Урок в 10–11-м классах "Ivan Shishkin is the Great Russian Painter"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели и задачи урока:

Обучающие – формирование умений и навыков чтения, говорения (в том числе спонтанного) и письма (написание биографии известного художника) по теме с использованием продуктивной грамматики.

Развивающие – развитие способности к догадке на основе зрительной наглядности, стремления познавать через картины окружающий мир, развивать воображение, языковую интуицию, обобщать факты и формулировать выводы из прочитанного.

Воспитывающие – приобретение новых знаний о русском художнике Иване Шишкине и формирование уважительного отношения к нему, как талантливому художнику, автору многих известных картин, изображающих русскую природу.

Оснащение урока: мультимедийный проектор, компьютерная презентация о жизни и творчестве И. Шишкина, выполненная в программе Power Point (Приложение), или репродукции картин, раздаточный материал.

Ход урока

1. Возбуждение познавательного интереса и мотивации чтения текста. Вводное слово учителя.

Показываю компьютерное изображение или репродукцию картины И. Шишкина «Утро в сосновом бору» и спрашиваю, кто написал эту картину.

Teacher (T): Children, look at this picture and say who painted this work of art. (Shishkin) Yes, you are right. This picture was painted by Ivan Shishkin. Today we are going to talk about one of the greatest Russian artist Ivan Shishkin. What do you know about him? Have you ever seen his other paintings?


(T): I guess everybody knows his painting “Morning in a Pine Forest” («Утро в сосновом бору»). What can you see in the picture? Can you say what genre of art did the artist follow in his paintings?

Учащиеся описывают сюжет картины и приходят к выводу, что картина изображает природу и художник передает в ней свое восхищение и любовь к родной природе.


 (T): Would you like to get know more about Ivan Shishkin? Now take the text and read the task above it. (Read the text and fill in the blanks with suitable forms of words given in capital letters in the right-hand side). You can work in pairs. Then you will compare your answers with your classmates` ones. (См. текст в Приложении, ниже приводится полный текст.)

Учащиеся читают текст индивидуально или в парах, преобразуя слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами справа так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста (Приложение).

Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin (1832 – 1898)

Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin was born on the 25 of January, 1832. He was a Russian landscape painter closely associated with the Peredvizhniki movement.

Shishkin was born in the town of Elabuga of Vyatka Governorate (today Republic of Tatarstan) in the family of a local merchant. His father was also an archaelogist, a historian and an engineer, too. He was an author of “History of Elabuga”. His father was the only among the close people who supported his son Ivan to become an artist.

Ivan Shishkin graduated from Kazan gymnasia. He then studied at Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture for 4 years, after that attended Saint Petersburg Imperial Academy of Arts from 1856 to 1860, graduating with the highest honors and a gold medal. He received the Imperial scholarship for his further studies in Europe. Five years later Shishkin became a member of the Imperial Academy in St. Petersburg and was a professor of painting from 1873 to 1898. At the same time, Shishkin headed the landscape painting class at the Higher Art School in St. Petersburg.

For some time, Shishkin lived and worked in Switzerland and Germany on scholarship from the St. Petersburg Imperial Academy of Arts. On his return to Saint Petersburg, he became a member of the Circle of the Itinerants and of the Society of Russian Watercolorists. He also took part in exhibitions at the Academy of Arts, the All Russian Exhibition in Moscow (1882), the Nizhniy Novgorod (1896), and the World Fairs (Paris, 1867 and 1878, and Vienna, 1873). Shishkin's painting method was based on analytical studies of nature. He became famous for his forest landscapes, and was also an outstanding draftsman and a printmaker.

Ivan Shishkin owned a dacha in Vyra, south of St. Petersburg. There he painted some of his finest landscapes. His works are notable for poetic depiction of seasons in the woods, wild nature, animals and birds. Among the most well-known pictures painted by Shishkin are “Morning in a Pine Forest”, “A Rye Field”, “Rain in an Oak Forest”, “Midnight. At Moskva suburbs”, “The golden autumn” and others.

Looking at his pictures we can understand his deep love to Motherland – Russia. Sunny yellow, bright green are main colours in his pictures. Even being abroad Shishkin was missing his native land and always returned with great pleasure.

 He died in 1898, in St. Petersburg, Russia, while working on his new painting.


Проверка выполненного задания. Учащиеся сравнивают свои ответы с ответами одноклассников.

5. Выполнение послетекстового задания: соотнесите слова из текста и их определения.

(T): Now let us see how well you understood some words in the text. Match the words and their definitions:

1) Governorate



A. a space around big cities

2) Scholarship



B. a person who traveling a lot

3) Itinerant



C. money giving opportunity to continue education

4) Draftsman



D. an area belonging to a separate administrative region in old Russia

5) Suburb



E. a person who is able to draw


1-D, 2-C, 3-B, 4-E, 5- A.

6. Выполнение задания с целью понимания текста учащимися (верно/неверно/в тексте не указано).

(T): You should understand the general idea of the text, shouldn`t you? Read the third task at the bottom of your sheet and say if they are true, false or there is no information in the text.

True / False / No information

1) Ivan Shishkin is famous for his pictures depicting landscapes.
2) He graduated the St Petersburg Imperial Academy of Arts in 1860 with a bronze medal.
3) Shishkin was a professor of painting abroad.
4) He was called “a tsar of forest”.
5) Ivan Shishkin enjoyed to live abroad.
6) He loved to paint Russian nature.


1. True.
2. False.
3. No information.
4. No information.
5. False.
6. True.

7. Демонстрация компьютерной презентации о жизни и творчестве И. Шишкина, цель которой - закрепить знания, полученные на уроке, комментирование учащимися картин кисти художника и подготовиться к выполнению домашнего задания - написать эссе о жизни и творчестве художника. Презентация содержит несколько искаженных и пропущенных фактов, учащимся предстоит обнаружить их и исправить.

(T): I suggest you to watch the computer presentation and you can follow the artist`s stages of life once again. I ask you to describe and comment some of his pictures. But there are some factual mistakes and missing facts about the life of Ivan Shishkin. Look at the slides attentively, find and correct them.

(Ниже в сценарии презентации правильная или пропущенная информация дается в скобках, неправильная подчеркнута.)


Ivan Shishkin (1832 – 1898) was born on January, 25 in ……. (Elabuga), Vyatka Govenorate.


His father.

His father played a great role in becoming of Ivan Shishkin as an individuality.

His father was a local teacher (merchant), a historian, an archeologist and an engineer, too.

His father was an author of “History of Moscow (Elabuga)”.


Early years and schooling.

Being a child Ivan Shishkin went to the gymnasia of Kazan.

After that he entered Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, then St. Petersburg State University (Imperial Academy of Arts).


In 1860 Ivan Shiskin graduated from the Academy successfully: with the highest honours and a silver (gold) medal. He was awarded with the Imperial Scholarship for further studies in Europe.

In 5 years I. Shishkin became a member of the Imperial Academy, later a professor of medicine (painting).

He became famous for his city (forest) landscapes and was known as an outstanding statesman (draftsman) and a printmaker.


Further creative works.

For some time he lived and worked in …… (Switzerland) and ……… (Germany) as a successful graduate of the Academy of Arts.

His works are notable for poetic depiction of seasons in the woods, wild nature, animals and birds.


Some famous works made by Ivan Shishkin.

“Morning in a Pine Forest”.


“A Rye Field”, “Midday. At Moskva Suburbs”.


“Rain in an Oak Forest”.


“The Kama River Near Elabuga”.


Main colours of Shishkin`s painting are bright ……(yellow) and bright ……(green) – colours of nature.

I. Shishkin was a famous Russian landscape painter.

“In The Coniferous Forest”


Ivan Shishkin died in 1898 in Saint – Petersburg.

“In the Wild North”.

8. Релаксация. Показ электронной физминутки для зрения.

(T): Children, you are working so hard at the lesson. Good for you! I think you are tired, your eyes are tired, too, because you had to read and to watch quite a lot. Look at the screen and let your eyes relax.

9. Ответы учащихся на вопросы с целью обобщения прочитанного текста и формулирования выводов о творческом кредо художника Ивана Шишкина. Ответы учащиеся записывают в тетради.

(T): It is time to generalize new information about one of the most outstanding artist Ivan Shishkin you have got at the lesson. Look through the questions and put your answers down in writing.

1) When and where was Ivan Shishkin born?
2) What kind of pictures did he prefer to paint?
3) What schools did Shishkin graduate from to become a professional painter?
4) What did he receive the Imperial scholarship for his further education in Europe for?
5) He taught young painters, didn`t he?
6) Where did Ivan Shishkin live and work abroad for some time?
7) What method was Shishkin`s painting based on?
8) Can you call his famous masterpieces?

10. Домашнее задание.

(T): How much new and interesting information did you learn at the lesson today?

Your homework will be to write an essay about Ivan Shishkin in 18-20 sentences.

11. Подведение итогов урока.

Использованные материалы

www.en.wikipedia.org (статья о художнике, изображения картин)
www.artsait.ru (изображения картин)
www.luchiki.ucoz.ru (электронная физминутка для глаз)