Урок английского языка в 6-м классе по теме: "Английский язык плюс компьютер"(с использованием информационных технологий)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Тема урока: Компьютер и английский язык

Тип урока: совершенствование навыков аудирования и чтения с извлечением основной информации с помощью компьютера

Дидактическая цель: создать условия для структурирования учебной информации и проверки уровня обученности школьников при помощи новых информационных технологий

Цели по содержанию:

  • образовательная: способствовать пониманию взаимосвязи между изучением английского языка и умением пользоваться персональным компьютером, совершенствование умения делать собственное сообщение по данной проблеме
  • развивающая: способствовать развитию умения анализировать и извлекать основную информацию из увиденного и услышанного с помощью компьютера
  • воспитательная: способствовать воспитанию уважения к результатам интеллектуальной деятельности человека, способствовать повышению мотивации к изучению английского языка

Практические задачи:

  • совершенствовать лексические навыки по теме "Компьютер"
  • совершенствовать грамматические навыки по теме "Степени сравнения прилагательных"
  • совершенствовать навыки аудирования и чтения с извлечением основной информации по теме “Компьютер”

Технология: новая информационная

Формы организации познавательной деятельности: фронтальная, индивидуальная

Средства обучения:

  • компьютер
  • дидактический материал (в электронном виде), составленный учителем.

План урока

I блок целевой Оргмомент. Речевая зарядка. Мотивация. Целеполагание. 5-10 минут.
II блок процессуальный Основная часть. Работа с компьютером. Выполнение тестов по лексике, чтению и аудированию. 30 минут.
III блок аналитический Рефлексия. 5 минут.




Деятельность учителя

Информационное пространство

Деятельность учащихся

I блок: целевой

1. Оргмомент 1.Приветствует детей 1. Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you! Отвечают на приветствие учителя.
2. Фонетическая зарядка. 2.Побуждает учащихся к выполнению задания. 2. Phonetic Drills (Приложение 1)

a) Your English is improving

b) My English is improving

а) читают текст вместе с диктором;

б) читают рифмовку под музыку.

3. Мотивация. Целеполагание. 3.а) Формулирует проблему с помощью учеников, ставит цель урока.

б) Организует фронтальную работу учащихся.

3. a) We have had English lessons in the computer classroom for half a year now. But I think they are not useful, your English is not getting better. I want to give up our lessons in the computer classroom.

b) Shall we continue our computer lessons? So you should prove that your English is getting better and the computer helps to make your English better. Use degrees of comparison when you speak.

а) не соглашаются с учителем, просят его не бросать работу в компьютерном классе;

б) ученики составляют предложения о пользе компьютера для изучения английского языка, используя степени сравнения.

2 блок: Процессуальный

1. Актуализация лексики. 1. Предлагает учащимся выполнить тест на знание компьютерной лексики. (Проверка результатов теста после урока) 1. To use a computer you should know some English words. Let's see if you know 'computer words'. (Приложение 2) Выполняют тест на компьютере, сохраняя ответы в памяти для проверки.
2. Аудирование видеофрагмента о компьютерах. 2. Предлагает учащимся посмотреть видеофрагмент и выполнить тест на компьютере. 2. Now let's watch some video about James and Julia March. Can you understand what they are talking about? Put on your headphones, listen to them and do the test.

(Приложение 3)

Надевают наушники, смотрят видеофрагмент и выполняют тест на компьютере, сохраняя ответы в памяти для проверки.
3. Фронтальная беседа по прослушанному. 3. Фронтально задаёт вопросы ученикам об умении работать на компьютере. 3. Can James type on the computer? Can Julia type on the computer? Can you type on the computer? Can you use a word processor? Can you use a fax machine? Can you send a fax? Can you work on the Internet? Can you use a photocopier? Can you send an E-mail? Can you make a new file? Отвечают на вопросы учителя.
4. Монолог “Компьютер в моей жизни”. 4. Предлагает учащимся посмотреть цифровые видеофрагменты с монологами учащихся. Нацеливает на задание. 4. Now let's see what pupils of our group can do on the computer and how it helps them in their studies. Listen to them carefully because you will do a test after that.

(Приложение 4)

Ученики смотрят видеофрагменты через проектор на большом экране.
5. Контроль прослушанного. 5. Предлагает учащимся выполнить тест по прослушанному. 5. Have you listened to your friends carefully? Can you guess who is who?
(Приложение 5)
Ученики выполняют тест на компьютере, сохраняя ответы в памяти.
6. Тест для чтения “Компьютеры” 6. Предлагает ученикам прочитать текст о компьютерах и выполнить тест. 6. Do computers really make our life better? Read the text about computers and do a test to it.
(Приложение 6)
Читают текст и выполняют тест к нему.

3 блок: аналитический

Аналитический. Предлагает учащимся сделать собственный вывод о необходимости продолжения уроков в компьютерном классе и провести блиц-опрос гостей. l. So, what's the conclusion? Should we continue our lessons in the computer classroom? Fill in the questionary and ask our guests.
  • Do you think we should continue English lessons in the computer classroom?
  • Do you think computers can help to improve our English?

2. Hometask:

  • Make a crossword with computer words.
  • Write a short composition (10-15 sentences) on the topic “Computers: friends or enemies?”
Ученики заполняют карту рефлексии и проводят блиц-опрос присутствующих гостей.

Рефлексия учащихся

Рефлексия учащихся

Рефлексия учителей

Рефлексия учителей


  1. disk
  2. screen
  3. mouse
  4. printer
  5. speakers
  6. keyboard
  7. Internet
  8. software
  9. CD
  10. fax
  11. E-mail
Listening Comprehension
  1. a
  2. c
  3. a
  4. b
  5. a
  6. b
  7. b
  8. a
  9. b
Reading Comprehension
  1. b
  2. a
  3. a
  4. b
  5. a
  6. .a
  7. b
  8. b
  9. a
  10. b
Students' Stories
  1. Alexey
  2. Vadim
  3. Liza
  4. I1ya
  5. Helen
  6. Ksenia
  7. Julia
  8. Andrey
  9. Vanya
  10. Seva

Приложение 1

Phonetic Drills
Things are getting better, much better.
Things are getting better every day.
I'm glad.
The homework is getting easier, much easier.
The homework is getting easier every day.
That’s good.
Your English is improving.
Your writing is getting stronger.
Your grammar is getting better every day.
Your accent is getting better, much better.
Your accent is getting better every day.

Приложение 2

Приложение 3

Приложение 4

l. Hi, my name is Alexey. I am crazy about games. Last year I was a football fan, this year I go in for chess. I have never played chess with the computer but I wish I could. I play games at school, too. During the breaks I play billiards or chess. And of course, I am fond of playing computer games. My favourite game is Heroes-2 and 3. There is a lot of information in English in the game Heroes-2. I have to translate something from English into Russian when I play this game. To tell the truth I don't like all English lessons very much but I enjoy English lessons in the computer classroom because we work on the computers and play games there. Sorry to say, I don't have a computer at home now but I will have one soon. I think I will be happy to have it.

2. Hello, my name is Vadim. I am crazy about computers. I have a computer at home and I work on the computer every day. I learnt to do everything on the computer myself, my parents don't help me. I used to collect files and to make slides on the computer. It's very interesting. You can make a family album on the computer. Now I am fond of making short cartoons on the computer. I surf the Internet to watch cartoons about Masyanya and to get some new ideas about making cartoons. I would like to learn more advanced computer technologies and to learn the animation programme 3D. I know the programmes Choon-Boom, Studio 1.0, Word, Excel, Power Point. I also play computer games. My favourite game is Harry Porter and the Secret Room. I am interested in English,too. I have an electronic dictionary Context 3.51 and a translator on my computer. I have an educational programme Brush Up Your English, 8 digital videos in English from basic to upper-intermediate, and a study programme in English for little children. It is called Triple Play Plus.

3. Hello, my name is Liza. My hobbies are English and music. I am also interested in computers. I have a computer at home. I can record music from discs on the computer, type in Russian and in English. I can type with ten fingers. It's not very difficult for me because I can play the piano. So I can type rather fast. I like to surf the Internet and to copy different pictures from the Internet. I have an E-mail and sometimes I send E-mail messages to my relatives in Germany, in the Ukraine and to my friend Julia when she is travelling abroad. English helps me to play computer games. My favourite games are Sims Making Magic and Zanzarah Hidden Porto. Sometimes when I do my homework in English, I use my computer dictionary. I am happy that I can play the piano, know English and can work on the computer.

4. Hello, my name is Ilya. I prefer reading books to working on the computer. I don't have a computer at home and I don't think I must have it. It is not necessary and besides it is very expensive. I don't play computer games, I have more important things to do. I take part in many quizes and olympiads in many subjects and I often win them. But I finished a computer course. Now I can use a word processor, I can type in English and in Russian. I can make computer graphics. I usually work on the computer at school. I like English lessons in the computer classroom. There we watch videos and listen to native speakers. It helps to understand English better.

5. Hi, my name is Helen. I am fond of computers and I have a computer at home. I know the programme Photo Impression and I can design photos, make computer praphics, use the computer translator. I can use a word processor but I can't type very fast. I wish I could scan photos and type more quickly. I usually work on the computer 2 or 3 times a week. I play computer games. My favourite game is Sims. Sometimes I type reports for different lessons. The computer helps to make them more beautiful. I don't have a modem at home. If I want to work on the Internet, I go to my relatives. I surfed the Internet to find some information about some famous people, gardening or medicine, because it is interesting for me.

6. Hi, my name is Ksenia. I like computers but I don't have a computer at home. I would like to have a computer because I need it for my lessons. I have an American pen-pal and she sent me a very beautiful letter. It was printed on the computer. I want to send my pen-pal such beautiful letters, too. I can type with two fingers and play computer games. My favourite game is Range Drivers. I would like to be good at typing and I want to know the computer better. My friend has a computer and a modem. I surfed the Internet to find pictures of my favourite actors. My favourite actor is Alice Milana from the series "The Charmed". I was also interested how much mobile phones cost. I found this information on the Internet. I worked with the study programme Brush Up Your English only in English class.

7. Hello, my name is Julia. I am fond of computers. I have a computer at home. I work on the computer every day if my mother isn't working on it and if I have free time. I can type texts with one hand, I can enter the Internet, work on the Internet and in Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel. I find information for my reports in History and Geography on the Internet. I have an E-mail address and I send E-mail messages when I travel abroad. I type letters to my American pen-pal and reports for English lessons. This is what I can do. I had a programme Magic Goody on my computer. I had a translator, quizes and tests in English. I need English when I play different computer games. My favourite computer game is Sims.

8. Hello, my name is Andrey. I am crazy about computers, I have a computer at home and I enjoy working on it. I have a good ear for music and I can tune music on the computer. I tried to compose some melodies on the computer. I think the melodies were rather good. And what child doesn't like to play computer games? I do. I play computer games almost every day. My favourite game is Fall of Max Paine. When I play this game, I have to use my English because all directions in the game are in English. Sometimes I use a computer to look up an English word. I can enter the Internet. Sometimes I use the Internet to prepare a report in Geography or to type a letter or a report in English. I want to learn to make cartoons on the computer like Vadim.

9. Hello, my name is Vanya. I don't have a computer at home but I would like to have one because I am interested in computers and sometimes I need a computer to do my homework. I can type on the computer, play computer games and make files. I can type in English faster than in Russian. I use a word processor in English lessons when I type letters to America and reports in English, when I want to play computer games, I go to my friends. My favourite game is Heroes. I can't work on the Internet yet but I wish I could.

Приложение 5

Приложение 6