История Америки в праздниках и традициях

Разделы: Внеклассная работа

(Звучит песня "America the Beautiful" На экране - слова песни:

America the Beautiful

(by Katherine Lee Bates and Samuel Ward)

O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
And crown thy good with
From sea to shining sea!
O beautiful for pilgrim feet,
Whose stern, impassioned stress
A thoroughfare for freedom beat
Across the wilderness!
America! America!
God mend thine every flaw,
Confirm thy soul in
Thy liberty in law!

Ведущий - As the song goes, "America! America! God shed his grace on thee..." The USA has a noble and interesting biography. The country also has a lot of interesting customs, traditions and celebrations, connected with its past. Let's witness some of the most colorful and interesting events from the American history that have become festivals.

(На экране - слова: "On the 12th of October 1492 Christopher Columbus discovered the New World")


In fourteen hundred and ninety-two
Columbus sailed the ocean blue:
Let's sing together this old song
About the voyage that took him long,
About the sailors, those strong brave men.
Let's sing and remember them all again.

(Входит ученик в костюме Х.Колумба)

Х. Колумб - I sailed west 4000 miles. I hoped to reach India. But instead I landed in the New World. (Появляются Индейцы) Well, I see some strange red-skin people there. Are they Indians, I wonder? (Индейцы исполняют песню "Ten Little Indians")


One Little, two Little, three Little Indians,
Four Little, five Little, six Little Indians,
Seven Little, eight Little, nine Little Indians,
Ten Little Indian boys.
Ten Little, nine Little, eight Little Indians,
Seven Little, six Little, five Little Indians,
Four Little, three Little, two Little Indians,
One Little Indian boy.

Х.Колумб - Who are you?

Индейцы - We are local people. This beautiful land is our native land. And who are you?

Х.Колумб - I'm Christopher Columbus, a sailor. I came from Spain. Where do you live?

Индейцы - We live in small earth or wooden houses.

Х.Колумб - What do you do for living? What do you eat?

Индейцы - We go fishing and hunting. We grow corn and beans. We eat grass, nuts and fruit.

Х.Колумб - I see you're very friendly and peaceful.

Индейцы - Yes, we are. We want to live friendly with nature and other people. We believe in gods. They bring us good luck in hunting, fishing and farming.

Х.Колумб - Do you have any traditions?

Индейцы - Songs and poems are part of our traditions. They help us to keep our history and culture alive. Smoking a peace pipe is a good tradition too. We smoke a pipe together with people we don't know. It means friendship and peace.

Х.Колумб - It's a nice tradition. Let's smoke a peace pipe!

Индейцы - With pleasure! (уходят)

Ведущий - Columbus made some more voyages to the New World. He discovered some more islands in Central America. He never landed on the mainland of North America, but Americans still remember him.

(На экране - слова: "The second Monday of October - Columbus Day")

Ведущий - The first English settlements appeared in America at the beginning of the 17th century. It happened so:On the 6th of September 1620 a group of people left England for the New World. They sailed on board the ship "Mayflower". They were called 'pilgrims'.

(На экране - слова: "On the 6th of September 1620 "Mayflower" sailed to the New World)

(Входят Пилигримы)

Пилигрим 1 - We've reached the land at last! Our voyage lasted 3 months. It was very dangerous and difficult. Many of our sisters and brothers died.

Пилигрим 2 - Now we can start a new life in this land. How beautiful it is! Let's set up a colony here and call this part of the country "New England".

Пилигрим 1 - But where will we live and what will we eat? (Появляются Индейцы)

Индейцы - We'll help you. We'll show you how to grow corn, potatoes, tomatoes, pumpkins,

We'll teach you how to hunt and fish, make warm clothes and build houses. There are a lot of wild turkeys here. You'll never be hungry.

(Пилигримы и Индейцы исполняют песню: "Digging, digging:"

- Digging, digging - this is how we dig the ground in my garden, in my garden.
Digging, digging - this is how we dig the ground early in the morning.
Hoeing, hoeing - this is how we hoe the weeds:
Planting, planting - this is how we plant the seeds:
Growing, growing - this is how we grow the peas :
Picking, picking - this is how we pick the peas :
Eating, eating - this is how we eat the peas :

Пилигрим 2 - Thank you, friends.

Ведущий - The first year was a difficult one for the colonists. In the fall of 1621 they gathered their first harvest. (Входят Пилигримы, в руках у них корзины с овощами и фруктами).

Пилигрим 1 - Thanks god, the harvest is really good this year. Why not arrange a great dinner and invite our friends, Indians?

Пилигрим 2 - We'll call our festival "Thanksgiving Day". From this day on our children and grandchildren will celebrate this day on the 4th Thursday of November.

Пилигрим 1 - Wild turkey will be the symbol of the day.

(Пилигримы и Индейцы исполняют песню: "This is the way we:"

- Here we go round the mulberry bush,
The mulberry bush, the mulberry bush.
Here we go round the mulberry bush,
On a cold and frosty morning.

- This is the way we wash our hands
Wash our hands, wash our hands.
This is the way we wash our hands
On a cold and frosty morning. (dry our hands, clap our hands, clean our shoes, etc.)


Ведущий - The first Thanksgiving Day lasted 3 days. The colonists gave thanks for their happy life in a new country. Since that time the festival has been celebrated each year and is a national holiday now.

(На экране - слова: "The fourth Thursday of November - Thanksgiving Day")

- Now, let's see how attentive you've been. Here are some games and puzzles for you.

(Ведущий предлагает игры и загадки по теме "Thanksgiving Day")

Ведущий - People from many countries came to live in America. They brought many traditions and festivals with them. One of the most interesting is Halloween. It takes place on the 31st of October.

(На экране - слова: "October 31st - Halloween")

(Входят 3 маленькие ведьмы)

Ведьма 1 - Hello! We're 3 little witches. Our friends are goblins, skeletons, black cats and ghosts. We usually come on Halloween and frighten people.

Ведьма 2 - My dear, do you really think people are afraid of us? I'm sure, they don't. They put on costumes to look like skeletons and goblins and hold Halloween parties. They play games, dance and have a lot of fun.

Ведьма 3 - Oh, they also make Jack-o- lanterns out of pumpkins to scare us. Br-r-r! I hate them!

They go treat-o-treating and get a lot of tasty things in their bags.

Ведьма 1 - My dear, I have an idea. Why not go to a Halloween party? We'll have a good time dancing and singing. I'll bake a "Witch's pie" out of flies and frogs.

Ведьма 2 - And I'll make a "Goblin's cake" with snakes and spiders.

Ведьма 3 - And we'll tell children awful stories about skeletons and corpse.

(Mаленькие ведьмы исполняют песню: "Round and round we go:"

- Round and round we go, round and round we go,
One, two, one, two, round and round we go.
Up, down, up, down, round and round we go
Up, down, up, down, round and round we go


Ведущий - Now, let's see how attentive you've been. Here are some games and puzzles for you. (Ведущий предлагает игры и загадки по теме "Halloween")

Ведущий - Our social has come to an end. We hope you've enjoyed it.

(Звучит песня "America the Beautiful" На экране - слова песни).
