Открытый урок по теме: "Мир вокруг нас"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

All around us is wonderfully.

A thing of beauty is a joy forever. Listen and enjoy yourself. It is dawn. The first appearance of daylight is in the morning. Everything is coming out to meet the Sun light. The meadows, forests, rivers and lakes are feeling happy at this moment showing their fresh and vital beauty. Flowers, birds, animals and people – all of them are feeling themselves with great power of the Sun expressing in it their own language. The flowers are showing their colours: yellow, red, orange, violet, rose, white, pink. The birds are singing their wonderful songs: the animals are silently observing the surroundings. The butterflies and bees are dancing in the air. Every creature on earth is thankful to the Sun. Indeed, there is a lot to be thankful for. This is beauty. This is joy.


The Sun, the trees, the grass, the sky.
The silver moon that’s sailing by.
The rain and dew and snowflakes white.
The flowers sweet and stars of bright.
The songs of birds, wind whispering.
The autumn leaves, the buds of spring such lovely things to hear and see.
Belong to you, belong to me.

The world is a big, big round ball. It is called the Earth. You live on the Earth, and everything around you is part of it. There are many, interesting things on the Earth. The Sun shines, the wind blows, the rain falls. You see the sky and the sea, air and water, trees and grass. We shall tell you all kinds of things about the world around you. So you know about what you see in the sky and out of the sky, on the ground and in the street. The world is so interesting that you will be glad to know more about it.

Dear girls and boys! Teachers and guests! Welcome to the Club of the Merry and the Quick- Witted! At our lesson the pupils of the seventh form tell you about the world around us.

Let me introduce three teams, please.

This is team The Sun. The captain of the team is Balenicheva Natasha. Stand up, please.

This is team The Moon. The captain of the team is Sosnovskaya Kate. Stand up, please. This is team The Stars. The captain of the team is Uvarova Ann. You may sit down. My name is Yulya. I am a leader. I am a pupil of the tenth form. They are the members of Jury.

Let’s begin our competition.

The first task: Greetings. (Tell us about your teams). Please.

Our team is the Sun. I am the strongest and important in the sky. I have many colours: red, orange, yellow, gold and white. I can make a fine rainbow in the sky when it rains. Our motto:

To rise early and to set late. To shine always and to warm us.

Our team is the Moon. I am a friend of the Earth. I’m like a fine sickle. I shine too but at night. When the Sun sleeps. I want to shine and not to warm; I want to help and not to rest. I’m not lazy. Out motto: To shine at night, when it’s dark and to sleep all day.

Our team is the Stars. We are little sisters of the Sun and the Moon. There are seven Stars in our team. We are very pretty too and scattered about the sky. You cannot count us all. We are so bright and small. Our motto: To shine always, to shine everywhere, to shine on the ground and in the air. To shine and not to go out.

A) (The best story and poem about the teams).

The second task: Adjectives. a) Choose and read the adjectives about your teams, please.

Glad, sad, round, yellow, bright, warm, hot, big, mystery, dull, cool, kind, brilliant, gold, shining, ground, water, fly, gloomy, massive, lifeless, sickle, white, red, happy, foggy, cold, misty, snow, barometer, weather, weathermen, forecast, snowflakes, dew, rainy, pale, lazy, hard, circle, quiet, silver, red, orange, white, half-circle, charming, lovely, nice, fine, beautiful.

b) Find the antonyms in the second column.

Find the antonyms (write).

1. Clean

a) low

2. Fat

b) big

3. Young

c) dirty

4. Beautiful

d) thin

5. Little

e) ugly

6. High

f) old

7. Good

g) bad

The next task: Geography. (Answer the questions, please.) What do you know about the rivers, oceans and cities?

1) Which river is longer?
a) The Mississippi; b) The Volga.

2) Which city is older?
a) London; b) New York.

3) Which is the biggest ocean on our planet?
a) The Indian; b) The Atlantic; c) The Pacific; d) The Arctic.

4) Which country is bigger?
a) The USA; The UK. KEY: 1a, 2a, 3c, 4a.

I see you know Adjectives very well we are going on our competition.

The next task: Proverbs. (Finish the following proverbs and give English equivalents.

The Sun.

1. There is no smoke ….
2. Two heads are better ….
3. Out of sight ….
4. Still water …

The Moon.

1. There is no place ….
2. First think ….
3. Appetite comes ….
4. Everything is go….

The Stars.

1. East or West ….
2. All is well ….
3. Better late ….
4. Look before ….

Jokes. (Whose joke is the best?)

Puzzle Time. (A game of words, make up the sentences, crossword.)


1. OWNS.
2. UNS.
3. NAIR.
5. OGF.


1. NOMO.
2. RAST.
3. KYS.
6. EIC.
7. AES.


1. DNIW.
3. PDRO.
5. IAR.

Make up the sentences.

1. Year three A hundred fifty days five and has.
2. Is rainbow there a the in sky
3. The does at Sun night shine ?
4. Has colours sunlight many.
5. Turns in months round the Earth twelve the Sun.

Лучший кроссворд “Seasons”

1. It’s very bright and hot.
2. They flow merrily in the streets after winter.
3. What makes autumn the richest season?
4. They are small and cold and like little stars.
5. They grow in parks, gardens, forests. They are beautiful. We like them very much.
6. The coldest seasons of the year.
7. We like the songs they sing in the forest.

A  Poem. ( Translate the poem, please.)

Translate the poem.

The snowflakes are falling
By one’s and by two’s,
There is snow on my coat
And snow on my shoes.
There is snow on the plants
And snow on the trees,
And snowflakes all round me
Like many white bees.

Riddles. (I give you four riddles, give the right answer). Take a piece of paper, please.

Try and guess.

1. Higher than a house,
Higher than a tree;
Oh! Whatever can that be?
2. What falls, but never rises?
3. Two bright sisters are always running and never meet.
4. What is without hands and without feet, without head or body, but can open the door.

Try and guess.

1. Say what we can wear when it rains.
2. We are very large though we seem small,
We float on high and never fall,
We shine like jewels in the night,
But in the day are hid from sight.
What are we?
3. In winter the water freezes in the clouds and then falls in little …
4. Which month of the year is the shortest?

Try and guess.

1. What is it that can catch me in the garden and make me wet, but cannot reach me, when I am at home.
2. I’m cold, I’m white, I’m funny, I live in winter. I don’t live in summer
I have a head, eyes, a nose, arms, but I am not a man. I am made of snow.
3. What do we have over our heads when it rains?
4. Over me and over you
A sack with water has flown.

The Plays. (The Wind and the Sun, A clever bird, The Fox and the Crane.)

The Sums. ( Жюри подводит итоги) Лучшая команда награждается грамотой.

The End.