Урок-игра "Что? Где? Когда?" по теме "Соединенные Штаты Америки"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


Известно, что игра всегда являлась и является одним из наиболее эффективных, гибких и универсальных приемов обучения. На мой взгляд, игра призвана активизировать процесс обучения, сделать его более продуктивным, а также формировать и далее развивать мотивацию учения. Детально продуманная и методически грамотно организованная игра является таким приемом обучения, который позволяет комплексно решать задачи как практического, так и воспитательного, развивающего и образовательного характера. Игра способствует усвоению знаний и приобретению речевого опыта не по необходимости, а по желанию самих учащихся. Игра дает возможность учащемуся оценить себя на фоне других учеников. Умение же оценивать себя правильно – это важная способность человека, помогающая ему в жизни: недооценка своих способностей мешает человеку быть инициативным, решительным, энергичным. Данный урок является завершающим этапом серии уроков по теме “Соединенные Штаты Америки” и нацелен на формирование иноязычных навыков и умений в рамках темы. Кроме обучающей функции, игра “Что? Где? Когда?” расширяет кругозор учащихся, развивает мышление, творческую активность, учит ориентироваться в конкретной ситуации и отбирать необходимые вербальные и невербальные средства общения, приближает учебную деятельность к условиям владения иностранным языком в реальной жизни. Игра вносит разнообразие в повседневную учебную деятельность, повышает интерес к самому учебному предмету.

Тема: Соединенные Штаты Америки (Игра “Что? Где? Когда?”)

Учебная цель:

  • развивать умение креативно (творчески) осуществлять речевое и неречевое поведение в новых ситуациях, логично и последовательно высказываться в связи с ситуациями общения.

Развивающая цель:

  • развивать речевое мышление, внимание, воображение, анализ, обобщение;
  • эмоциональность, мотивацию к дальнейшему овладению иноязычной культурой;
  • готовность к самостоятельной работе над языком.

Воспитательная цель:

  • воспитывать волю, целеустремленность;
  • формировать эстетический вкус;
  • воспитывать культуру умственного труда;
  • знакомить с культурой другой страны.

Методическая цель:

  • показать способы активизации языкового материала в речевых ситуациях, моделирующих и имитирующих реальный процесс общения.

Основной метод:

  • коммуникативный.

Материальное обеспечение урока:

  • карта Соединенных Штатов Америки;
  • видеофильм “Нью-Йорк”;
  • виды столицы США и других крупнейших городов (картинки);
  • магнитофонная запись (песня);
  • газета “Вашингтон – столица США”;
  • грамматические карточки.

План урока.

1. Вступительное слово учителя. (2 мин.)

2. Контроль выполнения домашнего задания. Ситуативные диалоги.(8 мин.)

3. Представление членов команды. Представление команды телезрителей. Правила игры. (5 мин.)

4. Вопросы знатокам. (28 мин.)

4.1. Литературный вопрос. Сценка из книги Марка Твена “Приключения Тома Сойера”;
4.2. Блиц-раунд (15 вопросов –15 кратких ответов);
4.3. Американский английский;
4.4. Просмотр видеофильма “Нью-Йорк”;
4.5. Грамматический вопрос;
4.6. Любимая американская еда (черный ящик);
4.7. Американский характер;
4.8. Музыкальная пауза;
4.9. О популярном в США виде спорта;
4.10. О Пентагоне;
4.11. О долларах США;
4.12. Компьютерный гений;
4.13. Общие сведения о США.

5. Заключение. (2 мин.)

Ход урока.

1.Вступительное слово учителя.

Comrade suvorovites, today we are going to talk about the USA. We have already learnt much concerning the USA. I believe that our game “What? Where? When?” will be a success. At the beginning I would like to check up your self-preparation.

2.Контроль выполнения домашнего задания. Ситуативные диалоги.

Dialogue 1

A: Hi, Boris!

B: Morning, Andrew! What are you doing?

A: Nothing special.

B: I am learning English. I need to find the material about the population of the United States of America.

A: Let’s go over the question together.

B: Right. I know that the USA is the fourth largest country in the world.

A: Yes, 239 million people live there. Most of them are townspeople.

B: I think it is interesting to know that the native population is only 1 million American Indians and 40,000 Aleuts and Eskimoes.

A: As the result of immigration, now there are more than 25 million British Americans, about 23 million African Americans, 25 million German Americans.

B: And what is the official language of the country?

A: It is English. Today there are many differences between American and British English. G. B. Show wrote: “We are two countries separated by a common language”.

Dialogue 2

A. Hi Boris, is that you?

B. Yes, that’s me.

A. Could you help me? I have to compose a story about one of the big American cities, New York, maybe, or Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, and you spent a month in the USA.

B. Yes, of course, but I lived in Washington.

A. O.K., let it be Washington.

B. It’s not a big a city. Its population is about 3 .5 million, and in New York there’s more than 10 million.

A. Yes, lots of people think that New York is the capital of the USA, being its biggest city.

B. It is not in every country. And do you know which state is Washington in?

A. There are 50 states in the USA, that I do know, but that’s all.

B. Oh well, Washington is not in any of the states. A special district was created for the city, District of Columbia. Washington was built in 1790 and made federal capital ten years later.

A. And why is the city called Washington?

B. You seem to have big problems with history, not only with geography. George Washington was the first president of the USA.

A. But what else is this city famous for, besides being a capital?

B. Oh, it’s one of the most beautiful and unusual cities in the USA.

A. Why unusual?

B. Mostly because it’s a one-industry city. And this industry is government. Most of the population works for the government.

A. So why is it beautiful? It must be full of offices and nothing but offices.

B. This city without sky- scrapers is full of greenery. It’s difficult to find a park, a square or an open place without a monument or memorial.

A. And what about modern houses? You say there are no sky- scrapers in the city.

B. It’s prohibited to build higher than 40 meters in Washington so that they wouldn’t hide the city’s monuments from view.

A. Yes, it’s interesting. Thanks a lot.


A. I say, Boris, could you tell us what are the main public holidays in the USA?

B. January 1 should be mentioned. It is New Year’s Day.

A. I know that Memorial Day is marked on the last Monday of May. What is it dedicated to?

B. It is dedicated to those who fell in the War of Independence, in World War I and World War II.

A. I see. The greatest holiday is July 4, isn’t it?

B. Yes, it is. The Declaration of Independence was proclaimed in Philadelphia on July 4, 1776 when the American colonies were fighting for independence against England.

A. What do the Americans mark on November 11?

B. November 11 is Veterans’ Day. All Americans who died in the antifascist struggle are honored.

A. But what are some other holidays in the States? Apart from the obvious ones like New Year, Christmas and Easter?

B. Well, for example, Columbus Day on the 12th October. Of course not all states celebrate it. In the USA all states have the right to decide which holidays to celebrate.

A. That celebrates the discovery of America?

B. Yes. Then there is Labor Day. It marks the end of the summer and the school holidays. Then Americans also mark Emblem Day when they remember the fallen in all the wars. That’s 30th of May.

A. I think that’s good. As Pushkin wrote, a real man is distinguished by his respect for the past.

Dialogue 4

A. Good evening, Boris!

B. Hello, Andrey! Glad to see you. Come in, please, and make yourself at home.

A. I say, Boris, you’ve got a very large collection of books. May I have a look at the shelves?

B. Yes, of course.

A. Oh, you’ve got many English books in the original. Have you read them all?

B. I can’t say that I know English well enough to read novels by Jack London without a dictionary. But I’ve read some books by modern American writers. Their language is easier for understanding.

A. And who is your favorite writer?

B. I suppose Mark Twain. I can read his books time and again.

A. I enjoy reading Mark Twain’s books too. Not without reason E. Hemingway wrote: “All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called “Huckleberry Finn””.

A. What books by Mark Twain have you read?

B. “The Prince and the Pauper”, “A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court”, “The Adventure of Tom Sawyer”. Tom Sawyer was very bright and full of ideas, he teaches us to be noble, kind and brave. He also teaches us to be true friends. I could lend you one of his books.

A. Thanks. I’ll be delighted.

3. Представление членов команды знатоков и членов команды телезрителей. Правила игры.

Now it’s time to begin our game “What? Where? When?” Let me introduce the members of the team and the rules of our game.

4.Игра “ Что? Где? Когда?”. Первый раунд. Задание из области литературы.

So, let’s begin the first round. Please, turn the reel. Sector number 1.Here is the first task to compete.

Tom Sawyer and Aunt Polly.

(Сценка разыгрывается суворовцами из команды зрителей)

A: Tom! (Tom doesn’t answer.) Where is the boy? Tom!

T: Here I am.

A: Oh, you’ve been to that closet. What were you doing there?

T: Nothing.

A: Nothing? Look at your hands. (Tom is looking at his hands.) And look at you mouth. What is it?

T: I don’t know, Aunt.

A: Well, I know. It’s jam, that’s what it is. (She is looking for a cane.) Hand me that cane.

T: Oh, look behind you, Aunt! (Aunt Polly looks behind her, Tom runs away. Aunt Polly stands surprised for a moment, and then she breaks into laughter.)

The question: “Who wrote this story?”

You have one minute to think over.

Information: (демонстрируется портрет М. Твена) Mark Twain was born in 1835. He was an American writer. He was famous for his books “Adventures of Tom Sawyer” and “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”. He lived in the state of Missouri on the banks of the Mississippi.

Второй раунд. Блиц.

Please, turn the reel. Sector 5. Blitz-round.

1. What is the largest city in the USA? (New York)

2.What is the longest river in the USA? (The Mississippi river)

3.What is America’s largest state? (Alaska)

4. Who was the longest-serving president? (Franklin Roosevelt)

5.Which country presented the USA with the statue of Liberty? (France)

6. What was the original number of English colonies in America? (Thirteen)

7.Name the largest library in the USA. (The Library of Congress)

8. What is the real name of Mark Twain? (Samuel Clemens)

9.Whose name was given to America? (Amerigo Vespucci)

10.Where is the center of cinema production in the USA? (Hollywood)

11.What is the name of the U.S. military center building in Washington? (The Pentagon)

12.What was the name of the ship brought emigrants to America in 1620? (The Mayflower)

13.What is the name of the American flag? (“The Stars and Stripes”)

14. What is the American symbol of freedom? (The Statue of Liberty)

15.Who is commander-in-chief of the U.S. Armed Forces? (The president)

This task is done brilliantly.

Третий раунд. Вопрос об английском языке, на котором говорят американцы.

Задание выбрать из списка слов те, которые употребляют американцы.

Turn the reel. Sector 3.

For 150 years America was a British colony. At that time British and American English were almost the same. In 1776 it became a free country. The USA was quickly growing richer and more powerful. Millions of Europeans came to America to start a new life there. As a result, English in America began to develop and today there are certain differences in pronunciation, grammar, spelling between American and British English. You will be given the sheet of paper with pairs of words, which have the same meaning in Russian. Underline those, which are used in the USA.

Autumn – fall; subway – underground; candy – sweets; store – shop; plane –airplane; post – mail; lift – elevator; sick – ill; first floor – ground floor; flat – apartment; drugstore – chemist’s shop.

Четвертый раунд. Денежные единицы США.

Please, turn the reel. Sector 4.

The question: All of you have seen US dollars. You know that on one side of each bank -note there is a portrait of one of the presidents of the country. Whose portrait is on one- dollar bank -note?

Музыкальная пауза. Music pause.

Пятый раунд. Черный ящик.

Turn the reel. Sector 5. Attention! Black box.

Question: They had beсome part of American culture by 1920. People ate them at baseball games, horse races and circuses. New Yorkers like it with onions, people from Chicago prefer it with tomatoes and peppers. You eat it hot. “Hot” is one word of its name. In Russia you can buy it near some bus stops.

Шестой раунд. Характер американцев.

Определить в каком описании характера речь идет об американце.

Turn the reel. Sector 6. Try to find the description of the American character and read it.

He is self-disciplined, and very polite. He is never tired in saying “Thank you”, “I’m sorry”, “Beg your pardon”. He doesn’t like to show his emotions even in dangerous and tragic situations. He doesn’t like any boasting (boast – хвастать). He prefers his own house. He says: “My house is my castle. They like to travel but they usually don’t make friends with people from these countries.

He is very sociable. All people of this country are proud of their Motherland. From their childhood they are taught to be great patriots, love their country. They think that the rivers of the country they live in are the longest ones. Their firms and their corporations are well- known all over the world. He enjoys the flag of his country. The flag hangs in many offices, in every classroom.

Вопросы, которые могут быть заданы знатокам членами команды телезрителей.

- What is the American name for the ordinary European football? It is the American name for the ordinary European football. It is one of the most popular sports in the USA.

- What is the name of this American? He was born in Seattle in 1955. He was obsessed with computers. At Harvard University in 1975 he and his friend developed a computer language for an early version of the personal computer. Microsoft was born. He went on to develop operating systems, such as MS- DOS, and software programs. Now he is one of the richest men in America. He is worth more than $ 59 billion.

- Video film. New York. Task: Name the following places of interest of New York.

- Grammar question. Раскройте скобки, употребляя Perfect Tenses.

He (to be) to the United States of America.

I (to get) a letter from the USA by the end of the year.

I (to read) many books by Mark Twain.

They (not, to see) the film about the capital of the USA.

He (to learn) the topic “Washington” when mother comes.

- What information have you got about the Pentagon?

Answer: The famous Pentagon is situated in Washington. It is the place where the headquarters of the Department of Defense, of the Army, of the Navy and of the Air Force are located. It is the largest office building in the world. It was build between 1941-1943. 32,000 people work there. Inside the Pentagon yard there is a subway station and two helicopter pads.

- The USA in brief. Make up the sentences with the following words to tell about the USA in brief.

Words: Large; population; area; long rivers; highest mountains; largest cities; native population; president; residence of president; capital; places of interest; highly developed; rich in.


Домашнее задание. Отправить e-mail своему американскому другу по переписке.


Данная форма проведения урока позволила создать адекватные условия для формирования коммуникативной компетенции учащихся. Урок вызвал большой интерес и прошел очень эмоционально, буквально на одном дыхании. Активность учащихся была очень высокой, 100% получили только отличные оценки.

Игра способствовала формированию и развитию интеллектуальных способностей учащихся средствами иностранного языка, они получили на этом уроке много новой исключительно полезной информации.

На мой взгляд, этот урок способствовал формированию у обучаемых определенных индивидуальных поведенческих моделей, оценку и самооценку.

Такая организация урока благоприятно влияет на общение учащихся в группе.

Хотя проведение урока в форме игры требует от учителя более тщательной подготовки к уроку, большей затраты времени, но результат оправдывает все.