Внеклассная работа по иностранному языку через деятельность клуба любителей английского языка (городской клуб "Лингва" и школьный клуб "Юник")

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа

Внеклассная работа по иностранному языку имеет большое общеобразовательное, воспитательное и развивающее значение. Эта работа не только углубляет и расширяет знание иностранного языка, но и способствует также расширению культурного кругозора, эрудиции школьников, развитию их творческой активности, духовно-нравственной сферы, эстетических вкусов и, как следствие, повышает мотивацию к изучению языка и культуры другой страны и развивает желание более активно осваивать культуру своей страны.

В свете Концепции модернизации образования, когда правительство РФ и Министерство образования вновь обратили внимание на приоритет воспитания в школе и улучшили финансирование системы образования, возникла необходимость возродить тот положительный опыт, который уже был накоплен в отечественной школе. Как выяснилось, за это время произошли такие изменения в жизни и системе образования, которые потребовали обновлённых подходов, форм и содержания внеклассной работы по иностранным языкам. В частности, широкое распространение получила работа с компьютерами, использование Интернет-сети в обучении различным предметам и в процессе контроля знаний, умений и навыков. В целях повышения мотивации к учению в школах стали уделять должное внимание воспитательной работе, в том числе по иностранным языкам через учебный предмет “Иностранный язык”. Поэтому возникает необходимость систематизировать имеющийся общедидактический и методический опыт педагогов, а также осмыслить новое содержание и методически оформить новые требования к организации внеклассной работы по иностранным языкам.

Среди многообразия форм внеклассной работы мы делаем акцент на деятельности клубов, а именно, на клубе любителей английского языка на уровне школы и города. Представленная разработка прошла апробацию на заседаниях школьного и городского клубов.

В нашем городе на протяжении 10 лет успешно действует городской клуб любителей иностранного языка “Лингва”, ведущий очень серьезную внеклассную воспитательную работу с целью повышения интереса и развития речевых навыков учащихся по тем или иным иностранным языкам. В МОУ “СОШ №58” был организован клуб любителей английского языка “Юник”.

Заседания клубов проводятся в определенный период учебного года по предварительно составленной программе, которая определяет цели, содержание и форму любого из его компонентов. Тематика заседаний клубов должна быть интересной, познавательной, доступной, связанной с учебным материалом и отвечать возрастным особенностям учеников, уровню их языковой подготовки. (Приложение 1)

Процесс подготовки и проведение заседаний проходит в три этапа.

I этап (подготовительный) начинается составлением программы клуба.

II этап-это проведение заседания клуба. Обязательным условием проведения заседания является создание атмосферы языковой непринужденности. Ученики должны ощущать удовлетворение и радость от своего участия в клубе.

III этап посвящен итогам заседания клуба. Желательно выпустить информационный бюллетень и сообщить о том, как прошло заседание, каких успехов достигли ее участники, кто из учеников наиболее отметился.

Эффективность и результативность внеклассной работы зависит как от учета указанных выше принципов, так и от соблюдения следующих условий:

  • добровольность участия;
  • сочетание инициативы детей с направляющей ролью учителя;
  • занимательность и новизна содержания, форм и методов работы;
  • эстетичность всех проводимых мероприятий;
  • четкая организация и тщательная подготовка всех запланированных мероприятий;
  • наличие целевых установок и перспектив деятельности;
  • широкое использование методов педагогического стимулирования активности учащихся;
  • гласность;
  • привлечение учащихся более старшего возраста к подготовке и проведению мероприятий с учащимися более младшего возраста.

Клуб любителей английского языка.

Цель: создание условий для реализации творческого потенциала учащихся в рамках предмета “английский язык”.

Задачи: I. Познавательный аспект.

  • дать знания о культуре стран изучаемого языка: музыка, история, театр, живопись и т.д.;
  • познакомить с менталитетом других народов в сравнении с другой культурой;
  • способствовать удовлетворению личных познавательных интересов.

II. Развивающий аспект.

  • развивать мотивацию к дальнейшему овладению иностранной культурой;
  • развивать учебные умения и формировать у учащихся рациональные приемы овладения иноязычной культурой

III.Воспитательный аспект.

  • способствовать воспитанию толерантности и уважения к другой культуре;
  • приобщать к общечеловеческим ценностям;
  • способствовать воспитанию личностных качеств (умение работать в сотрудничестве с другими; коммуникабельность, уважение к себе и другим, личная и взаимная ответственность;
  • прививать навыки самостоятельной работы по дальнейшему овладению ик

IV. Учебный аспект

  • систематизировать, обобщить и закрепить лексические и грамматические средства, пройденные ранее;
  • учить решать коммуникативные задачи, необходимые для общения (монолог. Диалог и т. д.) в рамках базового и надбазового уровня овладения ИЯ.

Задача учителя и ученика

Discovering the USA!


Teacher: Hello, dear students! Hello, dear teachers! We are glad to see you! Today we have the traditional meeting at our town English club “ Lingua”.

Today we’ll study at the one-day school “ Discovering the USA!” Imagine that you are the students of this unusual school. Now look at the time-table.(Приложение 2)

Today we’ll have a Registration, two Lessons, a Break and a Tea-break.

Let’s begin!

A lot of the USA schools begin their school day with the national Hymn “ America the Beautiful!” So, let’s do the same . Welcome to our school. I ask you to stand up, please.

(Music: “ America the Beautiful”)

Teacher: Thank you very much. You may take your seats. Let me introduce our jury. (names of the teachers). They will check your tasks and give the points to all the teams. Try to do best! (Приложение 3) (The Bell rings)

Teacher: Now we are having an unusual registration. Take the Student’s Cards, please.(Приложение 4)

Before stating the lessons let’s get acquainted. At your student’s cards you can find the information. In the corner of the card you see the number . Now your task is to find your partner with the same number and get acquainted each other. I ask you not only to read the information but ask the questions, please.

(The game “What is your name?” ) (The Bell rings)

Teacher: Very good. Now you know something about students of our school. Now let’s start the first lesson.. It is called “American Symbols”.

Each nation has its own symbols. Some things or names are associated with the certain country. What symbols, names or things do you picture in your mind if you think about the USA? Take the markers and write your ideas, please.(Students must write their variants.)

Teacher: Time is over! How many symbols have you written?(Teams tells the number the words and read the words.)

The team of school………. has more words than others. Read your variants, please. Each team must cross the same words.(After that teams give their answers to the jury. The jury write the results.)

While students read their variants, the names of the symbols are hanging on the blackboard.(Приложение 5)

Teacher: Well done! All of you know many things associated with the USA. Some students of school number 58 had the special homework. They prepared interesting stories about some symbols. They are going to tell you only about some of them. Listen attentively . After some stories you’ll get tasks. The first story will be about the American Flag.

Student 1:

The American Flag.

The thirteen-star, thirteen –stripe national flag of the USA was adopted on June 14, 1777.

There was one star and one stripe for every state in the new country. Gradually , as new states added to the Union, a new star was added to the national flag. There are now fifty stars on the American flag, one for each state. The thirteen stripes represent the original 13 states.

Teacher: Thank you. It was very interesting. Now let’s listen the story about the Statue of Liberty.

Student 2:

The Statue of Liberty.

The Statue of Liberty is one of the most famous statues in the world stands on an island in New York Harbor. The Statue of Liberty is a woman who torch up high. Visitors can go inside the statue. The statue is so large that as many as twelve people can stand inside the torch. Many more people can stand in other parts of the statue. The statue weighs 225 tons and is 301 feet tall. The Statue of Liberty was put up in 1886. It was a gift to the USA from the people of France. Over the years France and the United States had a special relationship. In 1776 France helped the American colonies gain independence from England. The French wanted to do something special for the U.S. centennial, its 100th birthday.

Laboulaye was a well-known Frenchman who admired the United States. One night at a dinner in his house, Laboulaye talked about the idea of a gift. Among Laboulaye`s guests was the French sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. Bartholdi thought of a statue of liberty. He offered to design the statue.

Many people contributed in some way. The French people gave money for the statue. Americans designed and built the pedestal for the statue to stand on. The American people raised money to pay for the pedestal. The French engineer Alexander Effel, who was famous for his Effel Tower in Paris, figured out how to make the heavy statue stands.

In the years after the statue was put up, many immigrants came to the U.S. through New York. As they entered New York Harbor, they saw the Statue of Liberty holding up her torch. She symbolized a welcome to a land of freedom.

Teacher: OK! Now you have vocabulary and grammar tasks according to the text. Divide into pairs or small groups to do the tasks. (Приложение 6)

(Students do the test , sign their school number and give it to the jury)

Then the story about skyscrapers comes.

Student 3:


.The first skyscraper was build in Chicago in 1884. It’s designer was William Le Baron Jenny (1832-1907). Jenny devised the steel skeleton which provided interior support, meaning that exterior walls no longer had to carry the weight of many floors. As land values rose in city after city, so did taller and taller building.

Teacher: Now you should remember the information about American money that are popular in many parts of the world.

U.S. dollars.

The U.S. dollar is made up of 100 cents. The Department of the Treasury prints bills (=paper money) in various denominations (= values): $1,$2, $5, $10, $20, $50 and $ 100. U. S. bills are all the same size, whatever their value, and measure about 2x6 inches (6.5x 15.5 centimetres).

All are green and so are sometimes called greenbacks. On the front, each has the picture off a famous American. The dollar bill, for instance, shows George Washington, the first US president. An informal name for dollars are bucks, because in the early period of US history people traded the skins of bucks (=deer) and prices would sometimes be given as a number of buckskins. Buck refers to the dollar itself, and not to the bill. So although you can say: He earns 500 bucks a week, you have to say ‘ If I give you four quarters could you give me a dollar bill?’

The Treasure also makes US coins: pennies which are worth .01 of a dollar, nickels (.05), dimes (.10) and quarters (.25) . There also half-dollars (.50) and silver dollars but these are not often seen. Pennies have a dark brown colour; all the other coins have a silver appearance.

When you write an amount in figures the dollars sign ($) goes to the left on the amount and the cents (=hundredths of a dollar). If the amount is the less than one dollar, the cent sign (c) is put after the numbers. So you write $5, $5.62, and 62c.

Teacher: Look at the next task. It is connected with American money. Try to do it quickly and correctly. Then give your answers to the jury. (Приложение7)

Teacher: What is the most popular clothes in the world?…..Yes, you are right! Listen to the story about jeans.

Student 4:


Jeans are informal trousers made of denim. Denim is heavy cotton cloth. This clothes was invented by Levy Straus in the middle of the 19th century. It was working clothes at first. Jeans were so comfortable that have become fashionable all over the world.

Teacher: Do you know the name of computer genius of the world?…-Yes, of course, his name is Bill Gates. Now the next student is going to tell you interesting facts of his biography.

Student 5:

Mr Microsoft.

William Henry Gates, known as Bill Gates, is probably the richest man in America. He studied engineering and has now become the world`s most famous computer engineer. When he was 15, he developed a system for controlling traffic in Seattle.

In 1975 he wrote a book on the computer language BASIC. He left Harvard in the same year and started writing computer programmes. In 1977, he found Microsoft with a friend and created DOS, an operated system fop computers. In 1981 Microsoft made a giant step forward when IBM adopted DOS for its personal computers. Nowadays, there can be fewer people who have not heard of Bill Gates. He has written two books, both of which have become bestsellers. He has not reached the age of 40 yet, but Gates already made a fortune in excess of 30 billion dollars.

Teacher: Our first lesson is coming to the end. You’ll receive the last task for this lesson. McDonald’s is associated with the USA. You must try to match the dates and the steps of development of McDonald’s.(Приложение 8)

Teacher: Read your answer, please .Give your answers to the jury. (The Bell rings)

Teacher: Let’s have a break! We call it “Famous Americans”. We put the names of famous Americans to the back of your teachers. You must help your teacher to guess the name of this famous American. But you may use only “Yes-No” questions.(The students and their teachers play the game and the jury gives the points for the teams) (The Bell rings)

Teacher: Now the second lesson is beginning. It is called “American History”. Do you know who discovered America? (The students answer).

Yes, you are right! The students will tell you about Columbus.

Student 7:

Christopher Columbus.

Christopher Columbus was born in 1451 in Italy. He probably worked as a weaver before going to sea.

At that time the life of a sailor was full of adventure and danger; so he decided to become a sailor.

In 1492 Columbus sailed west with three small ships: the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria. After three weeks, on 12 October, Columbus and his crew arrived to an island in the Bahamas inhabited by the Arawak Indians. Columbus was certain that the land he discovered were part of India. Columbus` second voyage to America took place in 1493.

His discoveries gave Europe its first important knowledge of the New World.

Teacher: All of you know that Indians are the Native Americans. Listen to some information about them.

Student 8:

The Native Americans

The story of the Native American – or American Indians – is one that is unique, tragic and ultimately inspiring. It is unique because the Indians were the original inhabitants of the American continent. It is tragic because the conflict between the Indians and whites paralleled

The experience of traditional peoples throughout the word who have come in contact with expanding, industrialized societies.

Today Native Americans are full citizens of the United States. They are proud of their own cultural heritage, which they trying to protect and maintain it.

About half of the Indians live in large cities. The remainder live on about 300 federal reservations ( land set aside for their use ).


Teacher: Today we have guests. They are Native Americans.

(A dance-group dances )

Teacher: Indians want to share their WISDOM with you.( the list of Indians proverbs and sayings is presented to the teams. (Приложение 9)

Teacher: I hope you have known more about American history and its history. To show it do the last task. (Приложение 10) (The Bell rings)

Teacher: Now you are going to have a Tea- break but before I’d like to tell you “thank you”. You have worked very hard, you are great. The school day of the one-day school is coming to the end. So we give a Certificate (Приложение 11) to every student today and we hope that the lessons and the breaks were interesting to you and you’ve learnt something new. Now you may enjoy your tea and our jury will tell us the results and will call the winners. (The jury counts the points and calls the winners). ( Ключи к заданиям – Приложение 12).


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