Внеклассное мероприятие "Ирландские традиции"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа

Продолжительность: 40 минут.

Форма проведения: праздник День Святого Патрика

Технологии: элементы технологии развивающего обучения и сотрудничества, ИКТ

Цель: расширить с помощью английского языка представление учащихся об окружающем их мире, о языке как средстве взаимодействия с этим миром, и формировать положительную мотивацию учения, готовность воспринимать культуру изучаемого языка.


  • развивать интерес к изучаемому языку;
  • совершенствовать навыки говорения, аудирования и английского произношения;
  • познакомить учащихся с историей возникновения праздника День Святого Патрика, его символами.

Разработка внеклассного мероприятия поможет учителю в работе по расширению страноведческого кругозора учащихся с помощью языковых средств и развитию интереса к стране изучаемого языка, её традициям и обычаям. Используется аудио и видео материал на английском языке, который способствует развитию у учащихся аудитивных и коммуникативных компетенций.

– Оформление сцены
– Экран; мультимедийный проектор; ноутбук
– Видео- и аудиозаписи
– Компьютерная презентация

Участники: ведущие, певцы, танцоры, чтецы


Выходят дети в зеленом под песню «Тhe Irish are coming»

Видеоролик об Ирландии

В1 – Good afternoon, our dearest guests.
B2 – We welcomе you in our school hall which is a little part of Ireland today.
B3 – On the 17th of March all Irish people celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day.
B1 – On this day people wear green clothes and colour their faces, hair in green.


Things that are green

The trees are green, the grass is green,
My clothes are green, my nose is green–
Your chair is green, your hair is green–
Everything’s green on March seventeen.
His head is green, her cat is green,
His plants are green, her pants are green,
Our house is green, their mouse is green–
Everything’s green on March seventeen.

B2 – In Ireland Saint Patrick’s Day is a holy day and national holiday too. Patrick was the one who brought Christianity to the Irish.


В3 – The shamrock has three leaves. According to the legend Saint Patrick told people that it symbolizes the Trinity: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

B1 – Since that the shamrock is a symbol of this holiday.


One green shamrock, in the morning dew,
Another one sprouted, and then there were two.
Two green shamrocks, growing beneath a tree,
Another one sprouted and then there were three.
Three green shamrocks, by the cottage door,
Another one sprouted and then there were four.
Four green shamrocks, near a beehive
Another one sprouted and then there were five.
Five little shamrocks, bright and emerald green,
Think of all the luck these shamrocks will bring.

(Натрилистникахслово lucky)

В2 – One more symbol of this day is leprechaun.
The leprechaun is an elf from Irish fairy tales.  He has pointed ears, turned up toes and little green coat.   He is lazy, cunning and greedy. The leprechaun has a pot of gold well hidden at the end of the rainbow.

(Песенка о Лепреконе)

Танец «Гномы»

В2 – Leprechauns are really friendly and nice elves, but if you bully them they become monsters.
В3 – So don’t forget to give them a glass of milk, and they may show you their treasure.
B1 – Do you know that Ireland is famous for its dancing. The most popular is jig.
B2 – Irish dancing is an ancient tradition that managed to survive over time.
B3 – When the Celts came to Ireland from central Europe 2000 years ago, they brought their folk dances with them.
B1 – At the end of the 19th century Irish people started their holidays and parties with jig or ceili. And after that it became a tradition.


St. Patrick's Day is here, you see.
We'll pick some shamrocks, one, two, three.
We'll count the leaves and look them over,
And maybe find a four-leafed clover.
I'll sew green buttons on my vest,
Green for St. Patrick is the best.
I'll wear a green hat, very high,
And dance a jig-at least I'll try

В2 – We invite you to see one of the dances that called Irish Jig.


В3 – Now we want you to learn some movements of this dance.

Небольшой мастер-класс по обучению движениям танца «Ирландская джига». Stand up please and try.

B1 – Thank you very much. So we think that now you can be the first on the disco.
В2 – By the way Irish dance is widely used in many films and cartoons. Let’s see it in the «Alice in Wonderland».
В3 – At St. Patrick’s Day everywhere you can see little shows where artists act in different plays. We offer you to watch «Little red riding hood».

Сценка «Little red riding hood»

Персонажи: Little red riding hood, Mummy, Grey Wolf, Jazz chant group

Сбоку на сцене стоят дети. Это хор и музыканты. Они в веночках из цветов, в разноцветных одеждах. У каждого из них – «музыкальный инструмент» для отбивания ритма. Появляется девочка с корзиной. Это Красная Шапочка. Она собирает цветы и напевает:

Little red riding hood: I’m little riding hood, I’m red riding hood.

Jazz chant group: (напевают, отбивая ритм на музыкальных инструментах):

This is little riding hood.
This is red riding hood!
Let’s look! Let’s look!
She is good! She is good!

Появляется мама девочки.


Your Granny is sick!
Go there! Be quick!
She is so sick!

Мама подает девочке корзину с продуктами.

Jazz chant group:

Your Granny is sick!
Be quick! Be quick! Quick!

Little red riding hood: I’m ready! And I’m quick!

Mummy: Bye-bye, Little hood!
Don’t talk to a wolf!

Красная шапочка прощается с мамой и направляется вдоль сцены с корзиной, собирая цветы и грибы.

Little red riding hood:

Flowers here, Flowers there,
Flowers grow everywhere.

Jazz chant group:

Don’t pick flowers.
Your Granny is sick.
Go quick! Go quick!

На сцене появляется Волк.

Little red riding hood: Hi! How are you, Mr. Wolf!

Grey wolf: Hi! How are you, Riding hood?

Little red riding hood: I’m fine, Mr. Wolf.
Are you fine, Mr. Wolf?

Grey wolf: I’m Well, Riding Hood!

Little red riding hood: Where do you live, Mr. Wolf?

Grey wolf: I live here, in this wood.

Little red riding hood: Where do you sleep, Mr. Wolf?

Grey wolf: I sleep here in this wood!

Jazz chant group: He lives here, he sleeps here.

Little red riding hood: Are you a bad wolf or a good wolf, Mr. Wolf?

Grey wolf: I’m very good, riding hood!

Jazz chant group: He is very, very bad, riding hood!

Grey wolf: Oh, my dear, stay here!

Little red riding hood: My granny is sick. Let’s go to her home!

Grey wolf: Tell me, please, where is her home?

Jazz chant group: Your granny is sick. Be quick, be quick.

Little red riding hood: She lives over there. Do you like to go there?

Grey wolf: Yes, I do. Yes, I do.

Jazz chant group: Your granny is sick. Be quick, be quick.

Little red riding hood: I want to visit my Granny. And what about you?

Grey wolf: Oh, I’m eager to visit your Granny too.

Jazz chant group: He is bad. He is really bad.

Grey wolf: I don’t have time to talk. Let’s walk! Let’s walk!

Jazz chant group: Don’t talk with him! Don’t walk with him!

Красная шапочка берет Волка за лапу, отдает ему корзину. И они вместе уходят со сцены. Дети бегут следом за Волком и Красной шапочкой и предостерегают ее.

В1 – We hope it was interesting for you and you really enjoyed it.
В2 – Nowadays St Patrick’s Day is celebrated with colorful and merry parades not only in Ireland but in many countries in the world.


В3 – Аs we see such holidays unite people of different nations, cultures, beliefs and make them friends.


– Be Irish on this day. Happy St Patrick’s Day!