Обобщающий урок по теме "Would you like me to do it for you?", 7-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 7


  • Социокультурный аспект: знакомство с некоторыми особенностями жизни семьи зарубежного сверстника, с распределением обязанностей по дому;
  • Развивающий аспект: развитие речевых умений говорения в монологической и диалогической форме;
  • Воспитательный аспект: воспитание уважительного отношения к окружающим;
  • Учебный аспект: формирование грамматических навыков говорения –V+(to) Infinitive с глаголами want, ‘d like, ask, make (Complex Object), повторение общего и специального вопросов с конструкцией like + Ving;

Сопутствующие задачи: Развитие умения читать с детальным пониманием прочитанного.

Оборудование: Магнитофон, кассета с песней «Help your mother».

Оформление доски: На внешней стороне доски справа написано число проведения урока; вверху посередине доски написана тема урока «Helping about the house»; слева картинки по теме «Домашние обязанности»; справа - слова по теме «Домашние обязанности». На внутренней стороне доски слева предложения для составления диалога, справа упражнение на «Complex Object».

Ход урока

I. Начало урока. Введение учащихся в атмосферу иноязычного общения.

1. Приветствие.

2. Фонетическая зарядка:

[k] [w] [p]
cook walk polish
clean wash play
  what repair
  why parent

3. Экспозиция.

Teacher: Yesterday I had a very hard day. I had a lot of housework. I cooked, washed the dishes, cleaned rooms, went shopping and ironed. I was very tired but nobody helped me and what about you?

4. Речевая зарядка.

Teacher: Do you help your parents about the house?

Pupil: Yes, I do. I help my parents about the house.

Teacher: What do you do?

Pupil: I wash the dishes and go shopping.

Teacher: What do you like doing?

Pupil: I like washing the dishes.

Teacher: Why do you like washing the dishes?

Pupil: I like washing the dishes because it is relaxing.

II. Основная часть урока. Работа по теме.

Teacher: Look at the blackboard. You can see the parts of a dialogue. Put the parts together to complete a dialogue.

(Ученики составляют и читают полученный диалог).

- Hello!

- Hello! I haven’t seen you for ages. How are you?

- I am fine, thanks. And you?

- I am fine, too. Let’s go to the cinema.

- Sorry, I can’t. My mother asked me to go shopping and help her with dinner.

- That’s OK. See you later.

- Goodbye.

Teacher: Thank you. Please, make up your own dialogues substituting the italicized words by the words suggested on the blackboard. (Cook, iron, make up a bed, clean rooms, vacuum, wash up dishes, walk the dog, feed my pet, lay the table).

(Ученики составляют и рассказывают свои диалоги. Вот один из примерных диалогов).

- Hello!

- Hello! I haven’t seen you for ages. How are you?

- I am fine, thanks. And you?

- I am fine, too. Let’s go to the cinema.

- Sorry, I can’t. My mother asked me to clean rooms and wash up dishes.

- That’s OK. See you later.

- Goodbye.

Teacher: Thank you. You’ve worked hard. Let’s have a rest and play a game “Guess what I like doing about the house”.

(Игра «Угадай, что я люблю делать по дому». Один из учеников выходит к доске и загадывает то, что он любит делать по дому. Остальные пытаются отгадать, задавая ему вопрос: Do you like + Ving?)

Teacher: Each of you has a sheet of paper with the text on your desk. Let’s read it, translate and do some exercises using Complex Object.

(Работа с текстом. Чтение с детальным пониманием прочитанного. Выполнение упражнения по тексту.)

Text: Who is the busiest in the family?

My family can’t do without my help. Everybody wants me to help. Look at these messages on the fridge. Mum asks me to help with dinner as usual. My little brother John wants me to repair his bike. My elder brother asks me to clean his room up because he is waiting for guests in the evening. My granny wants me to visit her more often. My elder sister asks me to rent a movie. They don’t make me do all these things. They only ask me to do them: «Steve, please, you are not very busy today….»

  1. Steve’s Mum asks him ______.
  2. Steve’s little brother wants him ________.
  3. Steve’s elder brother _________.
  4. Steve’s Granny ________
  5. Steve’s elder sister ________.
  6. They don’t make him ________.
  7. They only ask him _________.

Teacher: Thank you very much. Now look at the blackboard and do an exercise.

(Выполнить упражнение на доске по теме «Complex Object».)

Use «to» where necessary and translate the sentences.

  1. Do your parents often ask you ____ go shopping?
  2. Parents always make their children ______ do homework.
  3. All parents want their children _________ know English.
  4. Does Ann want you _______help her with the project?
  5. We want our History teacher ________ take us to historical places.
  6. The teacher wants our pupils _______ give a helping hand to needy people.
  7. All people want the world ________ be a better place.
  8. They made me _______ wash up dishes.

Teacher: Translate into English.

  1. Мой учитель хочет, чтобы мои родители пришли в школу.
  2. Наши учителя хотят, чтобы мы делали домашнюю работу.
  3. Я бы хотела, чтобы мама купила мне новое платье.
  4. Некоторые родители хотят, чтобы их дети учились в частной школе.

Teacher: Your homework was to make stories «How we manage housework in our family» and draw some pictures to them. Let’s listen to your stories.

(Рассказ по картинкам. Вот один из примерных рассказов).

Hi! I am Kate. Welcome to my family. This is my mother. She is always busy. She cooks, washes up dishes and does the shopping. She likes cooking. I often ask her to cook my favourite chocolate cake. This is my father. He likes walking with the dog. This is my sister. She likes playing with the ball. This is me again. I like helping my mother with dinner. I don’t like cleaning my room.

Teacher: That’s OK. Thank you very much. Your stories are very interesting. And now let’s finish our lesson with the song «Help your mother».

Song «Help your mother».

Help your mother, lay the table
Put the knife, the fork, the spoon
Help your mother, lay the table
Every afternoon.

Help your mother, clear the table
Take the knife, the fork, the spoon
Help your mother clear the table
Morning, night and noon.

III. Конец урока.

Teacher: Thank you for your good work at the lesson. You know the words. You can make dialogues. You can tell about your housework. (Подведение итогов урока. Оценки. Домашнее задание).

Our lesson is over. Goodbye.


  1. Кузовлев В. П. «English 7».
  2. Боярская Ю. А. «Дополнительные упражнения по английскому языку» к учебнику В. П. Кузовлева.