Обобщающий урок по теме "Урал: легенды и реальность"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока: формирование интереса к изучению прошлого и настоящего родного края, его истории и культуре средствами иностранного языка.



  • Активизировать употребление лексики по теме.
  • Развивать лексико-грамматические навыки.
  • Развивать навыки устной речи и аудирования.


  • Развивать оперативную память, коммуникабельность, способность к распределению внимания.
  • Развивать умение выражать свое отношение к теме.


  • Воспитывать культуру работы в группе по достижению общей цели, чувство сотрудничества.
  • Воспитывать любовь к своей местности, своему региону, своей стране.
  • Вовлекать учащихся в активную практическую деятельность по изучению родного края в ходе обсуждения, обмена опытом, идеями.


  • Развивать интерес к изучению родного края.

Тип урока: Обобщение знаний по теме.

Форма урока: Урок – калейдоскоп.

Оснащение урока:

  • карта Урала
  • набор открыток
  • фотографии
  • плакаты
  • слайд - фильмы
  • видеопроектор
  • раздаточный материал: кроссворд, тексты

Материалы учебных пособий:

«Урал. The Urals». Учебное пособие для 7-11 классов общеобразовательных учреждений. Издательство «Титул», 2007.

Ход урока.

I. Орг. момент:

- You know, we live in the Urals, a very interesting region of Russia. It is called the Stone Belt. It is 2500 km from hot Kazakh Steppes to the frozen coast of the Arctic Ocean.

Today we shall speak about our native region. Let’s check up what you know about it.

II. Актуализация опорных знаний:

Речевая зарядка:

- Let’s speak about the geographical position of the Urals.

1. What is the natural boundary between Europe and Asia?

Pupil 1: The Ural Mountains present a natural boundary between Europe and Asia.

2. For how many km do the Ural Mountains extend?

Pupil 2: They extend for 2500 km.

3. Where do they begin in the north?

Pupil 3: The Ural Mountains begin near the frozen coast of the Arctic Ocean.

4. Where do they finish?

Pupil 4: They finish at hot Kazakh Steppes.

5. What climate do we have?

Pupil 5: We have extreme continental climate.

Упражнения на повторение лексики:

a) Match the words

  1. to comprise
  2. valley
  3. latitude
  4. fur
  5. ridge
  6. precious stones
  7. subarctic
  8. tribe
  9. ornamental stones
  10.  to exploit

a. горный хребет
б. разрабатывать
в. широта
г. приполярный
д. племя
е. самоцветы, поделочные камни
ж. включать, заключать в себе
з. драгоценные камни
и. долина
к. пушнина

Key: 1-ж, 2-и, 3-в, 4-к, 5-а, 6-з, 7-г, 8-д, 9-е, 10-б.

b) Fill in the diagram regions into which geographers divide the Urals


The South Urals
The Middle Urals
The North Urals
The Subarctic Urals
The Arctic Urals

c) Solve the crossword

По вертикали:

1. The capital of the Urals.

По горизонтали:

2. The oldest inhabited place in the Urals.

3. River – the great highway into the Urals from South and West.

4. One of the mineral wealth.

5. Many years ago ______ of komi, hanti, mansi lived there.

6. Meaning of the tatar word “Urals”.

7. Tsars were interested in _____ .

8. The river on which Ekaterinburg stands.

9. Name of the tree which grows in the Urals.

10. One of the tribes lived in the Urals.

11. Place where jams were first found.

12. Mineral for the decoration of Metro stations.

13. Mineral, which made the Urals famous all over the world.

Key: 1-Ekaterinburg, 2- Perm, 3-Kama, 4-salt, 5-tribes, 6-belt, 7-furs, 8-Iset, 9-pine, 10-bashkirs, 11-Murzinka, 12-marble, 13-gold

III. Активная деятельность учащихся:

а) Прочитайте текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали контексту.

The Urals is an old region. The oldest inhabited place was _____ (FIND) near Perm on the Chusovaya. Many years ago the tribes of komi, udmurts, hanti, mansi, bashkirs lived there. The _____(RUSSIA) appeared in the Urals in the 12th century. By the end  of the 15th century Perm the Great (the name of the Urals in those times) _____ (BECOME) part of the Russian State. “Urals” is a tatar word, it _____ (MEAN)“belt”, “zone”, “chain”. After Yermak’s expedition the Urals and Siberia penal servitude colonies and towns grew up, a road was _____ (BUILD) from Moscow  _____ ( PASS) through Yaroslavl, Veliky Ustyug, Solikamsk and Verkhoturye to the capital of Siberia, Tobolsk. The Russian tsars _____ (CONSIDER) the Urals to be a very rich territory. First of all they _____ (BE)interested in furs.

b) Say if these statements are true or false

  1. The oldest inhabited place was found near Perm.
  2. At the end of the 15th century Perm the Great was the part of the Russian State.
  3. “Urals” is a Russian word.
  4. The Russian tsars were interested in animals.
  5. The first road to the Urals was by boats in the Volga.

c) Say if you agree or disagree

  1. The Urals is not very old.
  2. People of different nationalities live in the Urals.
  3. The oldest inhabited place was near Tobolsk in the Urals.
  4. The Russians first appeared in the Urals in the 15th century.
  5. The Russian tsars considered the Urals to be a very poor territory and were not interested in it.

d) Listen to the text

If we ask what art culture is, the most simple answer will be that it is literature, music, sculpture, cinema and architecture. All these kinds of art have one thing in common – they are all the result of aesthetic activity of man. When someone writes a novel, paints a picture, performs in a ballet or designs a monument, he or she creates aesthetic values. Nowadays all these values are available to every inhabitant not only in big cities of the Urals but also in most towns and villages.

Ekaterinburg is the cultural centre of the Urals. One cannot imagine cultural life without theatres. There is a big choice of theatres and plays so that different tastes can be catered for. There are 5 state theatres: Opera House, Musical Comedy Theatre, Drama Theatre, the Theatre for Young Spectators and Puppet Theatre, staging both classical and modern plays.

e) Listen to the text again and number the words in the order you hear them

  • ballet
  • kinds
  • actors
  • culture
  • theatre
  • aesthetic activity
  • opportunity
  • art
  • plays
  • monument
  • values

IV. Подведение итогов урока. Оценка успешности достижения цели.