Творческий монопроект "Идеальная школа"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель: разработка и презентация проекта школы, в которой хотелось бы учиться.



  1. Формирование умений монологической и диалогической речи.
  2. Активизация ранее изученного лексико-грамматического материала.
  3. Формирование навыка аудирования.


  1. Воспитывать уважение к преподавателям и одноклассникам.


  1. Развивать память, внимание, творческие способности и аутентичный слух у учащихся.

Оснащение урока:

  • учебники,
  • рабочие тетради,
  • классная доска,
  • грамматическая таблица,
  • магнитофон и кассета с записью,
  • индивидуальные карточки,
  • фото различных школ в Великобритании, США, Канаде,
  • творческие работы учащихся,
  • подготовленные дома (свод правил поведения в школе, идеальное школьное расписание, эскиз школьной формы и здания школы).

План урока.

  1. Организационный момент
  2. Фонетическая зарядка
  3. Обобщение и закрепление лексического материала по теме “Школа” и грамматического материала по теме “Возвратные местоимения”, “Условные предложения”
  4. Проверка домашнего задания путем диалогической речи и аудирования
  5. Домашнее задание
  6. Итоги урока.

Ход урока

Good morning, friends! Sit down. Who is absent today?

Today we have gathered here to take part in the conference “We’d like to study at a Perfect School”. During our conference we are going to listen to your ideas about perfect school.

We’d like to start our conference with the poem “School days”. Please, listen to the poem very attentively. And now let’s read the poem one by one. Who can tell me: “Does the author like to go to school?” (You are right. She doesn’t like to go to school)

I know that most pupils don’t like to go to school. Why? We are going to find it out during our conference. Let’s start to make our own IDEAL school.

Look at the blackboard. You can see the plan of our discussion.

  1. Building
  2. Timetable
  3. Relations with teachers
  4. State or private school?
  5. Wearing uniform (pros and cons)
  6. Names of punishment
  7. The Code of Conduct

At home you have prepared the projects. Let’s see.

Well, let’s discuss the building itself of a school

Answer my questions:

  • How many floors are there in your school?
  • Does it have a swimming-pool/gym/cinema hall/conference hall/canteen?
  • Is it brightly decorated?
  • Is there a bodyguard at the entrance to the school?

(Учащиеся представляют заранее приготовленные проекты школ с рисунками и описанием на английском языке).

Well, the second item is timetable.

  • How many lessons for a day do you want to have?
  • What are the main subjects?
  • What are the compulsory subjects?
  • How many days a week do you want to go to school?

Now look at what I show you. (на 5 листах написаны 5 предметов, упр 51, стр 72) You are to put the following letters in the correct order. What are the names of subjects?

The 3rd point of our plan is “Student-teacher relations” . What do you think about it?

We know 2 types of school in English-speaking countries: state and private schools. Are you for private or state school. Give you reasons. What is the main difference between private and state school?

Well, at home you designed your own ideal uniform. I pay your attention that the uniform should be convenient, modern, not expensive, fashionable and nice. Please, show your pictures and describe them. (Учащиеся представляют заранее приготовленные проекты школьной формы с рисунками и описывают их на английском языке)

And now I would like you to compare :

Her uniform is not the same as mine. (ее форма не такая, как моя). Mine – is a possessive pronoun. Let’s revise how we make possessive pronouns.

Let’s listen to the poem ”SELFISH”. It can be translated as “эгоист” Who is selfish? Let’s define the word ”selfish” (it’s a person who doesn’t care about anybody else and thinks only about himself\herself).

Open your exercise-books, write down the date, listen to the poem once again and write down as many possessive pronouns as you can (самостоятельная работа).

Sometimes students are not ideal. They make the life of a teacher very hard. In this case the teacher must punish them. Let’s remember the types of punishment. What will you use in your school? (lines, detention, report, suspension, exclusion)

Работа с карточками. У каждой команды есть набор карточек с видом наказания и его описанием. К каждому описанию учащиеся должны подобрать название и наоборот.

Well, you made great efforts to describe your ideal schools. But every school has the main person who is responsible for teaching and learning process. Who is this person? (Yes, it’s Head Teacher). Let’s your imagination work a bit.

Работа в парах: continue my sentences

  • If my students miss a lesson, I will…
  • If my students talk to their classmates during a lesson, I will…
  • If my students are late for a lesson, I will….
  • If my students are impolite to me, I will….

And finally we came to the main document of our school. It’s the Code of Conduct. It’s written by Head Teacher and compulsory for all students in our school. (Students present their codes)

Well, thank you all for your job. Today you presented your own projects of school you would like to study at. You worked hard! Your marks will be the following:

At the blackboard you can see pictures of uniform presented by you and uniform which is compulsory in some English and American schools. You also can see the pictures of English and American schools. They are practically the same.

Your home task for the next lesson is ex 139 p 91.

Do you have any questions?

Well then, the lesson is over, thank you, good-bye.