Урок английского языка по теме "Дома"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

  • воспитательная – воспитание качеств личности: преданность, любовь, самоуважение, толерантность по отношению к другим взглядам.
  • развивающая – взаимосвязанное развитие мышления и эмоций.
  • учебная – формирование лексических навыков, чтения, говорения и письма.
  • общеобразовательная – расширение филологического кругозора.

Оборудование: макет дома (Рисунок1), кукла-домовенок Кузя (Рисунок2), аудиозапись “Песня о доме”, электронное письмо Кузи, пословицы о доме.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент.

Good morning, children!

I am glad to see you. Our tasks for today are to read and to write f letter on the theme “At Home”, to discuss our life in the family. Be attentive. Try to do your best.

2. Фонетическая зарядка.

Из сказочного домика появляется домовенок Кузя и просит помощи у ребят.

T – I wonder who is she? Ps – His name is Kuzya.
T – What do you want, dear? K – Help me, please. There are some cards in my hat but I can’t read.

Учитель достает из шляпы домовенка карточки, на которых написаны слова в транскрипции:

Учащиеся по очереди достают из шляпы карточки и читают слова. Ребята хором повторяют каждое слово.

Фронтальная работа.

На доске написана фраза “Home, sweet home”. Учащиеся переводят её и обсуждают (соглашаются или нет).

3. Речевая зарядка.

T: Complete the phrase, please.

When I am at home I …

am happy

am gay

can do everything

do the room

am not afraid of anybody

help my parents

my parents …

are ready to help me

to play with me

to read books

to discuss films

Фронтальная работа

На доске пословицы о доме.

T: What proverb can help you to express your feelings now? Why?

East or west, home is best.

My home is my castle.

4. Монологические высказывания о доме (индивидуальная работа).

T: Tell some sentences about your house.

I like my house a lot.

When I am at home I am happy.

My parents and I discuss interesting films.

I am not afraid of anything.

We play different table games.

My parents help me in difficult situations.

We always help each other.

Home is the nicest place to be.

5. Песня о доме (хоровая работа).

Home is the nicest place to be.
With father and mother
And baby and me
With Skipper, our dog
And Smokey, our cat
Oh, no place could ever
Be nicer than that!

6. Физкультминутка (групповая работа).

If you are happy and you know it, clap your hands.
If you are happy and you know it, I stamp your feet.
If you are happy and you know it, dance, please, dance.
If you are happy and you know it, shout “I love my parents!”

7. Чтение и обсуждение электронного письма Кузи

T: Kuzya has taught to read, to write. Look at his letter, read and discuss it.

Dear friends,

I am fond of my house.

It is cosy and light.

I do my house everyday.

Though I haven’t my own family I love the family where I live.

All of them are happy and friendly.

They do everything together.

The parents support their children.

The children love their parents.

They kiss them good night.

The parents teach their children to love their motherland too.

Do you know what is their favourite proverb?

“He who loves his mother is a real son of his motherland”.

T: Do you like his letter?

Is he happy or sad? Why do you think so?

8. Конкурс на написание дружеского письма Кузе (самостоятельная работа).

Write, please, your letters to Kuzay. Tell about your houses, your relations with your family, about your feelings, support Kuzya, please. He has not his own family. We will send all our letters to him. We will present the best letter.

9. Разграничение понятий “house” и “home”. На доске два слова:

T: I wonder, do these two words mean the same?

Remember our song, please and make a conclusion.

Групповая работа.

Will you be so kind to listen to the definition of the word “дом” from Ozhegov’s vocabulary of the Russian Language. (С.И. Ожегов “Словарь русского языка. Москва “Русский язык”, 1988. стр. 141”)

  1. Дом – жилое здание, а также люди, живущие в нем.
  2. Квартира, а также семья, люди, живущие вместе, их хозяйство.
  3. Учреждение, заведение, обслуживающие какие-нибудь общественные нужды.
  4. Династия, род (устар).

T: Do Russians have two different words as English people about this point?

10. Строим дом мечты (фронтальная работа).

T: Complete the sentences about your future home.

My home will be full of …









I want my house to be …







I will take … to my house

my mother

my father

my sister(s)

my brother(s)

my toys

my pets

my relatives

11. Подведение итогов урока.

You were active, thank you.

1) What have you done at the lesson?

2) What do like at the lesson?

3) What was interesting?

Your home work is:

a) to make a project “My home”

b) to make up a dialogue about your friend’s home

c) to write a composition about a family traditions

choose any you like.

That’s all for today.

See you.

Good bye.