Промежуточная аттестация в 7-м классе при обучении английскому языку

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Учащиеся седьмых классов Гимназии № 2 г. Владивостока участвуют в промежуточной аттестации по английскому языку в конце учебного года на основе локальных актов. Практика проведения промежуточной аттестации (контроля) в среднем звене зарекомендовала себя как обобщающая и систематизирующая знания, умения и навыки, развивающая универсальные умения учебные действия (УУД). Повторение материала для промежуточной аттестации, проводится согласно современным технологиям, способствующим успешному прохождению учащимися данного вида контроля. Контроль устной речи учащихся осуществляется отдельно. Письменная лексико-грамматическая работа рассчитана на два урока, составлена с учетом программы углубленного изучения английского языка (учебник “English-VII”, 6 год обучения) и состоит из следующих заданий: 1. аудирование аутентичного текста; 2. лексический диктант на основе транскрипции лексических единиц; 3. разговорные формулы “Social English” и идиомы с выбором ответа; 4. фразовые глаголы; 5. отработка новой лексики: соединение двух частей в предложение; 6. проверка знания и применения системы видовременных форм английского глагола в активном и пассивном залоге; 7. знание неправильных глаголов; 8. чтение аутентичного текста и задания по тексту. Тексты для аудирования могут быть выбраны учителем по желанию: текст № 1 “Разговор о спорте”; текст № 2 “Уильям Шекспир” Задания 1-3 приведены в мультимедийной презентации “Промежуточная аттестация в 7 классе”, задания 4-8 приведены ниже. Предлагается два варианта работы.

Осуществление образовательной деятельности в новых для Гимназии №2 условиях деления класса для обучения английскому языку на три группы позволяет успешно моделировать образовательное пространство для одаренных детей и, наряду с личностно-ориентированным обручением, определяет выбор современных образовательных технологий для всех учащихся, опираясь на индивидуально-психологические, типологические и возрастные особенности детей.

English - VARIANT №1 - Achievement test - The 7th form

Tasks I – III (in the presentation)

Task IV. Insert the right phrasal verbs in the right form to complete the sentences

to get on (2), to get over, to turn into, set about, to run out (2 ), to run over, to turn inside out, rushed out
When I go somewhere with my Granny I always help her to...and off the bus.
How are you... ?
She wanted to... a wicked witch.
I am afraid the news has been a bit of a shock for her. She still can’t ... it.
She looked at the pile of dirty plates, thought for a while and... washing up.
The old gentleman was ...by the car.
Your time has run ... . Hand in your papers.
Mother asks me to go shopping as we have run ...of vegetables.
She did not say anything, she got very red in the face and ...of the hall.
I ...the room ... looking for the container, never found it.

Task V. Join the two parts of the sentences to form one sentence.

1. There are four people in our household so ... A ...washing the plates is one of my household duties.
2. Someone who is watchful ... B. ... she found the key.
3. Someone who works in a library ... C. ...study the word combinations and sentences to know how to use them.
4. Read the words, look them up and then... D. ... afterwards we could go for a meal.
5. We listened to the story pop-eyed... E. ....at the beginning.
6. When I was a boy, ... F. ...is a librarian.
7. After a long search ... G. ...began reading the book.
8. The contents of English books are always ... H. ...I devoured Russian fairy tales.
9. First of all, Alice and her big sister sat on the grass and then... I. ...couldn't believe our ears.
10. Let's go and see the film and ... J. ...is careful to notice everything that is happening.

Task VI. Open the brackets. Write only the verbs

If you (to come) there first, you (to wait) for me in the hall.
By this time next week, Dr. Johnson (to work) on this project for a year.
Yesterday he ... the car. (to repair)
John ... the text by 5 o’clock tomorrow. (to translate)
Nick ... the picture at the moment. (to draw)
I only just (to finish ) "The Count of Monte Cristo"
The plane (to fly) over the Atlantic ocean for 2 hours.
While Mother (to vacuum) the sofa Pete (to wash) up.
They (to clean) their flat by 5 o’clock yesterday.
He (to finish) his report by the end of the week.
They (to fight) about 10 minutes when the teacher came in.
You (to read) the leading newspaper tomorrow morning at 10 o’clock.
New buildings and bridges often (to build) in our city.
The letters (to post) tomorrow.
Look! The work (to do) now.
The house (to build) by five workers last year.
The members of the team (must introduce) to each other.
I liked school and I (to impress) by the teachers the other day.
My parents (to help) to bring up children many years ago.
Laws (should change), and I think that's good.

Task VII. Complete the verb chart.

      намазывать, распространять

Task VIII. You are going to read a text about Florence Nightingale. 7 sentences have been removed from the text. Choose from sentences A-G the one which fits each gap 1-7.

A......to be cleaned and had organized food and medical supplies.

B......Florence secretly studied nursing and worked out plans for improving the running of hospitals.

C..........the behaviour of nurses and made sure they were taught basic skills of firs aid and hygiene.

D..... in those days nurses were usually rough women, with little or no medical training.

E...... the soldiers loved her.

F........ especially India.

G....... each night she walked through the dark wards with her lamp, bringing comfort to the sick and dying.

Florence Nightingale was born on 12 May 1820 in the city of Florence in Italy. Her rich parents hoped that she would follow the path of most upper-class English girls and spend her time visiting friends and going to parties, in the hope of meeting a wealthy husband. But Florence had other ideas. When she was eighteen, Florence became convinced that her aim in life was to care for the sick. This idea horrified her parents, because [1)............] But in spite of her parents' objections, [2)............] Gradually she overcame her parents' opposition, and began visiting and working in hospitals.

In 1854 Florence Nightingale was asked to lead a group of nurses to care for British soldiers wounded in the bloody battles of the Crimean War. When she arrived with her nurses, Florence Nightingale found thousands of sick and wounded British soldiers crammed into a filthy hospital with not enough food and supplies. Within a few weeks she had arranged for the hospital [3)............] As a result, the sick and wounded were far more comfortable. She was devoted to the care of her patients and [4)............] They called her the "Lady of the Lamp" because [5)............] Florence Nightingale returned home in 1856 and was met as a heroine. But she took no notice of all the praise and instead set about working to improve army hospitals in England. She also concerned herself with health problems in British colonies overseas, [6)............]. Florence Nightingale became a well-known adviser on nursing all over the world. In 1860 she established the first training school nurses, the Nightingale School for Nurses at St Thomas's Hospital IT London. She did not teach at the school, but instead organized the training and provided much advice. She laid down strict rules for [7).........] The nurses were also taught to run hospital wards an organized and orderly way. Many of them went on to work and brought her ideas to other countries; her methods form the of nursing training today. After a long life of service to other people, Florence Nighting; - died in 1910, at the age of ninety.

Answer the questions according to the text
8. Was Florence Nightingale Italian? Did she come from a family?
9. In what way did she help the British soldiers in the Сrimean War?
10. Why did the soldiers call her the "Lady of the Lamp"?

English - VARIANT №2 - Achievement test - The 7th form

Tasks I – III (in the presentation)

Task IV. Insert the right phrasal verbs in the right form to complete the sentences

To turn into, to set out, to get out, to do with, to rush at, to turn out, to get along, to set about, to do out, to run over
What are you so busy with? – I’m ... the house for my birthday party.
The old lady ... of the car with difficulty.
The milk can was ...
In summer we usually ... our house plants ... on the balcony.
In a few seconds six white mice ... six beautiful horses.
The dog ... him.
I’m not hungry but I could ... ... a glass of juice.
I don’t know how to ... it.
The comedy ... to be very funny.
My dog and my cat ... with each other.

Task V. Join the two parts of the sentences to form one sentence.

There was enormous cat... A. ... bending over the fire.
This problem is related... B. ... his tiny piggy eyes staring straight ahead.
A country fair is a big market where... C. ... such a way that your words are difficult to understand.
She tried to warm her hands... D. ... animals, dairy products, vegetables and fruit are sold.
The sight of the beautiful valley... E. ... she talks from morning till night.
He sat quite still in the seat of his Rolls-Royce... F. ... in the kitchen eating fish.
On the table there were... G. ... that he asked her to sing on the radio.
If you mumble, you speak very quietly and in... H. ... made a great impression on the artist.
Diana’s singing impressed Bob so much... I. ... three candles in tall candlesticks.
My sister Lizzy is a real chatterbox.... J. ... to the economic situation in the country.

Task VI. Open the brackets. Write only the verbs

We (to write) a test yesterday at 3 o’clock.
They (to visit) their granny next week.
She (to do) already her homework.
I (to live) in Vladivostok since my birthday.
My friends (to go) to the cinema by 7 o’clock yesterday.
Tomorrow at 8 o’clock my classmates (to play) basketball.
Spring (to follow) winter.
Molly (to read) her book for an hour when her mother came back from work.
By this time next week Mr. Finch (to work) on this project for a year.
At the moment Liza (to play) the violin.
By this time next week Jack (to take) his exam.
We (to go) to the Zoo last month.
The toys (to make) now.
These books (to sell) everywhere.
The information (receive) next week.
English (to speak) here.
A new cinema (to build) just in our city.
Vladivostok (to found) in 1860.
The members of the team must (introduce) to each other.
The new project (not to finish) yet.

Task VII. Complete the verb chart

      тратить, проводить
      ударять, поражать

Task VIII. You are going to read a text about Hollywood. 7 sentences have been removed from the text. Choose from sentences A-G the one which fits each gap 1-7.

A. they made some movies that today

B. was the perfect place for making movies

C. the movie stars have also

D. were Hollywood’s greatest years

E. was just farmland at the beginning

F. many famous and glamorous stars

G. and see the footprints and autographs of movie stars

To many people, the word Hollywood has two meanings. “Hollywood” is an area in Los Angeles. Hollywood is American movie industry.

Hollywood [1)......] of the 20th century. Early American movies were made in other places: for example, in New York and Chicago.

In 1917 a director was making a movie in Chicago. Because of cold weather, he couldn’t finish the movie. He took a trip to southern California, and there he found just the weather and scenery he needed to finish his movie. The director realized that southern California [2)......]. The next year his company built a movie studio in Hollywood. Other companies followed. Before long nearly all important American movie studio were in Hollywood, Los Angeles.

The next thirty years [3).......]. Thousands of movies were made, most by a few large and powerful studios. Directors, actors, and writers worked for these studios. [4)......] are considered great art. Hollywood, the area in Los Angeles, also reaches its high point in these years. [5).....] like Bette Davis and Clark Gable, lives in Hollywood.

Today, Hollywood is not what it was. More movies are made outside of Hollywood. Many studios have moved. [6)......] moved to areas like Beverly Hills and Malibu. But visitors to Hollywood today can go to the famous Chinese Theatre [7).....]. They can go down the Walk of Fame, on Hollywood Boulevard, and see the golden stars in the sidewalk.

Answer the questions according to the text
8) What are the two meanings of the word “Hollywood”?
9) What was Hollywood at the beginning of the 20th century?
10) What years were the greatest years for Hollywood?

Кeys (Variant 1)

Task I (1) Task I (2) Task II. Task III. Task IV. Task V.













No inf.




No inf.


No inf.

1. rude - грубый

2. bargain - сделка

3. patch - заплата, клочок земли

4. neighbourhood - соседство, окружение

5. repair - чинить

6. filthy - грязный

7. drill - тренировка

8. spoil - портить

9.fussy - суетливый

10.disappoint - разочаровывать

1 – C

2 – B

3 – C

4 – B

5 – B

6 – C

7 – A

8– B

9 – A

- B

1.to get on

2.getting on

3.turned into

4.get over

5. set about

6. run over

7.run out

8. run out

9.rushed out

10.turned inside out

1 - A

2 - J

3 - F

4 - C

5 - I

6 - H

7 - B

8 - E

9 - G

10 - D

Task VI. Task VII.
1.come - will be waiting

2.will have been working


4.will have translated

5.is drawing

6.have only just finished

7.has been flying

8.was vacuuming - was washing up

9.had cleaned

10.will have finished

11.had been fighting

12.will be reading

13.are built

14.will be posted

15.is being done

16.was built

17.must be introduced

18.was impressed 19.were helped 20. should be changed

1. light – lit – lit-светить

2. pay – paid – paid-платить

3. set – set – set-устанавливать

4. spread – spread – spread-распространять

5. swim – swam – swum-плавать

6. shook-shake – shaken-трясти

7.write – wrote – written-писать

8. think - thought – thought-думать

9. win – won – won-выигрывать

10. forecast - forecast – forecast-предсказывать погоду

Task VIII.
1 – D

2 – B

3 – A

4 – E

5 – G

6 – F

7 – C

8. Yes, she was.

9. She had arrange to the hospital to be cleaned and had organized food and medical supplies. 10. Each night she walked through the dark wards with her lamp, bringing comfort to the sick and dying.

Кeys (Variant 2)

Task I. Task I. Task II. Task III. Task IV. Task V.
1.No inf.


3.No inf.


5.No inf.



8.No inf.

9.No inf.

10.No inf.




No inf.




No inf.


No inf.

1. realize – осознавать, осуществлять

2. promise – обещание

3. chatterbox – болтун

4. desperate –отчаянный

5. interpreter – переводчик

6.filthy – грязный

7.drop –падать

8.spoil – испортить

9.fussy –суетливый

10. regret – сожалеть

1 – C

2 – B

3 – B

4 – A

5– C

6– C

7– B

8– C

9– C

10- C

1.doing out

2.got out

3. set out/off

4.set out/off

5.turned into

6.rushed at

7.do with

8.set about

9.turned out

10.get along

1 - F

2- J

3 - D

4 - A

5 - H

6 - B

7 - I

8 - C

9 - G

10 - E

Task VI. Task VII.
1.were writing

2.will visit

3.has done

4.have been living

5.had gone

6.will be playing


8.had been reading

9.will have been working

10.is playing

11.will have taken


13.are being made

14.are sold

15.will be received

16.is spoken

17.has just been built

18.was founded

19.must be introduced

20.has not been finished

1. spend-spent-spent-проводить

2. grow-grew-grown-расти

3. throw-threw-thrown-бросать

4. ride-rode-ridden-ехать верхом

5. shake-shook-shaken-трясти

6. rise-rose-risen-вставать

7. strike-struck-struck-ударять

8. hide-hid-hidden-прятать


10.wear-wore-worn-носить одежду

Task VIII.






7. G

8. “Hollywood” is an area in Los Angeles. Hollywood is American movie industry.

9. Hollywood was just farmland at the beginning of the 20th century

10. The next thirty years were Hollywood’s greatest years (since 1917)


  1. Афанасьева О.В. Английский язык: Учеб. для VII кл. шк. с углубл. Изучением англ. яз., лицеев, гимназий, колледжей/О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева. – М.: Просвещение, 2009. – 302 с.
  2. Афанасьева О.В. Английский язык. Серия “Новый курс английского языка для российских школ”. 4-й год обучения. 8 кл.: учебник для общеобразоват. учреждений/О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева. – 5-е изд., стереотип. – М.: Дрофа, 2009. – 287 с. (задания по аудированию № 64, 75)