Интегрированный урок английского языка и МХК по теме "Два художника одного века: Гендель и Гейнсборо"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, МХК и ИЗО

Исследования показывают, что с помощью межпредметной интеграции усиливается воспитывающая функция обучения, происходит активное формирование межкультурной компетенции учащихся, которая реализуется в способности к речевому общению. В идеале желательно, чтобы учитель МХК владел английским языком (как в нашем случае) для того, чтобы вести урок и участвовать в дискуссиях наравне с учителем английского языка.

Цели урока:

  • познакомить учащихся с жизнью и творчеством двух великих представителей английской культуры XVIII века композитора Георга Фридриха Генделя и художника Томаса Гейнсборо, вызвать интерес к их искусству;
  • развивать аналитическое мышление, чувство языка, внимание, умение выделять главное;
  • активизировать и обновить лексику по темам “Композиторы” и “Художники”
  • развивать навыки чтения, говорения и аудирования с извлечением конкретной информации и детальным пониманием;
  • воспитывать у учащихся интерес и уважение к культуре и истории Англии;
  • содействовать развитию интеллектуальной культуры учащихся;
  • формировать умение правильно и аккуратно выполнять работу;
  • формировать художественные знания, умения, навыки;
  • передавать свое отношение к изображаемым событиям, используя для этого возможности композиции, цвета.
  • активизировать творческое воображение и фантазию учащихся.

Ход урока

Учитель МХК (Teacher 1) – Наш урок посвящен двум выдающимся деятелям британской культуры – Георгу Фридриху. Генделю и Томасу Гейнсборо. Эти два человека являются представителями различных направлений: Гендель – представителем барокко, Гейнсборо – классицизма. Тем не менее, эти два человека жили в одну эпоху, были свидетелями одних и те же событий. Но это были два очень непохожих человека. Сегодня вы узнаете много интересного о жизни и творчестве этих великих людей для того, чтобы в конце урока вы смогли сделать самостоятельные выводы о том, что схожего и различного в их творческих кредо.

Скажите, что вы знаете о Генделе и Гейнсборо?

(Презентация, Слайды 1–2.)

Part 1. Frederic Handel.

Учитель Английского языка (Teacher 2) – Now you will listen to a report on Handel`s Life and creative work, prepared by your group mates. Listen carefully and be ready to answer the following questions. Take your cards N 1 and look though the questions.


George Frederic Handel was a British-German Baroque composer. He is famous for his operas, oratorios and concertos. Handel was born in Hale Germany on the 23 of February 1685.

(Слайд 3. “Дом, Где родился Гендель в Галле”.)

Young George showed strong liking of music. But his father who was a barber – surgeon wanted his son to study Law and to become a lower. He strongly forbade George to deal with any musical instruments, but the boy found means to get a little clavichord into a small room and to play it when the whole family was asleep. It was the chance that helped young Нandel to become a musician.

According to the legend, George attracted the attention of the Duke Adolf with his playing the church organ. At his urging Handel`s father permitted the boy to take lessons in musical composition and keyboard technique.

Nevertheless, in 1702 following his father`s wish, George started studying Law at the university of Hale. But after a year Handel moved to Hamburg

(Слайд 4. “Оперный театр в Гамбурге”.)

Accepting the position as a violinist and harpsichordist in the orchestra of the opera house. He also started composing music. In those days he composed a lot, trying himself in different musical genres. Opera was very popular in those days and unexpectedly to everyone Handel left Hamburg, making his way to Italy, a musical center of Europe.

(Слайд 5.)

(Слайд 6. “Оперный театр во Флоренции”.)

Handel was very successful in Italy: he won several prestigious musical competitions, composed and put on some operas of his own. The Italian public liked Handel, but his music was too hard for the light Italian nature. Handel saw no future for himself in this country.

Handel returned to Germany and became a Kapellmeister to prince George, who would soon become King George I of Great Britain. But a small provincial court with its low taste and ignorance was a bore to Handel. He wanted to be rich and famous and in 1712 he decided to settle permanently in Britain. Handel was 27 year old; he was full of strength and expectations.

(Слайд 7. “Лодки на Темзе”.)

Handel made a good start in Britain and gained powerful patrons, composing operas and wonderful music for ceremonies and special occasions like Music for Royal Fireworks, magnificent Water Music. His anthem Zadoc the Priest has been played at every coronation ceremony since then.

But Handel was also a kind of a businessman and showman as well. In 1719 he was ordered By the Royal Academy of Music to engage a cast of good singers. For 20 years on Handel kept on finding performers, putting on operas, working with orchestra and theatre staff.

(Слайд 8. “Королевский театр на Хаймаркет”.)

But Handel`s life in Britain was far from being easy. For many years he watched half-full opera halls for the reason that wide public preferred light Italian opera and f\French ballet, which was a kind of pop-music of those days, to Handel`s music. But never in his life did Handel surrender to the tastes he considered to be low.

However, this endless struggle took away composer`s health: at the age of 55 he got partly paralyzed. His friends gave Handel some money to go to a resort where he managed to recover completely.

Handel referred to the Bible, the most popular book of the puritan nation, and began composing oratorios. Handel`s music became powerful and expressive. Heroic stories taken from the Bible, combined with Handel`s pathetic music reflected the spirit of the British nation of those days. This time Handel was completely accepted by the public and proclaimed a national composer. Handel`s most famous oratorio`s are Messiah and Judder Maccavey.

(Слайд 9. “Дом Генделя в Лондоне”.)

George Frederic Handel died at the age of 74 being a British citizen and is buried in Westminster Abbey in the Poet`s Corner.

(Слайд 10, “Портрет Генделя”.)

Teacher 2Let us answer the questions so as to see who is the most careful listener.

Card N 1.

Answer the questions:

  1. What two countries consider Handel to be their national Composer? Why?
  2. Did George`s farther want him to be a musician?
  3. Handel went to Italy, didn`t he?
  4. Why did the composer leave Germany? How old was he then?
  5. What helped Handel to make a good start in Britain?
  6. Operas made Handel recognized by the wide public, didn`t they?
  7. Did he die being a British citizen?


Teacher 2 And now you are offered a small piece of music which is considered to be very typical of Handel`s. This time you are expected to characterize it thus trying to understand the peculiarities of the composer`s style. Take car N 2 exercise1. You see a list of adjectives which can help you to form your ideas. Let`s read and translate.

(Музыкальный фрагмент – Гендель “Бурре”).

Teacher 1 Begin with: to my mind, in my opinion…

Card N 2

Analyze the adjectives and give their Russian equivalents:

Adjective Definition Russian equivalent
Joyful Involving a feeling of great happiness  
Pathetic Trying to seem very important and serious  
Passionate Showing strong emotions
Grand Very impressive  
Pompous With an idea to be very important and formal  
Powerful Very strong, having influence on people  
expressive Showing that you feel or think  
Solemn Involving serious attitude  
Tragic Expressing great sadness  
Complicated Difficult to understand  
Flowery Using many words or other means to make a thing more attractive  
Lyrical Expressing beauty and strong emotions  
Annoying Making you feel a bit angry or impatient  
Heroic Showing great determination to achieve smth  
tender Soft, mild  

Part 2 Thomas Gainsborough.

Teacher 2That`s all for the time being with Handel. And now to Gainsborough.

(Слайд 11. “Портрет Гейнсборо”.)

Teacher 1Thomas Gainsborough is known as one of the originators of the British school of painting. His father was a merchant but he supported the son in his desire to become a painter and sent the boy to London to study. Thomas never left Britain and had to work hard throughout his life to provide for the family (one of his daughters was seriously ill). It was a mild and modest person. He painted portraits to earn money (portraits were very well-paid) and he painted landscapes for his own pleasure. G. made a very successful carrier: he became a member of the Royal Art Academy and a favorite painter of the Royal family.


Teacher 1 – Look at the screen. You are offered a set of pictures by Gainsborough. This time you are expected to make your own conclusions about peculiarities of G. style of painting. But first, one more lexical exercise (Card 2 ex. 20). Match English words and phrases with their Russian equivalents. Discuss in pairs.

(Слайды 12–13.)

Card N 2

Match Russian and English words and phrases:

  1. Delicate elegance
  2. Relaxed atmosphere
  3. Common people
  4. Noble people
  5. Bright colors
  6. Half-tones
  7. Background
  8. Every-day life 
  9. Attention to detail и
  10. Harmony 
  1. знатные люди
  2. задний план
  3. полутона
  4. гармония
  5. внимание к деталям
  6. простые люди
  7. изысканная утонченность
  8. умиротворяющая атмосфера
  9. яркие краски
  10. повседневная жизнь

Teacher 1 – Let`s check the matching.

Teacher 2 – Now chose the words and phrases from the exercise, use the sentences given below and come up with your ideas about G. `s painting style. One by one. … You are right. Critics usually characterize Gainsborough’s style as poetic, relaxed, elegant. He really painted portraits only of noble or rich people and common people appear only in his landscapes.

Part 3.


Activity 1.

Teacher 2 – Listen to the same piece of music by Handel and look at Gainsborough’s canvases again. Say which of the canvases and why match this piece of music. If none, try to explain it.

(Музыкальный фрагмент – Гендель “Бурре”).

Работа в группах.

Activity 2.

Teacher 2 – And now the final stage of our lesson. Let me divide you into 3 groups. Imagine that you were Handel, you – Gainsborough, you were critics. You are going to listen to the same piece of music and to look at the same pictures by G. Your task is to compare the personal styles of these two people and to make some conclusion whether they are similar of different and when different, if they have something in common. … Discuss in groups and put forward one person to speak in the name of Handel, Gainsborough. the critics.

Activity 3.

Teacher 2 – As Handel, Gainsborough and critics, ask each other questions these people might ask.

Part 4.

Подведение итогов урока.