Открытое внеклассное мероприятие "Caucasus and its People at a Glance"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Нет необходимости говорить о том, насколько актуален вопрос дружбы народов. Посильный вклад в её решение может внести каждый из нас.

На своих уроках и внеклассных мероприятиях я стараюсь заинтересовать учащихся темой дружбы между всеми народами, знакомя с ней учеников в том объёме, в котором данная лексика доступна им.

Задача мероприятия: проконтролировать умения и навыки учащихся вести беседу по данной теме, знание лексического материала, прививаю ученикам интерес к прекрасному уголку нашей страны Кавказу, повторение лексики “Protection of Environment” “There is no place like home”.”How different the world is”.

К мероприятию подготовлены: репродукции, фотографии, картинки изображающие достопримечательности Кавказа, Компьютерная презентация, карта РФ.

Кабинет оформлен в виде музея: национальные костюмы, блюда национальной кухни разных народов, домашняя утварь, выставка книг…

Введение в сюжет мероприятия.

Teacher: Good afternoon, boys and girls! I m sure that you are full of energy and ready to have a talk about Caucasus. I would like to welcome you to the one of the beautiful parts of Russian Federation - Caucasus.

T: Now, everybody has an opportunity to express his or her opinion.

I hope you’ll find something interesting and new for your selves. Lets start.

(Звучит медленная мелодия гор)

Стихотворение Лермонтова “Кавказ”

The Caucasus stretches below. I stand
On snowy brink of ravine quite alone.
An eagle, from summit to heavens has flown,
And hovers unmoving at level of hand.
From here I see how streams can appear,
And menacing landslides are ready to gear.
The clouds submissively move under me,
The waterfalls, noisily rush through the clouds,
Below there are naked rocks, among mounds,
Dry bushes scant moss, on the rocks you can see,
Green canopies, groves are seen everywhere,
The birds there twitter, and dears run there…

T: Let us take a sightseeing tour round Caucasus. It is difficult to describe it in a few words. And to see all the most interesting places, aren’t they?

P1 Yes, right you are.

The Caucasus has stirred mans imagination since the beginning of time. Covered with eternal snow and glaciers, the crests of the Caucasus Mountains are truly majestic. From above, they look so cold and silent that it is hard to imagine there could be life among these immovable, forbidding giants.

P2 The Caucasus is a well- known centre for tourists and mountaineers. The bigger part of the region, mainly the southern and central districts, is mountaineers. In the south, the snow- capped peaks are wrapped in cloud or, in fine weather, they sparkle in the sun under the serene blue skies.

P3 The history, ethnography, folklore and language of Caucasian mountain people have always of the Caucasian mountain people have always interested scholars and authors in Europe and Russia. Byron, Pushkin and Tolstoy wrote about the Caucasus and about its people, who personified the spirit of freedom for them. Lermontov loved the Caucasus Mountains and wrote beautiful verses about them.

Although at the time of my life’s very dawn.
O great southern mountains. Fate wrenched me away.
To remember you always needs only one stay,
The Caucasus. Like a sweet song of my home.
I love to this day…

 Teacher: I think we should say some words about history, traditions and customs.

P4. In the last century, ethnographers began to describe the relations between the generations in this area. In the Caucasus, it is not unusual to see an old man with a dagger as well as a staff. Advanced age is not normally associated with helplessness here. The oldest of the mountain folk look strong and healthy and are quite capable of defending themselves.

The laws of friendship are held sacred in the mountains. The rules of good neighborliness are kept to this day.

 P5. The graceful yet Caucasian dances, the unusual-sounding songs, old and new, and the traditional art displayed at the popular festivals are known all over the world.

(исполняется зажигательный кавказский танец)

P6. At the beginning of the century, Pototsky, the Caucasian mountaineer and teacher wrote: ‘Who goes to the mountains, drawn by their distinctive beauty, elevates his soul, refines his emotions, increases his physical strength, becomes more keenly observant and enriches his mind

new knowledge. The mountains teach self –reliance and form character, and nowhere does a man feel as cheerful or independent as on the mountain heights.

Teacher: No dining, that Caucasus is full of beautiful landscapes, million sq km of forests. Today Caucasus are Russia wealth. Its resorts bring not only income and have also made it world-famous.

(показывая макет Красной книги)

It’s a reference book on rare and disappearing animals.Why it is red? The color red is a danger signal understandable to all people in the world.

It is duty of every tourist to take the greatest care to nature. Say please how can we serve it?

P1. Not to start a forest fire.

P2. To plant more trees.

P3. To feed birds in winter and help them survive in the cold.

P4. To clear rubbish from lakes and rivers.

 P5. Not to litter the ground with paper cans or bottles and paper….

Teacher: Well, our travel is coming to the end. We have learned a lot of new things during our journey.

Teacher: Now, boys and girls I wont you to answer on my questions.

1.What is the most beautiful place in Caucasus?

2.What do you think about the environment problems in Caucasus?

 3.What should be done to keep the planet suitable for living?

4.What do you know about traditions and customs in Caucasus?

5.What places of interest do you recommend to see in Caucasus?

6. Which towns of Caucasus would you like to visit and why?

Выходят на сцену участники в национальных костюмах казаков, русских, ногайцев, черкесов, осетин с рекламными буклетами Кавказских Минеральных Вод Нальчика, Майкопа, Домбая, Теберды, Ставрополя….

 (Исполняется песня Our family comes from Round the World.)

Our family comes
From around the world
Our hair is straight
Our hair is curled
Our eyes are brown
Our eyes are blue
Our skins are different colors too
We are girls and boys
We are big and small
We are young and old
We are short and tall.
We are everything
That we can be
And still we are
A family.
We laugh and cry
We work and play
We help each other
Every day
The world is lovely place to be
Because we are a family

T: Our meeting is over. Thank you for your working.

Good bye boys and girls.

T:Your homework is to make up advertisement about Caucasus and its people.

Literature: In the mountains of Karachai-Circassia By Vladimir Voina and Zari Khukhim