Заключительный урок в 4-м классе по УМК на тему "Английский в фокусе"


Тип урока: обобщающий.

  • Обучающая цель: систематизировать знания учащихся, полученные в начальной школе.
  • Развивающая цель: совершенствовать навыки связной речи, развивать мышление, память, стимулировать самостоятельность учащихся, формировать познавательный интерес учащихся к предмету.
  • Воспитательная цель: прививать любовь и интерес к иностранному языку; воспитывать умение работать в парах, группах, самостоятельно.

Ход урока

  1. Приветствие.

- Hello! Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you too.

Hello! Hello!
It’s so nice to say
Hello! Hello!
And have a nice day!

  1. Вступительное слово учителя.

Ребята, сегодня в гости к нам пришли ваши родители, учителя. Мы их очень ждали, готовили песни, стихи, сказку и хотим им показать и рассказать, что мы умеем делать. Все песни и стихи будут проецироваться на экране. Это будет англо-русским словарем для родителей, а дети исполнят их в движении.

Песня “I wasn’t happy yesterday

Приложение 1

I wasn’t happy yesterday
I was sad, bored and angry
I wasn’t happy yesterday
I was scared, tired and hungry
But not today, not today
Today I am very happy

Стихи: Приложение 4





Песня «The Yellow Giraffe»:

The Yellow Giraffe is as tall as can be
It can eat the leaves from a very tall tree
It’s got a long neck
And long legs too
And it can run faster
Than me or you.

Приложение 2








Песня «Oh, what a mystery»:

Oh, what a mystery
The mouse studied History
The kangaroo climbed up the tree
The elephant played the saxophone
 And the bumblebee dived in the sea.

Приложение 3

Сказка «A Goat and Seven Kids».  

Characters: Mother Goat, 7 Kids, Wolf.

Scene 1

(Mother Goat and her kids are at home. Mother Goat wants to go to the market to buy some fruit .)

Mother Goat: Don’t open the door to anybody.

Kids: All right. Good bye, Mother.

(Soon the Wolf comes up to the gout’s house. He knocks at the door.)

Wolf: Open the door! It’s me, your mother.

Kids: No! You are not our mother.

The 1st Kid: Our mother’s voice is soft.

The 2nd Kid: Our mother’s voice is sweet.

The 3rd Kid: Our mother’s voice is nice.

The 4th Kid: Our mother’s voice is wonderful.

The 5th Kid: She is clever and kind.

The 6th Kid: She is polite and careful.

The 7th Kid: Our mother is good.

The Kids: We mustn’t open the door to anybody.

(The wolf goes away.)

Scene II

(The wolf comes up to the goat’s house again, knocking at the door, speaking in a soft voice.)

Wolf: Open the door! It’s me, your mother.

Kids: No! You are not our mother.

The 1st Kid: Our mother’s voice is softer than yours.

The 2nd Kid: Our mother’s voice is sweeter than yours.

The 3rd Kid: Our mother’s voice is nicer than yours.

The 4th Kid: Our mother’s voice is more wonderful than yours.

The 5th Kid: She is cleverer and kinder than you.

The 6th Kid: She is more polite and more caring than you.

The 7th Kid: Our mother is better than you.

Wolf: I have got some toys for you.

Kids: We don’t want any toys from you.

Wolf: Open the door!

Kids: No! You are ugly, bad and awful.

(The wolf goes away.)

Scene III

(The wolf comes up to the door.)

Kids: Do you hear? Somebody is at the door.

Wolf: Open the door! It’s me, your mother.

Kids: No! You are not our mother.

The 1st Kid: Our mother’s voice is the softest of all voices.

The 2nd Kid: Our mother’s voice is the sweetest of all voices.

The 3rd Kid: Our mother’s voice is the nicest of all voices.

The 4th Kid: Our mother’s voice is the most wonderful of all voices.

The 5th Kid: She is the cleverest and the kindest mother in the world.

The 6th Kid: She is the most polite and most careful mother in the world.

The 7th Kid: Our mother is the best of all.

Wolf: I will break down the door.

Kids: We are not afraid of you!


Do you give up? One!
Do you give up? Two!
Do you give up? Three!

(The wolf breaks the door down and rushes into the room. The fight begins. Five kids are fighting with sticks and brooms. Two kids are making a terrible noise with pans and spoons. The wolf is frightened. He runs away.)

Scene IV

Mother Goat (comes in): What’s the matter? What has happened?

Kids: Oh! Mother dear! The wolf wanted to eat us.

Mother Goat: My dear children, you are the strongest, the bravest, the cutest and the most beautiful kids in the world. I’m very happy!

(She kisses them and gives them the fruit.)


Mother is the dearest
Of all the friends we know.
She helps us work and helps us play,
That’s why we love her so.

Песня «The More We Аre Together» Поют все!

The more we are together, together, together
The more we are together
The happier we are
For my friend is your friend
And your friend is my friend
The more we are together
The happier we are
The more we are together, together, together
The more we are together
The merrier we are
For his friends are her friends
And her friends are his friends
The more we are together
The merrier we are
The more we are together, together, together
The more we are together
The happier we are
For our friends are their friends
And their friends are our friends
The more we are together
The happier we are

  1. Вручение грамот за особые успехи в изучении английского языка.

Приложение 5

  1. Заключительная часть урока.

It’s a pity, but our lesson is over. It was a great pleasure to work with you. And now stand up and sing our song “Good bye”.

Good bye. Good bye
I don’t like to say
Good bye. Good bye
And have a nice day.