeing in Moscow?
  7. Развитие логико-смысловой догадки—работа с текстом “Buckingham Palace”
  8. Обсуждаем символы родного города


Good morning, dear girls and boys! Today I invite you to make a short trip as there is so much to see in the world and I believe you will like our trip.

There are many different means of travelling but as our trip is a bit magic, I think that “A FLYING CARPET” is a very nice means of transport, so get on and let’s begin our travelling (текст стихотворения в компьютерной презентации)

Phonetic Drills

If I had a flying carpet
Carrying me through the air
I would make a lovely trip
Getting everywhere
What countries would I visit?
What cities would I see?
To learn new things in other lands
How exciting that would be!

После фонетической отработки стихотворения идет беседа в режиме “Учитель – ученик” на базе стихотворения – What countries and cities would you like to see visit? Why? Учащиеся дают самые разнообразные ответы (I want to visit England because I think there is a lot to see there and I want to speak English in this country. / I want to visit France, because I learn French at school./ I want to visit Brazil because I like carnivals and I want to see them / I want to visit Italy because this country is very beautiful and has many museums./ I want to visit Liverpool, because The Beatles lived there and I like their songs./ I want to visit America because I want to see Disneyworld in this country/ Etc.)

2) People like travelling, they like visiting other countries and cities, they like admiring other cities’ sights because they are different and really very interesting. Every day newspapers and television bring us news from many countries of the world and in this way we learn about these countries. From this information we try to imagine the pictures about these countries and people living there in our minds. You know the proverb “SO MANY MEN, SO MANY MINDS” and countries also differ a lot thanks to their landmarks first of all.

3) We have invited some citizens from different world cities and they are going to tell us about the neighborhoods they live in. Meet them!

The guests tell about – проверяется домашнее задание учащихся рассказать о знаменитых улицах Лондона, Лос Анджелеса, Нью Йорка, Оренбурга, так как на предыдущих занятиях учащиеся работали с текстами учебника (упр. 1-4, стр.21, текст “Famous Streets”) и дополнительными текстами, предложенными учителем.

a) Hello, I am Jessica and I am from Los Angeles, USA. I live in Hollywood Boulevard. There are many cafes, restaurants and film museums. There are also the Guinness World Records Museum and Mann’s Chinese Theatre. On the pavement outside Mann’s Theatre there are handprints and footprints of famous actors. I like my neighbourhood very much because I can meet a lot of celebrities there every day, watch some performances and visit museums with my friends. It’s really fantastic!

b) Hi, I’m Alex and I’m from London. I live in Regent Street, which is one of the most famous shopping area in Europe. Regent Street is very important for London and it is difficult to imagine the British capital without it. The street is about 200 years old, it took 12 years (from 1814 to 1826) to build it.

Though it is the centre of fashion, you can also find here Regent’s Park, one of the most attractive London’s parks. I like my neighbourhood because I am an out-going person and spend much time in Regent’s park with my friends

c) Hi, I am also from London, my name is Helen, and I live near another famous London street. It is Oxford Street, the heart of London. There are about 10, 000 streets in London, most streets are not very wide, but everybody knows Oxford Street as London’s main shopping centre. You can find here such large stores as Selfridges, D H Evans, John Lewis and others. Tourists from all over the world do shopping here and you can buy clothes, shoes, toys and many other things.

d) Well, my name is Dan. I am from New York, USA. I live in Manhattan, not far from Wall Street which is a symbol of money and power because Wall Street is the centre and symbol of American business. The street is short and narrow, but most of the city’s banks are here as it is the financial centre of the country. The street got its name in the old days when one of the Dutch governors of New Amsterdam (the name of New York in those days) built a wall across Manhattan to protect the colonists from the Indians. The wall was later broken down but the name remained. Here you can also find the Trinity Church, the Federal Hall National Memorial (a museum of the colonial and early Federal periods in New York), the New York Stock Exchange and the biggest bank of the USA. I like my neighbourhood very much because it tells about the history of my native place.

e) Hi, I am also from America and I want to tell you about one of the streets whose name is well-known all over the world. It is Broadway. The street runs across the city. There are many theatres, night clubs, restaurants, hotels and stores along Broadway. If you take a walk along Broadway, you can reach Times Square. Times Square is the centre of the theatre district. The lights from all the theatres and advertisements are very bright on New Year’s Eve. Crowds of people stand in Times Square waiting for the New Year. At midnight they shout “Happy New Year” to each other. I like my neighbourhood very much and I like Times Square which shines brightly with colourful lights.


There are a lot of cities
Beautiful and fine
But the city I like best
Is, no doubt, mine!

Hello! My name is Sasha, I am from Russia and live in Orenburg. I am proud of my country and my native place as well. I don’t live in Sovetskaya Street but I want to tell you about it because it’s the main street in my city.

The street was born together with the town in 1743. At first it had the name of Bolshaya, and then it received the name of Gubernskaya, because in old Russia the country was divided in “gubernyas”. Later the street had the name of Nikolaevskaya in the honour of the Russian tsar Nikolay II. In the summer of 1919 the street received the name of Sovetskaya. There are a lot of shops here, some museums and monuments, two theatres and parks. I like to walk in this street with my friends and have a snack in one of the street cafes.

(После рассказов учащихся беседа учителя с классом “You have just listened to the stories about different famous world streets. All of them are landmarks of these countries because these streets are a part of the country history. If you had a chance to live in America or England which of these streets would you like to live in and why?—Учащиеся дают свои варианты ответов. Затем учитель продолжает: “As for our Sovetskaya Street, it is really very important for Orenburg, but you live in different neighbourhoods of the city. Do you like your neighbourhood? Why?—Учащиеся дают свои варианты ответов)

4) Thanks a lot for your stories and now, my dear girls and boys, it’s high time to complete the name of the talking point of our lesson. The best way to learn about the country is to make a tour around it, so our talking point today is________________________

WORLD CITIES: LANDMARKS, _______________

The title is not finished; we can do it after solving these crosswords.

Look at these African crosswords, cross out the same letters out of the horizontal and vertical lines and make up the words out of the rest letters. These words will be the words of our topic

Смотри Приложение 1

После разгадывания кроссворда учащиеся составляют слова из оставшихся букв. Это – SYMBBOLS и IMAGES.

Well done! So, you have guessed the words, they are really SYMBOLS and IMAGES, and now we can read the title of our talking point—it is


5) Of course, there are too many symbols and images to tell about all of them, our lesson is too short, but we can discover some symbols and images and let’s begin with this table. Look at this table and try to guess where these famous sights are located. Match the sight and the place it is located in.

San Francisco BIG BEN San Francisco
London GOLDEN GATE London

(Для этого задания используются слайды компьютерной презентации, после выполнения задания идет проверка в вопросно-ответной форме: Where is Golden Gate? / St. Basil Cathedral?/ Brooklyn Bridge? / Big Ben? / Tower Bridge? /The Eiffel Tower)

6) Among these sights you have noticed the Eiffel Tower As your first foreign language is French, I am sure you know about this famous sight, the symbol of Paris. Read the text and choose the correct word in each line (Текст и вид Эйфелевой башни есть в компьютерной презентации)

Gustave Eiffel was an (1) _______ at building tall structures. He designed bridges, (2) __________ and statues and in 1885 helped to design the statue of Liberty for (3) ______________.

The Eiffel Tower was part of the (4) _________ Exhibition in 1889 and was built by Gustave Eiffel to mark the (5) __________ th anniversary of the French Revolution. The Tower was 324 metres high and made of (6) ________.

Since 1889 it has been visited by over (7) __________ million people from all over the world.

Tourists from many (8) _____________ of the world can learn about the monument’s history, can see films and watch displays. They can visit art (9) ____________, shops, restaurants and do much more just inside the tower!

But above all, be it night or day, the Eiffel Tower offers one of the most beautiful panoramic city views in the (10) ___________.

1 A ) manager B) expert C) professor
2 A) towers B) schools C) hospitals
3 A) the United Kingdom B) the United States C) Canada
4 A) Washington, D C B) London C) Paris
5 A) 100 B) 50 C) 80
6 A) plastic B) iron C) steel
7 A) 100 B) 150 C) 200
8 A) parts of France B) countries C) parts of Britain
9 A) galleries B) exhibitions C) schools
10 A) France B) Paris C) world

(проверка понимания прочитанного текста с целью развития умений учащихся высказываться логично и связно)

KEYS: 1 b, 2 a, 3 b, 4 c, 5 a, 6 b, 7 c, 8 b, 9 b, 10 c

7) You have just read the story about the Eiffel Tower. But any country has its own symbols and images which are usually a part of its history and traditions, and I am sure you have heard many names out of the list given below. Look at the list attentively and try to arrange them in the right columns according to the countries they are located in. Be attentive and try to fill in the table as quick as possible

The Elisseysky Palace;
Red Square;
The Louvre British Museum;
The Tretyakov Gallery;
Houses of Parliament;
South Carolina University;
Gorky Park;
The White House;
Moscow State University;
Hyde Park;
Times Square;
The Kremlin;
American Museum of Natural History;
The Sorbonne;
Bolshoi Theatre;
Central Park;
Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Смотри Приложение 2

(перед проверкой отработать чтение названий, предложенных в таблице, затем проверка сворачивания информации в таблицу и чтение информации в связных высказываниях)

8) Many schoolchildren from different countries of the world visit Russia and its capital. What can you advise them to see in Moscow? Which sights in Moscow are the symbols and images of our country?

_________________ is worth seeing
_________________ are worth visiting

9) The official place of our government is the Kremlin. You know that many tourists from all over the world visit the Kremlin, because it is one of the symbols of our country and besides there is a lot to see inside the Kremlin grounds. You learn English and you know that Buckingham Palace is the British Royal residence. Besides every day hundreds of tourists from different countries watch the fantastic ceremony of Changing the Guard in front of the palace. Let’s try to find out some interesting information about the palace itself. Read the text and try to choose the right number to fill in the gaps to have the correct information about Buckingham palace. Some of the numbers are used several times

Смотри Приложение 3

(проверить и обсудить с учащимися с целью расширения лингвострановедческих знаний по теме)

KEYS: 1) 1703, 2) 1761, 3) 600 rooms, 4) 3 miles of red carpets, 5) 2 post-offices, 6) 2 sport clubs, 7) 2 men work full-time, 8) 300 clocks, 9) 700 people work for the palace.

10) Every country is proud of its traditions, places, events and habits. One of the Sunday British newspapers The Observer offered its selection of the 99 best items in Great Britain.

What was included in this list and why? What is your opinion?

(Loch Ness because of the Loch Ness monster, many tourists believe that the monster lives in the lake and visit Scotland;
Madame Tussaud’s Museum as it is very interesting; many tourists take pictures next to famous people;
The Queen as she is very popular with the British;
Big Ben as it is one of the British symbols
The Tower of London and the black ravens that live there as it is a legend about the country; etc)

11) Well, it’s very nice of you to recollect some things about Britain. But if you had a chance to make up the same list about Orenburg, what would you write down in this list and why? Некоторые ответы учащихся:

  • Downy shawls because they are the symbol of Orenburg region, it is very difficult to knit a downy shawl, it takes a lot of time and it’s a kind of art I think.
  • The monument to A. Pushkin and V. Dahl because they are famous people who were in our city, Pushkin is our great Russian poet and V. Dahl lived and worked here, he found many words for his dictionary in Orenburg region.
  • The monument “Europe – Asia” which shows that we live both in Europe and Asia.
  • Gagarin Park with the monument to the first Russian cosmonaut who lived and studied in Orenburg pilot school.
  • The cinema “Cosmos”, because it is very modern and nice, there are only 4 such cinemas in Russia and I like to see films there with my friends.
  • Nikolsky Cathedral in Chkalov Street is a part of our history, it is very beautiful.
  • Park “Topolya”, which is also a part of our history because it’s the oldest park in Orenburg and a very popular place for many families.
  • The National Village, a Museum in the open air. We can see houses of different nationalities living in Orenburg region and can learn about their way of life, traditions, listen to their songs and watch their dances.
  • The Clock Tower in Sovetskaya Street. It sounds lovely when it strikes each hour.

12) Thank you ever so much, but our tour around the world cities is going to the end, I believe that you have learned many interesting things and I do hope that in a while you will learn much more about the countries whose languages you study at school, but don’t forget your native place as it’s also very interesting and is worth of learning.

Today each of you will be awarded a special certificate on “Getting Knowledge about World Cities Landmarks, Symbols and Images” Thank you for your work and till next time.

Использованная литература:

  1. О.В.Афанасьева, И.Н. Верещагина “ENGLISH IV” (Учебник для IV класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, лицеев и гимназий), МОСКВА “ПРОСВЕЩЕНИЕ”, 1997
  3. Н. Г. Брюсова, Н. А. Лебедева “Города и столицы мира” (Big Cities and World Capitals)—Тексты для устных ответов и письменных работ на английском языке, 5—11 классы, Издательство “Русский язык”, Издательский дом “Дрофа”, Москва, 1997
  4. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Olga Podolyko, Julia Vaulina “SPOTLIGHT-6”, EXPRESS PUBLISHING, PROSVESHCHENIYE Publishers, Москва 2008
  5. С. И. Тобольская “English-speaking Countries” (“Страноведческий справочник”, Саратов, ОАО Издательство “Лицей”, 2004)
  6. Фиона Грейс, Эндрю Теофилу “Английский за 10 минут”, Москва, АСТ, АСТРЕЛЬ