Открытый уркок по английскому языку в 9-м классе. Тема урока: "How to tackle problems" ("Как справляться с проблемами")

Разделы: Иностранные языки


Тема урока:

«The problems of teenagers» - «Проблемы подростков».

Задачи урока:

1.Развивать устную речь по теме.
2.Закрепить слова и выражения по данной теме.
3.Тренировать в употреблении инфинитива.
4.Научить учащихся находить выход из проблемной ситуации.
5.Воспитывать чувство дружбы и взаимопомощи.

Ход урока.

1. Организационный момент.

Учитель:Dear friends! You are welcome to our conference dedicated to the problems of teenagers.

Ученик:The scientists all over the world are getting into trouble. The crime among the teenagers is increasing .The number of smoking, taking drugs and alcohol teenagers is increasing too.

2. Речевая зарядка.

Учитель:What problems do the teenagers have in every day’s life?

My parents don’t understand me.
I’m not allowed to get a job.
I’m out of luck.
I can’t get along with my brother.
I can’t find a job.
No one listens to me.
I’m too shy.
I’m fed up with playing the piano.
I’m not allowed to go out.
I’ve got bad marks at school.
I haven’t got any friends.
I need pocket money.
I’d like to be more independent.
I have too much homework.

3. Повторение лексики урока.

Учитель:Our discussing to be successful we should  repeat the words and expressions we need.

Ученики читают слова и предложения:

To be not allowed-не иметь разрешения.
To be allowed-иметь разрешение.
I’m allowed to go out in the evenings.
I’m not allowed to stay late at night.
To trouble, to have a trouble - беспокоиться
Don’t  trouble trouble  till trouble troubles you.
To argue-спорить
Why do you argue with your parents?
To discuss - обсуждать
Let’s discuss our problems.
To worry-беспокоиться, волноваться
Don’t worry about it any more.
You can tell your arguments for and against
To feel (depressed, shocked, lonely)-чувствовать  себя (подавленным, шокированным, одиноким)
To be (independent, energetic, surprised) - быть (независимым, удивленным, энергичным)
To do one’s   best - стараться изо всех сил
Do your best to change the situation.

4. Аудирование.

Учитель:Here is a letter received by me from one of the teenagers.

Учитель читает письмо.

Учитель:What’s the problem? What advice can you give?

Ученики  излагают проблему и советуют как поступить.

Sasha’s friend always asks him to copy his homework. Sasha gets into trouble about it.

Advice: Don’t give him to copy your homework. Explain how to do it.

5. Развитие навыков устной речи.

Учитель:Oh, I see you can be good psychologists. There are other psychological situations.

Учитель раздает листочки с отпечатанными заданиями. Нужно найти решение каждой психологической проблемы.

Can you be a psychologist?  What would you do if…

1. If my friend told me to try smoking…
2. If  I wanted to have more pocket money…
3. If  I had bad marks at school…
4. If  my parents didn’t understand me…
5. If  I had too much homework…
6. If  I were too shy…
7. If  I didn’t like some boring subjects…
8. If  I hadn’t got any friends…

A. I would learn some subjects better.
B. I would refuse. I think it is stupid to smoke only because you want to be alike your friends.
C. I would begin to change. I would try to be more sociable
D. I would try to find a job as soon as possible.
E. I would work at my character. I would offer my help to someone who needs my help. I think we would become friends.
F. I would try to find something interesting, something unusual in these subjects.
G. I would ask some of my teachers to speak to my parents.
H.I would learn to devise my time correctly. I wouldn’t lose it watching TV and chattering on phone but I wouldn’t give up doing sport, reading, dancing and music.

6. Навыки перевода с русского на английский.

Учитель:There are some letters from our Russian students. We must translate them into English.

Ученики читают проблемы и переводят их на английский язык.

7. Навыки перевода с английского на русский.

На экран проецируются советы психолога.

1. Never stay alone with your problem. Tell about your problem to your best friend, to your parents, to your teacher, to the psychologist.
2. Do your best to find a solution.
3. Remember: there are no problems without solutions.

8. Закрепление ранее пройденного.

Учитель: Have you got any friends? Let’s remember some proverbs about friends and friendship.

Ученики вспоминают пословицы про друзей и дружбу.

A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Old friends as old wine are the best.
Friendship is forever.
A friend to all is a friend to none.
Between friends all is common
Friendship is not bought at a fair.

9. Развитие диалогической речи.

Учитель:If you have a serious problem, you should visit a psychologist.

Our dialogues: «My visit to the psychologist».

Ученики рассказывают диалоги.

10. Развитие грамматических навыков.Complex Object.

Учитель:Don’t forget that our parents are our friends. Make sentences using Infinitive.

Ученики составляют предложения по таблице.

My parents make me do my homework because they want me to be intelligent.
My parents don’t let me stay late at night because they want me to go to bed in time.
My parents are my friends who I can rely in difficult situations.

11. Подведение итогов урока и оценка знаний учащихся.

Учитель подводит итоги урока и оценивает знания учащихся.

Приложение 1