Урок английского языка на тему "Кем ты восхищаешься?" (7-й класс)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 7

Задачи урока:

Обучающие: активизировать вопросно-ответное взаимодействие с группой, провести практику в монологической речи, формировать грамматические навыки построения сложных предложений с союзом because, придаточными определительными с союзным словом whose и инфинитивом в качестве определения.

Развивающие: развивать память, способность к речемыслительным операциям, дедуктивное мышление.

Воспитательные: воспитывать уважительное отношение к выдающимся людям, их нравственно-волевым качествам, стремление брать с них пример, а также интерес к стране изучаемого языка – Британии, чувство коллективизма.

Оснащение урока: раздаточный материал (карточки с заданиями), портреты известных людей, магнитофон, кассета с аудиозаписью.

Ход урока.

1. Оргбеседа с классом:

T: Hello, students! I’m glad to see you. Thank you for coming. I hope you’ll be active, helpful and supportive in our today’s work.

2. Объявление темы урока:

T: The headline of our lesson is “Who do you admire?” I’m sure we’ll find out a lot of different people who can be admired and respected.

3. Фонетическая зарядка:

T: Repeat the sounds [æ]- actions, [з:] words

Read: “Actions speak louder than words”.

Do you know this proverb? Can you translate it?

P1: Поступки говорят громче слов. Russian equivalent: Не по словам судят, а по делам.

T: Actions make people heroes, make people famous!

4. Разминка .“Warming up”.

T: I know every child wants to grow up and be helpful for his family and country. There is a very good poem about child’s ambitions. We learned it last lesson. Let’s recite it.

The poem “A child’s wish”

I want to live and not to die,
I want to laugh and not to cry,
I want to feel the summer sun,
I want to sing, when life is fun.

I want to fly into the blue,
I want to swim as fish can do,
I want to shake all friendly hands
Of all the young of other lands.

I want to work for what is right
I want to love and not to fight
I want to laugh and not to cry
I want to live and not to die.

T: Great! Do you like this poem? I like it very much. It was written by the girl of your age.

5. Словарная работа по теме “Professions”

T: We admire famous people. Famous people are our heroes. But they can have different professions. There are heroes among doctors and scientists, dancers and singers. Let’s play the game. Guess the profession and make a Word web.

  1. Someone who treats people? (a doctor)
  2. Someone who plays at the theatre. (an actor)
  3. Someone who writes beautiful music. (a composer)
  4. Someone who paints pictures. (a painter)
  5. Someone who makes films. (a film maker)
  6. Someone who won championships. (a sportsman)
  7. Someone who creates new buildings. (an architect)
  8. Someone who flies into space. (an astronaut, a cosmonaut)
  9. Someone who plays musical instrument. (a musician)
  10. Someone who fights in the battle. (a warrior)

T: You are precious. Remarkable job!

6. Речевая зарядка. Демонстрация портретов и беседа о знаменитостях.

T: Actually people must know heroes. Can you recognize the portraits of these famous people?

Ps: Yuri Gagarin ,Admiral Nakhimov, Valentina Tereshkova, William Shakespeare, Princess Diana, Vladimir Vysotski.

T: Every nation has its heroes. Let’s find out why people admire them.

T: 1) Why do the British adore Florence Nightingale?

P1: The British adore Florence Nightingale because she saved many people after battles and reformed the system of the army hospitals.

T: 2) Why do the British respect William Shakespeare?

P2: I think the British respect William Shakespeare because he was a mysterious and legendary person and wrote many historical plays, comedies and poetry.

T: 3) Why are the British proud of Admiral Nelson?

P3: I think the British are proud of Admiral Nelson because he served his country best and won the battle of Trafalgar.

T: Let’s talk about Russian people.

4) What sphere is Yury Gagarin famous for? And Valentina Tereshkova?

P4: Y.Gagarin was the first person to orbit the Earth.

T: 5) What do you know about Sergey Bondarchuk?

P5: In the 60-s S.Bondarchuk was the only Russian film maker to get an Oscar for his film.

T: 6) What other Russian heroes do you know?


Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov was a Russian admiral. He won the battle of Sinop in 1853.

Nikolay Ivanovich Pirogov was a famous doctor. He saved many people after many battles.

Alexander Griboedov was a Russian diplomat. He wrote few plays and few musical plays. But people remember him as a great playwright for one play(“Горе от ума”)

Vladimir Vysotsky was an actor and poet. He wrote many popular songs. His roles in films made him famous.(He played the famous role of Zhiglov)

Vasily Surikov is a well-known Russian painter. His pictures show life in old Russia.

Nikita Mikhalkov is the second film maker to get an Oscar for his film “Burnt by the Sun”(“Утомленные солнцем” )

7. Игра “Составь предложения”.

There is one more important activity for you. If you unscramble the sentences you’ll read very interesting information.

T: Try to unscramble sentences, mind the word order!

  1. I like people whose ideas can change the world.
  2. The British respected Princess Diana because she was helpful.
    Princess Diana /respected/The British/helpful/because/was/she.
  3. He was a man who served his country best.
  4. I don’t think that being famous makes you happy.

8. Аудирование.

Listening Comprehension (“Louis Armstrong”)

T: Heroes can be different. Some of them help people, other save animals, serve their country. But there are people who let us enjoy wonderful music and songs. Such a man is Louis Armstrong.

Listen to the information about him and find out if the statements true or false.


Louis Armstrong was one of the most famous jazz musicians. What was he famous for?

Louis Armstrong was born in New Orleans, USA, on July 4, 1900. When he was thirteen years old, he began to play in a jazz band. Louis played different musical instruments.

In 1925 Armstrong went to Chicago and started his own band there. His band was very popular and he made many records.

Louis Armstrong and his band gave concerts in many countries.

Armstrong changed the style of jazz. He invented singing without words. The classic music of black Americans became the music of all Americans.

He was a happy man and he wanted other people to be happy, too. He was a friend to his neighbours and the children adored him.

Louis Armstrong died in his sleep on July 6, 1971. But people still remember him and listen to his music.

Choose the correct answer:

  1. Armstrong started his jazz band when he was a teenager.
  2. Louis Armstrong played many musical instruments.
  3. Armstrong was very popular and had many records.
  4. Armstrong and his band gave concerts in the USA.
  5. Armstrong invented singing without words.
  6. Armstrong made jazz the music of all Americans.
  7. People like Armstrong's music.

Key: a) right, b) right, c) right, d) right, e) right, f) right, g) right

9. Релаксация. Relaxation.

T: You are quite right, people remember him and listen to his music. Right now you have a musical pause. I give you a chance to listen to his playing the trumpet. Listen and relax for a minute. Shut your eyes and think of happy days.

(Прослушивание джазовой композиции в исполнении Л.Армстронга)

10. Групповая работа.Group work.

It’s high time to find out who is who. I think it’ll be interesting because you’ll work in a group. Everybody must be helpful. Now split into 3 groups. Match the names and the information about famous people.

Vladimir Vysotsky

a) She opened more than 60 schools and homes for orphans in different countries of the world.

Neil Armstrong 

b) He was a Russian actor, singer and a poet.He wrote many songs and sang them.

Steven Spielberg 

c) He was the first man to orbit the Earth.

Mother Teresa 

d) He was the first man to go to the Moon.

Yuri Gagarin 

e) She wrote a world-famous book about Harry Potter.

JK Rowling 

f) He is an American film maker.His films are known all over the world.

Horatio Nelson

g) He was a brave and skilful admiral.He won the battle of Trafalgar.

Galina Ulanova 

h) She was a wonderful ballet dancer.

11. Чтение с детальным пониманием.Reading Comprehension. (тип- подстановка пропущенных слов и соотнесение заголовков).

T: Do you know this attractive woman?

P1: Yes, I do. She is Princess Diana (Lady D).

P2: She is the Princess of Wales.

T: I want you to read the text about Lady Diana. The first task is to insert the appropriate verbs. You can work and discuss the task in pairs. (Проверяется устно, чтением вслух, отдельные слова ребята переводят по просьбе учителя).

T: The second task is to match the headings to the paragraphs.

(Приложение 1)


I. 1.died, 2.studied, 3.finished, 4.returned, 5. worked, 6. married, 7.watched, 8.respected, called, 10.cared, 11.said, 12.seemed, 13.died


  1. Diana’s Early Years.
  2. The Wedding.
  3. Everyone loved her.
  4. The Divorce.
  5. The Tragic End.

12. Монологическая речь. Monologues. (проверка домашнего задания)

T: I for one very exciting because I’d like to ask you the most important question of our lesson: “Who is your hero? “ We’ve already discussed this point and decided that a hero can be different for different people. What about you? Express your opinion.

P1: My heroine is my mother. She is a doctor at a hospital. She works hard. She saves people. But she also finds time to take care of our family. She keeps our house clean, makes tasty meals, does the washing, helps me with my homework, and gives me advice in difficult situations.

P2: I know he isn’t famous, but my hero is my Dad. He is always fun. He was the first to teach me to play football. I can go fishing with him. We love watching football matches on TV. He isn’t a person who orbited the Earth. But he is so kind and clever that he is just fun to be with.

P3: I think my friend is my hero. She is nice, kind-hearted, loyal. She is patient with me. She does a lot of things excellently: dances, sings and plays basketball. She is always on time. So I have a very good example to follow in my everyday life.

P4: Mila Yovovich, an actress, is my heroine. She plays her film characters so well! She is an actress whose characters are brave and selfless and at the same time she is really beautiful. My favourite role which she played was Zhanna D’Ark.

T: Super! Marvelous! You are important!

I’m glad that you look for examples to follow and find them among your relatives and friends.

13. Объяснение домашнего задания. Homework.

T: Actually I’m sure that Mother Teresa can be a very good example to follow. She was а generous and kind-hearted person. She was a simple nanny. She never wanted to be famous, but everyone in the world knew who she was. She asked people for help. Then she gave everything to the poor, the needy. Her message to the world was “We can do no great things – only small things with great love”. It can be translated in such way “Мы не можем вершить великие дела, только маленькие, но с великой любовью”.

I’ll give these special cards with words of wisdom. It is said that she had this on her wall. It was her motto.

(Приложение 2)

Your homework is to read, translate and use it as your own motto.

14. Подведение итогов урока. Объявление оценок.

T: I’m really proud of you and your knowledge. I think it’s important to be a cosmopolitan ,a citizen of the whole world, to be aware of events and people. You know many heroes, and I hope they’ll be your example and help you to choose the right way in life.

Приложение 3