Разговорные темы на уроках английского языка в 7–9-х классах

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Данная работа состоит из 11 традиционных устных тем (TOPICS). Это поурочные темы к известному учебнику “Matrix Foundation” by Jayne Wildman, 2005, Oxford.[4]

Серия учебников Matrix включает 4 уровня: A2– Elementary, B1-Pre-intermediate, B2-Intermediate, B2+-Upper-intermediate и используется для подростков 13-17 лет. Пособие имеет гриф «Допущено министерством образования РФ 2003 г.» (письмо МО РФ 13-58-780/17 от 02.06.2003) [8] Основной целью УМК Matrix является формирование коммуникативной компетентности учащихся в совокупности ее составляющих: речевой, языковой, социокультурной, учебно-познавательной и компенсаторной. Курс готовит учащихся к итоговой аттестации по английскому языку в 9 и 11 классах. Каждый уровень состоит из следующих компонентов: учебник, рабочая тетрадь, книга для учителя, сборник поурочных тестов, кассеты или диски.

Учебник “Matrix Foundation” можно отнести к уровню A2– Elementary. Задачей данного уровня является консолидация знаний, умений и навыков, сформированных у учащихся на ранних этапах обучения, а также подготовка учащихся к формату заданий более высоких уровней курса. В настоящее время существует новая версия данного курса “New Matrix”.

Уже несколько лет мои коллеги и я в своей работе используем данные пособия в качестве дополнительных к отечественному УМК “Enjoy English” М.З Биболетовой. Темы разработаны в виде вопросов и даны в том порядке, в котором они представлены в учебнике “Matrix Foundation”: Daily life, My home (урок 1), Travelling (урок 2), Science and technology (урок 3), The Earth and space (урок 4), Families and friends (урок 5), Work and jobs (урок 6), Music and paining (урок 7), New Zealand (урок 8), Sports (урок 9).

Хотя учебник “Matrix Foundation” рекомендовано использовать в 7 классе средней школы, данные темы актуальны при работе с учениками разных возрастных групп и могут быть использованы на разных языковых уровнях.


Answer the Questions:

  1. When do you get up?
  2. What time do you go to bed?
  3. Who does the housework in your family?
  4. Do you have breakfast at home?
  5. Do you go swimming or do you play tennis in your free time?
  6. Do you like listening to music?
  7. Do you always make your bed?
  8. What do you do in the evening?
  9. You sometimes cook dinner, don’t you?
  10. Can you play a musical instrument?
  11. What are your favourite school subjects?
  12. What time do you leave home for school?
  13. How do you get to school?
  14. Do you think it’s interesting to play computer games?
  15. What do you usually have for supper?
  16. Which computer games do you like?


Answer the Questions:

  1. Where do you live?
  2. Do you live in a house or flat?
  3. Is it in the city centre or in the suburbs?
  4. Is your flat big or small (comfortable/uncomfortable)?
  5. What’s your flat like?
  6. Is your room tidy or untidy?
  7. Which is your favourite room?
  8. What is there in your room? (describe your room)
  9. Is there a rug or a carpet?
  10. What colour are the walls?
  11. Are your neighbours friendly?
  12. Is your neighbourhood quiet or noisy?
  13. Who cleans and tidies your room?
  14. You like your flat, don’t you?
  15. Why do you think it’s good to live in a separate room?


Answer the Questions:

  1. Do you like travelling?
  2. Which type of holiday do you like to go on?
    (self-catering, backpacking, camping, package tour)
  3. Which place do you stay in?
    (an apartment, a hotel, a youth hostel, a tent)
  4. What do you usually take with you?
  5. Who do you travel with?
  6. What do you like to do on holiday?
  7. How do you travel when you go on holiday?
    (by plane, train, on foot…)
  8. How do you usually get to school?
  9. What’s your favourite type of transport?
  10. Going by car is an enjoyable way to travel, isn’t it?
  11. Can you ride a bike / drive a car?
  12. Where did you go last summer?
    Was it exciting?


Answer the Questions:

  1. How often do you use a computer?
  2. What do you use it for?
    (listening to music, preparing school work, sending and receiving email, surfing the internet, downloading music…)
  3. What can computers do? What can’t they do that humans can?
  4. Why are the internet cafes popular? What do people do there?
  5. Is mobile TV a good idea? Why?
  6. How often do you watch TV?
  7. Do you think people watch TV too much?
  8. What programmes do you like to watch?
  9. How often do you visit museums?
  10. What types of museums are you interested in and why?
  11. What famous museums does Moscow have?
  12. How do you contact friends?
  13. Do you write emails?
  14. Who do you write them to? What do you write about?


Answer the Questions:

  1. Do you think there are more animals to discover?
  2. Where do you think unknown animals live?
    (The Himalayas, The Amazon Jungle, The Sahara Desert, Antarctica, Australia…)
  3. What kinds of animals do you know?
    (mammals, reptiles, birds, sea creatures)
  4. What types of habitats do you know?
    (seas, deserts, jungles, rivers, forests, mountains)
  5. Do you know any stories about strange animals?
    What are they like? Where do they live?
  6. Do you believe in UFOs?
  7. Do you think there is life on Mars?
  8. What do you know about the famous Russian astronauts?
  9. When was the first part of the International Space Station launched?
  10. When and for how long was the first space satellite Sputnik 1 in space?
  11. Who was the first man in space?
  12. Who was the first man to walk on the moon?
  13. What happened in 1971 to the first space station Salyut 1?
  14. Why are we interested in space?
  15. What spaceship is reusable?
  16. What do voyagers 1 and 2 do?
  17. Would you like to visit space? Why?


Answer the Questions:

  1. What do you think are the (dis)advantages of each age?
  2. What things are most important for a long life?
  3. Do you want to live to be 100?
    What are the (dis)advantages?
  4. Have you got many friends? (best friends)
  5. Do you help your friends?
  6. Do you expect your friends to help you?
  7. Finish up the sentence: «A friend is someone who…”.


Answer the Questions:

  1. Can you name 5 stages of work?
  2. In your opinion what is:
  1. the most dangerous
  2. the most difficult
  3. the easiest job?
  4. the most exciting
  5. the best paid
  6. the worst paid
  1. Say what qualities some people need for their jobs and why?
  2. Do students usually work in summer in Russia?
    What type of jobs do they do?
  3. How many British teenagers have a job?
  4. Where do British teenagers work?
  5. Would you like to work in a different town/ country?
    Which town/ country would you like to work in? What can you do there?
  6. Would you like to get a part-time job?
    Where would you like to work?
  7. Do you think it would be difficult to have a part-time job and study? Why?


Answer the Questions:

  1. What types of music do you know?
  2. What type of music do you prefer?
  3. What kind of music are you greatly impressed by?
  4. Is it a good idea to learn music when you are young?
  5. Can you play a musical instrument?
  6. Would you like to be a professional musician? Why? Why not?
  7. Are you good at singing, dancing, painting or any other kind of art?
  8. Do you know any modern gifted musicians or painters?
  9. Have you got a favourite composer/ painter/ group? What are they?
    What do you like them for?
  10. Would you go to a concert hall if you had enough time?
    What would you like to listen to?
  11. How often do you go to a concert?
  12. How often do you go to art exhibitions?
  13. What sort of painting do you prefer?
  14. Do you remember any picture/ musical performance/ song which gave you much food for thought?
  15. Do you understand and appreciate classical/ abstract painting? Why?


Answer the Questions:

  1. Where is New Zealand?
  2. What is its closest neighbour?
  3. Who were the first people to arrive in New Zealand?
  4. When and how did they arrive?
  5. Does Maori culture have a big influence on everyday life?
  6. How many New Zealanders are Maori today?
  7. When did the first European arrive?
  8. What did Captain James Cook do in New Zealand?
  9. Was New Zealand a British colony?
  10. When did it become an independent nation?
  11. How big is the population of people and sheep in New Zealand?
  12. What communities live in New Zealand?
  13. How many people visit New Zealand each year?
  14. What is New Zealand famous for?
  15. What sports are popular in New Zealand?
  16. Where did the first man to climb Mount Everest come from?


Answer the Questions:

  1. What sports do you do? How often do you do them?
  2. What sports do you watch on TV or at a stadium or sports field?
  3. What sports would you like/ not like to do? Why?
  4. What famous Russian or foreign sportsmen or sportswomen do you know?
    What do you know about them? What sports are they good at?
  5. Are you a sports fan? Which team do you support?
  6. What sports are popular in Russia?
  7. What sports (sport teams/ sportsmen) is Russia famous for?
  8. Have you ever taken part in a sports competition? Did you win?
  9. Would you like to be a professional athlete? Why? Why not?
  10. Do professional athletes often fall ill or get injured? And you?

Список использованной литературы:

  1. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary by A.S.Hornby, Oxford, 2005
  2. English Grammar in Use by R.Murphy, Cambridge, 2006
  3. English Vocabulary in Use by S.Redman, Cambridge, 2004
  4. Matrix Foundation by Jayne Wildman, Oxford, 2005
  5. http://elt.oup.com/teachers/matrix/?cc=global&selLanguage=en&mode=hub
  6. http://elt.oup.com/catalogue/items/global/teenagers/matrix/?cc=global&selLanguage=en
  7. http://www.oxfordpress.spb.ru/more-information
  8. http://www.relod.ru/catalog/matrix/