Мюзикл "Only love is spoken here"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Ведущие: (3 человека)

  1. Ladies and gentlemen!
  2. Boys and girls!
  3. Glad to see you in this beautiful hall!
  1. Be gay and happy!
  2. Brave and kind!
  3. Don’t forget to be polite!
  1. Dear friends! Welcome to a musical program “ Only love is spoken here”.
  2. If you are bitter, pessimistic, angry, and selfish- outside!

Все вместе: Only love is spoken here!

(Звучит музыка, все участники программы выходят на сцену, они исполняют песню “ Only love is spoken here”)

The song

Only love is spoken here
Only hope and joy and cheer,
Only love is spoken, love is spoken here

Only love is spoken here
There’s no doubt, nor hate nor fear
Only love is spoken, love is spoken here

Treating others like they are your brothers
Is the only way to live.
Always caring yes and always sharing yes,
The secret is to give.

(После песни остается 4 человека и ведущий 3)

Ведущий 3:Love – L –O _V –E – only four letters, but it’s a big word.

What do you think of love?

(У 4-х участников карточки со словом Love, отвечая на вопрос ведущего, они переворачивают карточку и показывают картинку.)

L - When the son is shining, the sky is blue. I’m very happy. This is love.

O - When there is no war, we live in peace. We love our Motherland

V - When my mother is with me. I love my family.

E - When I’m not ill. And I’ve got a lot of friends.

Ведущий 3. Love is not getting, but giving – it’s goodness, honor and peace.

Let’s sing about love.

Ведущий 1. Let’s sing about you.

Ведущий 2. Let’s sing about me.

Ведущий 3. Let’s sing about things

Ведущий 4. We feel and we see.

Исполняется песня “ Here Is My Hand”

Here is my hand, friend, here is my hand,
Over to you from my bony homeland;
Building the future, comrades are we,
Here is my hand, friend, over the sea

Over to you friend, over to you!
Here is my hand, friend, we will be true
True to youth’s promise never to break,
True to the new world we are going to make.

Ведущий 1: First let’s start with the way that we look. We’ll talk about our appearances, characters, likes and dislikes.

(Разыгрывается сценка “ At School”, в ней участвуют 4 человека: 1 учитель, 3 ученика)

Звенит звонок.


Good morning, pupils.
I’m glad to see you.
Today we’ll talk about how we look.

Pupil 1 (Смотрит в зеркало)

I like the way that I look,
The things from my parents I took.
I like my nose and my face.
I take it with me every place.

Pupil 2

You can’t judge a book by its cover,
We’re all a one of a kind.
There’s beauty in all of us
You just got to look and you’ll find.

Pupil 3 (тянет руку)

Please, may I go to the doctor?
I can’t sit at the lesson any more.

Teacher: Yes, if you are not well I don’t like the way you look.

Pupil 3 Oh, I have a headache.

(исполняется песня “ I Don’t Want”)

Every time he has a headache,
Mama takes him to the doctor.
Every time he has a headache,
Mama takes him to the doc.

He has a headache, he has a headache
He doesn’t want to go to bed
He has a headache, he has a headache
He doesn’t want to go to bed.

Ведущий 1. Do you have a headache?

Ответ: Oh, no.

Ведущий 1 . Do you have a stomach- ache?

Ответ: Oh, no.

Ведущий 1. Do you have a toothache?

Ответ: Oh, no.

Ведущий 1. How are you?

Ответ: OK, Fine, Thanks.

Ведущий 1 Let’s play the game.


We have fingers,
We have toes,
How many of these? TEN
How many of those? TEN
We have eyes!
How many? TWO
When they look at you,
They say: “How do you do?’

Стихотворение “ Only One Heart”

I’ve got two legs, with which I walk.|
I’ve got a tongue, with which I talk.
I’ve got two eyes, with which I see.
I’ve got one heart, to live and be.

(К ребенку, который рассказывал стихотворение, подстраиваются другие участники программы, достают маленькие “сердечки”)

  • One heart – two hearts – three hearts – four.
  • Five hearts – six hearts – seven hearts – more.

Ведущий 2.

We can’t live without our friends.

Let’s travel by ship which is called “Friendship”

(Исполняется песня “ The Ship is Sailing”)

The ship is sailing,
The flag is waving,
Hello, my friends,
Hello, my friends.
The sun is shining,
The stars are smiling,
Hello, my friends, hello.

(Мальчик в костюме капитана и девочка выходят на сцену и исполняют песню “ Yellow submarine”)

In the town where I was born,
Lived a man who sailed the sea,
And he told us of his life,
In the land of submarines.

So we sailed on to the sun,
Till we found the sea of green,
And we lived beneath the waves,
In our yellow submarine.

We all live in a yellow submarine,
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine.

(Танцевальная группа исполняет танец “Самбо”. Участники программы сопровождают танец шумовым оркестром.)

После танца 2 девочки исполняют песню “ I Sail on the Ocean

I sail on the ocean,
I swim in the sea,
I fly in the air,
And the world’s all for me.

My planet’s the Earth,
But I dream of the moon,
And I hope in my dreams
To go there quite soon.

Ведущий 1. We strongly believe? That all our dreams will be real.

Все участники программы выходят на сцену и по очереди читают стихотворение “ A Child’s Wish

  1. I want to live and not to die,
  2. I want to laugh and not to cry.
  3. I want to feel the summer sun.
  4. I want to sing when life is fun.
  5. I want to fly into the blue.
  6. I want to swim as fish can do.
  7. I want to shake all friendly hands of all the young of other lands
  8. I want to work for what is right
  9. I want to love and not to fight.
  10. I want to laugh and not to cry
  11. I want to live and not to die.

Исполняется заключительная песня “ Which Land is Best”

In my country, we are happy,
In my country, we are happier.
In my country, we are the happiest of all.
In my country, we are friendly
In my country, we are friendlier.
In my country, we are the friendliest of all.

My country, your country,
Travel East or West.
If North is good and South is better,
Which land is the best?


  1. Well, that’s our play, our songs and our message.
  2. We hope you liked it.
  3. When you are feeling pessimistic, or angry or bitter – say to yourselves-

“Only love is spoken here!’

Все вместе:

My country, your country,
Travel East or West.
If North is good and South is better,
Which place is the best?
My country, your country,
Travel East or West.
Learn to live with one another
One world is the best.
One world is the best.