The Great Art of impressionism (Великое искусство импрессионизма)

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  • Совершенствование компетенций по формированию навыков аудирования и устной и письменной речи по теме.
  • Формирование социальной, коммуникативной, общекультурной компетентностей.
  • Формирование у обучающихся умений устанавливать связи между фактами.


  • Использовать технологию критического мышления.
  • Использовать интегративный подход для  усиления мотивации изучения английского языка.

Этап урока

Ход урока

1 Стадия вызова

Начало. Определение цели и задач урока

The aim of the lesson

A thing of beauty is joy for ever:
Its loveliness increases; it will never
pass into nothingness…

John Keats (1795-1821)

The aim of the lesson is to arouse your interest to the visual art, to get acquainted you with different genres of painting, art movements and styles.

Read the quotation from Keats – the English poet of the 18-th century and comment it briefly. Can it be applied to art?

2 Вступительное слово учителя

Создание кластера

Have you ever thought what the art is? Read the definition (on the blackboard: Visual art is a vast subject, including all kinds of pictures and sculptures.

An art movement is a tendency or style in the visual arts with a specific common stylistic approach, philosophy or goal, followed by a group of artists during a restricted period of time.

Today you’ll know more about the great art of painting.

Look at the cluster. Let’s fill it together./ Name the movements of visual Art. 

We’ll get acquainted with the works of the art movement called Impressionism.

3 Стадия осмысления

Brain-storm as a pre-listening activity

1) Questions to the class:

a) Why did people begin to draw?  (to illustrate Bible stories, to decorate  churches, to express feelings, to explore ideas, to make smth beautiful…)

b) What are the ways of making pictures? Can you name any picture- making materials? (pastel drawings, transparent paintings,  prints, collages, frescoes, tempera,  gouache, photographs…)

c) Find the definitions of picture-making materials:

– wall paintings, made by painting watercolors onto wet plaster (Frescoes)
– bits of  colour paper or other material, glued down (Collages)
– carved blocks or stencils with holes cut in them (Prints)
– drawings made of using soft crayons (Pastels)
– paintings made by fast-drying, egg-based paints (Tempera)
– paintings made by using water-based (transparent) paints (Transparent drawings)
– watercolours or opaque paints ( not transparent) are known as (Gouache)
– glossy paintings, based on “drying oils” (Oil paitings)

d) Let’s do some lexical exercises.  

Give the English equivalents for the following:

1. Гравюра, эстамп (print)
2. Мягкие мелки (soft crayons)
3. Прозрачные краски (transparent paints)
4. Блестящие краски (glossy paints)
5. Гипс, штукатурка (plaster)
6. Холст, полотно (canvas)
7. Трафарет, шаблон (block)
8. Глина (clay)
9. Воск (wax)

e) Name  the most popular genres of painting? (landscape, seascape, portrait, still life…)

f) Can you explain  the most popular genres of painting?

A landscape is a picture representing a tract of country with the various objects it contains.
A seascape is painting or other artistic representation of the sea.
A portrait is a painting, picture or representation of the person, especially of a face generally drawn from life.
A still life is a painting of such unanimated subjects as fruit, flowers and other decorative things.
Genre painting is a painting which represents scenes from every day life in a more or less realistic way.

4 Аудирование текста по презентации с последующим обсуждением

Listening activity
(см. Книга для учителя Unit 1. Reference Material
6. 22. 27.)

Pril. 1

– Today we are going to talk about art of Impressionists as a part of  the great collection of styles  and art movements.
– The main objectives of our today’s lesson are to develop and practice listening, speaking and writing skills.
– We are going to speak in details about the most important paintings of Impressionists from our point of view and to write a short composition about the picture.
(While watching put down the genres, technique of painting and the name of the artist and the picture you’ve chosen for discussion)

5 Обсуждение презентации по вопросам

After-listening activities

Express your opinion:

– Does the style of impressionism differ much from the other styles (realism, classicism, romanticism, cubism, abstract art, expressionism…)?
– What techniques of paintings did the Impressionists use? (pastel, dots, tempera, transparent paints)
– What picture making materials did (didn’t) they use? (soft crayons, coloured powder, temperate paints)
– How did the artist use light and contrast to hold the viewer’s attention? (perfectly, masterfully)
– What genre did they mostly work?  (landscape, genre painting, still life, portrait…)
– What revolutionary method did they invent? (They broke all the laws of painting…)
– What advantages did the work in the open air give to impressionalists?
– Don’t you like the style of Impressionalism? Why?


6 Monolog-opinion Read  the short review  and give your attitude to the picture of Claude Monet:

“The Walk. The woman with a Parasol”, oil on canvas.
"I'm working like never and at new attempts, figures in the open air as I understand them, made like landscapes. It is an old ream that still worries me and that I want to fulfill once and for all; but it is hard!"  Claude Monet
In this painting Monet ignores the growing industrialization of the towns to devote himself to the charm of a walk in the country.
This woman with an umbrella painted against the light and from below is Camille, Monet's wife.
The figure is turned right, the woman is holding an umbrella, walking without any goal.  The background is subdued. The gaudy colours  of the field and sky  add  the atmosphere of  delicate loneliness of the figure.

7 Рефлексия Put *** if the  lesson was1) useful     2) informative  3) interesting  4) difficult 5) boring 6) not interesting
8 Home-assignment Choose any picture and describe it according to the plan given:
  • The general effect. (The title and the name of the artist. The period or trend represented.
  • The contents of the picture. (Place, time and setting. The accessories, the dress and environment. Any attempt to render the emotions of the model. What does the artist accentuate in his subject?)
  • The composition and colouring. (How is the sitter represented? Against what background? Any prevailing format? Do the hands/head/body look natural and informal? How do the eyes gaze? Does the painter concentrate on the analysis of details? What tints predominate in the colour scheme/ are the brushstrokes left visible?)
  • Interpretation and evaluation. (Does it show a high degree of artistic skill? What feelings or ideas does it evoke in the viewer?)

Pril.3  When describing a picture one can use the following verbs: to depict, to portray, to render, to catch, to capture.

  Conclusion : The Impressionist style was probably the single most successful and identifiable "movement" ever, and is still widely practiced today. But as an intellectual school it faded towards the end of the 19th century, branching out into a variety of successive movements which are generally grouped under the term Post-Impressionism.