Forest under water (постановка сказки)

Разделы: Внеклассная работа


Good Bear- Woodcutter's Friend
Princess- Queen's Daughter
Witch's sister
Tiger- Princess's Pet
Leopard- Princess's Pet
Bad Bear- Witch's Pet





(Дровосек, насвистывая, выходит на сцену, держа в руке топор.)

Tree: Once upon a time there lived a Woodcutter. He lived in this forest. He was a good Woodcutter, he worked very hard. All the people and animals in the forest loved the Woodcutter. Except for one bear.

(Появляется рычащий медведь. За ним следует ведьма. Они прячутся за дерево.)

Tree: Even the witch of the forest loved this Woodcutter.

(Дровосек напевает песню. Мотив к этой и последующим песням подбирается самостоятельно)

Woodcutter's song:

I'm a woodcutter and I chop wood


I'm a Woodcutter and I feel good


Witch: Oh, how I love that Woodcutter!

Tree: Now in this forest also lived a beautiful Princess.

Bad Bear: Grrr: The Princess is coming.

(Выходит принцесса в сопровождении тигра и леопарда, поёт)

Princess's song:

I'm a little princess, and my hair is like gold,
I live in the forest where the trees are very old,
I'm a little princess, and my hair is like gold.
Oh, good morning, Woodcutter!

Woodcutter: Good morning, Princess.

Princess: I'm a little princess, LaLaLaLaLa

(Принцесса, тигр и леопард уходят)

Woodcutter: Oh, how I love the Princess! I wish I could marry her!

(Дровосек уходит. Появляется ведьма и становится под деревом.)

Witch: Marry her!!! We must do something!

Bad Bear: Grrr:Grrrrr:

(По сцене прогуливается Хороший Медведь и вдруг прячется за деревом. Ведьма поёт)

Witch's Song:

I'm a witch, I'm a witch
And I've got a witchy itch
To do something that I know is wrong.
Over here, over there
I am itchy everywhere
To do something that I know is wrong.

(Ей вторит Плохой Медведь)

Bad Bear's Song:

She's a witch, she's a witch
And she's got a witchy itch
To do something that she knows is wrong.


Wait! I've got a plan-
To keep that princess from my man,
If the forest under water,
Then I know that I have got her.
(Ведьма смеётся. Плохой Медведь рычит)

Witch: Let's go and see my sister, she can help us!

(Уходит, напевая " I'm a witch: ". Плохой Медведь вторит "She's a witch:.")

Good Bear: I must tell the Woodcutter!

Tree: The Woodcutter loved the princess. What he didn't know was that the princess loved him too!

(Королева, принцесса, тигр и леопард прогуливаются.)

Princess: Mother I want to marry the Woodcutter!


The Woodcutter!!!!
Well, my daughter, you're a princess
And you must marry a prince.
For your sons they will be great Kings
And your daughters will be Queens.


Oh, my mother , I'm so sorry
But I can't marry a prince
Though my sons they will be great Kings
And my daughters will be Queens.


Well, my daughter, you're a princess
And you must know what that means.
You will marry a rich prince
If you don't, you can't be Queen.


Oh, my mother, I'm so sorry,
But I can't marry a prince.
So my sons they will be workers
And my daughters just like me.

(Королева уходит. Принцесса сидит и плачет. Леопард и тигр поют песню.)

Leopard's and Tiger's Song.

Leopard: Are you a tiger? Are you a tiger?

Tiger: No, I'm not .I'm a bird.

Leopard: Are you a tiger? Are you a tiger?

Tiger: No, I'm not .I'm a bird.

Tiger: Are you a leopard? Are you a leopard?

Leopard: No, I'm not. I'm a dog.

Tiger: Are you a leopard? Are you a leopard?

Leopard: No, I'm not. I'm a dog.

(Танцуют вокруг дерева и принцессы. Принцесса встаёт.)


Oh, my mother , I'm so sorry
But I can't marry a prince
For I love the good Woodcutter
And I want to merry him.

(Все уходят. Входит дровосек и начинает работать. Вбегает Хороший Медведь.)

Good Bear:

Woodcutter! Woodcutter!
We have got a small problem.
For the witch has got a mean and nasty plan.
And we must stop her if we can.

(Хороший Медведь шепчет на ухо дровосеку)

Woodcutter: Under Water!

Good Bear: Under Water! We must stop her if we can.

Woodcutter: Yes, we must tell the Queen!

(Уходят. Появляется сестра ведьмы с большим горшком. Она ставит его и начинает приговаривать)

Witch's Sister:

Eyes of frogs
And lips of fish
All go in this
Tasty dish.
Toes of Birds
And ears of eel
All go in this
Tasty meal.

(Входят ведьма, Плохой Медведь, одетые в плащи, в сапогах, с зонтами)

Witch's Sister: Hello, Sister!

Witch: Hello, Sister!

Witch's Sister: What's this? (указывает на костюмы)

Witch: I've got a plan. (шепчет на ухо)

Witch's Sister: Under Water!

Witch: Under Water!

(Обе смеются. Входят Королева, Принцесса, Дровосек, Хороший Медведь, Тигр и Леопард. Прячутся, наблюдают за ведьмами)


The weather here is sunny now
No clouds are in the sky,
But soon the rain will start to fall,
The water it will rise.


Grey clouds are coming
The water it will rise.
The Queen will have to move away
To keep her footsies dry.

Witch's Sister:

The weather here is sunny now,
The trees are mighty dry,
But soon the rain will start to fall
The princess, she will cry.

(Дровосек ударяет Плохого Медведя по голове. Хороший Медведь превращается в плохого, чтобы войти в доверие ведьм)


Grey clouds are coming
The water it will rise
The princess, she will have to leave

Witch: The Woodcutter will be mine!

(Они танцуют вокруг горшка. Good Bear незаметно бросает что-то в горшок и убегает. Раздаётся взрыв).

Witches: It's working! It's working!

(Они смотрят в небо, затем открывают зонты. Занавес поднимается. Когда занавес медленно опускается ведьмы превращаются в голубей. Все выходят и исполняют победную песню)

A Victory Song:

The Witch is turned, her sister too.
We do not have to worry.
The Woodcutter has saved the day
With his axe and with his cunning.
The sun it shines on everyone,
The birds they sing a happy song
The Witch is turned, her sister too.
We do not have to worry.


So, the Woodcutter saved the forest.
The Queen let the Princess marry.
The good Woodcutter
And everybody was happy.

All: The End. (Поклон)