Праздники в Британии

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока: Расширить знания учащихся о стране изучаемого языка, о культуре и традициях.

Задачи урока:


  • Совершенствовать навыки и умения говорения и аудирования.
  • Активизировать употребление лексики по теме.


  • Способствовать становлению межкультурной компетенции через приобретение элементарных лингвострановедческих знаний.
  • Воспитывать доброжелательное отношение к культуре и традициям другой страны.

Развивающие: Продолжить работу по привитию интереса к изучаемому языку.

Вид урока: комбинированный

Тип урока: урок закрепления изученного материала и ознакомления с новыми лингвострановедческими реалиями.

Оснащение урока:

  • таблица с праздниками,
  • дерево судьбы,
  • костюмы для праздников,
  • валентиновки.

Ход урока


I. Орг. Момент. Введение в тему урока.

T. Good morning boys and girls!

I’ m glad to invite you to our festival of British holidays. We’ ll speak about British national holidays, traditions and superstitions.

1. Фонетическая отработка лексики T-Cl

Halloween holiday witch
Christmas celebrate devil
New Year’s Day decorate turkey
St. Valentine’s Day festival pudding
Easter ghost tradition Superstition

2. Учебный разговор Т-Р1Р2, Р3 (по таблице праздников)

T. What holiday is it?

P1. It is Halloween.

T. When is Halloween celebrated?

P2 It is celebrated on 31st of October.

II. T. Let’s begin our festival. Let’s speak about Halloween.

1. P1—P2 Диалогическая речь

P1. Nastya, have you heard of Halloween!

P2. No, I haven’t. What is it?

P1. It’s on the 31st of October. We usually make lanterns. We can make some for our party And put them in the garden.

P 2. How do make lantern?

P1. you take a large pumpkin and cut off a piece from the top. Then take out what is inside.

With a knife and spoon. Then you cut out the eyes, nose and mouth, put a candle inside the lantern. Look, you can see the candle through the eyes, nose and mouth.

2. Монологическая речь Р1, Р2

T. Masha, talk about Halloween.

P1: 31 October is Halloween. This pagan festival celebrates the return of the souls.

Of the dead who come back to visit places where they used to live in the evening there are lots of Halloween parties or fancy dress parties. People dress up as witches, ghosts, devils, cats, bats, or anything scary. Houses are decorated with pumpkins with candles put inside.

Some children follow the American custom called Trick or Treat. They knock at your house And ask, “Trick or Treat?” If you give them some money or some sweets ( a treat), they go Away. Otherwise, they play a trick on you, like squirting water in your face.

T . There is the instructions for Halloween lantern. They are mixed up. Put them in the correct order, please.( вывешивается плакат с изображением тыквы и инструкцией к нему)

P2. I want to talk how to make a Halloween lantern.

Cut the top and bottom off the pumpkin. Keep the bottom piece for later.

Scoop the pulp from inside the pumpkin with a spoon.

Cut two eyes, nose and a mouth on one side of the hallowed pumpkin Stand a candle in the piece cut off the bottom of the pumpkin.

Lower the “head” over the candle and light the candle.

III. Аудирование (about Halloween )

Words: hill, was haunted- посещаемый призраками, дом с приведениями.

Owl  -сова

T. Listen to story and give it a title.

Possible titled:

1. Midnight Owl

2. Dancing Ghosts

3. The Halloween House

IV 1. Монологическое высказывание. Р1, Р2, Р3

T. Do you know Halloween superstitions?

Many Halloween superstitions started because people wanted to know what would happen to them in the future.

T. Speak about superstitions.

P1 October 31 was the eve of the Celtic new year, time when ghosts or evil spirits walked the

Earth and mingled mischievously with the living. Costumes and jack–o- lanterns were thought to protect people from any harm they might cause. A jack-o- lantern is a face carved into on side of a hallowed out pumpkin in which lighted candle has been placed. This gives it an inviting yellow and orange glow on a dark autumn night. This is why the Halloween colors are orange and black.

P2 Even today small children are told that any house with a jack-o- lantern burning in the window is a safe place to go trick – or- treating. The custom of trick or treating comes from when children dressed in costumes on All Souls’ Day and went from house to house begging for soul cakes.

P3. Another popular activity Halloween parties is bobbing for apples. One person at a time must get an apple out of a tub of a water without using his hands and only by sinking his or her face into water and biting the apple. The party may start or end with a Halloween costumes parade, wherein those with the best or scariest costumes receive prizes. Telling scary stories or “ghost” stories while huddled together by candlelight or around a fire outside is one of the highlights of Halloween night. Any story will do, but it must be spoken in s low, tense voice and reach a startling climax.

T. After Halloween people in Great Britain celebrate a funny holiday- Christmas. Christmas is one of the most favorite holidays. What do you know about Christmas?

P1. Christmas is a special time when we wish you and your families love, health, and happiness. And lasting peace throughout the world. The American celebrate Christmas on 25th of December. As you know, Christmas is a religious holiday. Families come together to share their happiness, attend church and exchange gifts.

P2. The Christmas story comes from the Bible. It tells us an interesting story of shepherds who were watching their sheep when an angel appeared to them. He told them that a Saviour had been born in Bethlehem. The shepherds went there to see Jesus. The baby Jesus was born in a stable. His mother was the Virgin Mary and his father was Joseph.

P3. The Bible tells us how the Wise Men followed a star until it led them to Jesus. The Wise Men gave Jesus many gifts. Because of the birth of Jesus Christ, The Christians celebrate Christmas. Christmas tree is becoming popular in England in the 1840. The American choose a tree and decorate it with ornaments and lights.

T. Now will play a game.

P4. I have made a fortune tree for our festival. Take a sweet and read what you’ ll have in future. (ученики по очереди подходят к дереву и берут по конфетке, читают предсказания)

T. We know a Christmas song. Let’s sing it. (Jingle bells)

T. Of course all these holidays are important in the life of Englishmen. But English boys and girls, young men and women like one special holiday. What kind of holiday?

Ch. It’s St. Valentine’s Day.

T. Who celebrate it?

Ch. It’s a holiday of all lovers.

T. Speak about this holiday.

P 1. St. Valentine’s Day is a religious holiday, which is celebrated in Great Britain, in many European countries and in the USA. This is the legend of how St. Valentine’s Day began. When the Roman Emperor Claudius II needed soldiers, he made a law against marrying because he felt that marriage made men want to stay at home instead of fighting wars. But at that time there was a kindly priest named valentine. He couldn’t agree with the emperor’s decision. When he saw that young couples were truly in love, he married them secretly.

P2. St. Valentine’s Day, February 14, has been a customary day for choosing sweethearts and exchanging love –tokens from time immemorial. The method of choosing sweethearts on St. Valentine’s Day varied in different times and places. It could be a serious matter leading to marriage, or it could be a kind of game. Countless generations of young people have acknowledged St. Valentine’s Day as the friend and patron of lovers.

P3 One of the early symbols of love is Cupid, the Roman God of Love, who is represented as a young boy with a bow and arrow. There are a lot of traditions of celebrating St. Valentine’s Day in different country. This is one of the ways how the English girls get to know their fortunes on St. Valentine’s Eve. They take an apple and out it four parts, count the seeds from the apple and find the fortune in the poem.

P4. One- I love, Two- I love,

Three- I love, I say.

Four – I love with all my heart,

Five – I cast away,

Six - he loves,

Seven-she loves,

Eight- they both love,

Nine – he comes,

Ten - he tarries,

Eleven- he courts,

Twelve- he marries.

P5. In Germany girls tried a different way of learning whom they would marry. They planted onions on St. Valentine’s Day. Each girl tagged onions in a corner heart the fireplace. She thought she would marry the man whose onion sprouted first.

T. Let’s play a heart game. Match the famous couples. ( групповая работа, учитель раздает сердечки, где написаны имена известных личностей)

For example: Lady Diana - Prince Charles.

V. Заключительный этап урока.

Подведение итогов.

T. So boys and girls. You’ve learned much about British holidays. Let’s see how you know them. Try to answer the questions of quiz ( учащиеся отвечают на вопросы викторины)


  1. When is Halloween celebrated?
  2. What do children do out of pumpkins on Halloween?
  3. Who comes out at night on Halloween?
  4. When is Christmas celebrated?
  5. Where can people get a Christmas cards?
  6. How do people decorate a Christmas tree?
  7. Where do the English put their presents?
  8. Where do children put their stockings, when they go to bed?
  9. Who comes at night?
  10. What is the most famous Christmas meal (food)?
  11. What kind of holiday do the English and the Americans celebrated on the 14th of February?
  12. What is the popular present for St. Valentine’s Day?
  13. St. Valentine’s Day isn’t a national holiday, is it?

Окончание урока

It’s time to stop. Everybody has got an excellent mark for today’s lesson.

Thank you very much. Good bye. See you.