План-конспект урока английского языка в 9-м классе "Пути получения профессии"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Урок 4. (86 )

Цель обучения английскому языку: формирование иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции

Цель урока: выработка умений по применению знаний в комплексе, в новых условиях.

Основные задачи урока:

- воспитательная: формирование мировоззрения, активной жизненной позиции, воспитание культуры мышления, общения, уважительного отношения к труду.

- образовательная: мотивация учения, формирование знаний, познавательных способностей, готовности к самообразованию

- практическая: развитие навыков аудирования; развитие умения устной речи: брать интервью на заданную тему; формирование умения работы с информацией; развитие умений ознакомительного чтения на примере биографического текста

- развивающая: совершение основных мыслительных операций, преодоление посильных трудностей, развитие познавательной самостоятельности

Оборудование: тема урока, объявления, картинки с профессиями, мультифоры с материалами для проекта для каждого учащегося, раздаточный материал (таблички для аудирования), магнитофон, аудиокассета, учебник “Английский язык с удовольствием. Enjoy English” для 9 класса М.З.Биболетова, рабочая тетрадь № 1 к данному учебнику, магниты, цветные мелки.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент (3 мин)

Приветствие. Проверка присутствующих.

- Hello, young economists! Can I call you so?

I’m glad to see you. I see all of you are present today.

Аt the previous lesson we spoke about characteristic and qualities whiсh are necessary and important for different job. Becides, your teacher of economics told me that you have already discussed it at her lessons.

I hope today our lesson will be useful for your future too, because we are going to speak what professions you are interested in.

II. Речевая разминка (5 мин)

1. Беседа с учащимися, ориентирование на характер урока.

- In the UK young people can work part time if they want to, but they have to be 13 or over. The most popular job is delivering newspapers, but you have to have permission from your parents, your doctor and your school. A typical newspaper round lasts an hour and you can earn 6 to 9 a week. You have to work six days a week but you don’t have to work on Sunday.

- And what about Russia?

- Do young people work in our country?

- Have you ever done any of the job? Was it a part-time job?

(на доске

have to be 13 or over

- permission from parents, doctors, school

- one working hour a day except Sunday

- 6-9 pounds a week)

3. Во многих странах люди начинают работать еще будучи подростки, например во время каникул. А какие варианты есть у российских ребят и у вас? Перед вами несколько английских объявлений. Прочтите их и попытайтесь заполнить таблицу (работа в парах).

- I have some job adverts from British newspapers. Read them and try to complete this table. You can work in pairs. I give you 2 minutes.

A. WAITER/WAITRESS wanted for a small cafe, Saturday and Sunday. Must be friendly and clean. Non-smokers only, please. Phone 023345882

B. EARLY MORNING cleaners wanted in Poole area, must be over 18. Start at 6.00 a.m. Contact (07903)3224.

C. CALLING ALL KIDS! We want you to deliver our leaflets. You must be honest and hard-working, under 18 only. You don’t have to work full time, and we pay well. Phone 678 3452.

D. Odeon cinema needs young people to sell programmes and ice cream. You must be smart and clean (you don’t have to wear a uniform); you mustn’t be late or sit and watch the films. Saturday and Sunday afternoons. Telephone 02231 4657.

Have you found all the information? What have you found?

Then lets listen to the British student Patrick, he is phoning to find out about three of the jobs. So, listen and write notes about the time they start and finish, and how much money they pay. Which jobs can he do?

3. Listening (7 мин)

  Start Finish Salary/money Uniform Working days
A 9 a.m. 5 p.m. 1 an hour Black trousers and a white shirt Saturdays and Sundays
C No special time 10 for a 1000 leaflets   No special days
D 2 p.m. 6 p.m. 1 an hour   Saturday and Sunday

Answer key: He can do job C and D.

(запись на доске


office cleaner

leaflets deliverer

ice-cream and programmes seller)

Закончите заполнение таблицы, прослушав пленку и ответьте на вопрос: по каким 3 объявлениям Патрик позвонил и какие из предложенных работ он может выполнить.

- Patrick phones to find out about three of the jobs. Listen and write notes about the time they start and finish, and how much money they pay. Which jobs can he do?

Answer key: He can do job C and D. Thank you for your work.

For bright students: find other information

4. - Which one would you prefer?

- And can you do it right now. (You are still students and have no special knowledge and qualification)

III. Домашнее задание: обсуждение объявлений из упр.14 (5 мин)

Very soon you’ll have your exams, and what exams do British students have?

After the GCSE examination I shall:

specialise in more vocational courses

stay on at school sixth form

continue a further education college

go straight into work

Which jobs can you go straight into?.................car cleaner, message boy, street cleaner

Which ones need further education?...................doctor, manager, accountant, office-manager, economist, marketing manager, policeman, hairdresser, secretary.

What kind of further education can you get?.....................high education and professional

(дополнить список на доске )

- List as many professions as you can (7 мин)

- Упр.16 – спроси у одноклассников какие профессии им нравятся и не нравятся, используя вводные фразы, запиши результаты в рабочую тетрадь упр.7

Now Work in pairs. Ask your neighbour about the most and least interesting jobs for her/him. What job would he/she enjoy? What wouldn’t he/she like? Fill in the chart in your Workbook ex.7

.- итоговая диаграмма Упр. 17 – работа с информацией: сбор, фиксация, обработка, сообщение результатов обработки

Let’s Make a brief summary of what you have found about your classmates. Use the sentences in ex. 17 as guidelines

(на доске ставить + или -- и подвести итог)

IV. Фонетическая зарядка: развитие фонетических навыков и ориентация на основные практические цели урока (доска) (2 мин)

Possible – possibility

Special- specialise

Applicatio- apply

Satisfaction- satisfy

Education- educate

Information- inform

Dependent- depend

Reliable- rely

Decision- decide

V. Тренировка навыков чтения (8 мин)

- предтекстовый этап: правила работы в группах (в мультифорах);

I advise you to make two groups. Do you remember the rules of working in groups?

You must be polite and tolerant. You must respect each other. You must listen to each other attentively. You shouldn’t interrupt each other. Be responsible for the whole group.

Pабота с лингвострановедческим справочником для понимания значения выделенных слов, ознакомление с вопросами перед текстом Упр.18 (работа в группах).

- чтение текста пониманием основного содержания, согласованные ответы групп на предложенные вопросы.

Don’t worry if you do not know all the words from the context.

First you are to answer questions

1. Which options do the authors give for choosing a career?

- Having been a fan of detective and courtroom dramas on TV, I was keen to learn more and had an ambition to become a lawyer.

- I always wanted to work. I had dreams of earning my own money and I had ambitions. All I wanted was to go out into the world, feel independent and start working.

2. What are the traditional requirements for a job?

1, 2 – job satisfaction, career possibilities, good working conditions and stability.

(на доске)

чтение хором

- послетекстовый - Упр.19 - обсуждение ответов каждой группы

- составление списка основных критериев выбора профессий (упр.20),

- составление своего рейтинга учащимися

- высказывание своей точки зрения и аргументация с использованием оценочного клише из упр.7

Now, students, Make a list of the four traditional job requirements mentioned in the texts. Can you add something? (part-time job, regular working hours, salary, holiday)

Which of them will be essential for you in the future. Put the most essential on the first place, the least essential on the last place.

VII. Подведение итогов урока

To conclude, today we’ve known the preferences of British students of your age.

What do they prefer?

We’ve learnt the traditional requirements for a job.

job satisfaction, career possibilities, good working conditions and stability.

Now you know – to choose a job you need to realise what you are interested in, what characteristics and qualities are necessary or important for these jobs?

You need to write a CV.

Next lesson we’lllearn how to write a CV and a letter of application in order to find a suitable job

But the most important is to be a man, a person!!!!!!!.

VIII Домашнее задание: кроссворд, упр.8 (раб.тетр.), упр.18, (учебник)

At home I ask you to revise the names of different jobs doing the crosswords. Thank you for the lesson. See you on Thursday.
