Урок по теме "Времена года" (с использованием интерактивной доски)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Основные задачи:

  1. Развивать умения и навыки устной речи: учить задавать вопросы;
  2. Повторить и закрепить лексику предыдущих уроков;
  3. Развивать умения и навыки аудирования;
  4. Развивать умения и навыки устной (монологической и диалогической) речи.

Ход урока


I. Орг. Момент:

Mrs. Year sits on the chair and cries.

Teacher: Who are you?

Mrs. Year: My name is Mrs. Year.

Teacher: What’s happened with you? Why are you crying?

Mrs. Year: I have four children – four seasons. But they all are mixed. And I can’t find them.

Teacher: Oh. That’s a pity. But don’t cry. Children will help you. Will you help Mrs. Year?

Pupils: Yes, of course.

Mrs. Year: Oh, thank you. I’m glad to see you.

Teacher: What a terrible weather today. All seasons are mixed. We must help them to find their place. Let’s repeat magic words.

II. Lexical practice.


Spring is green,
Summer is bright,
Autumn is yellow,
Winter is white.

T.: There is a magic box on the whiteboard. There are words which help us in it. Read them and write them into right field.

Ps.: (Chose adjectives for each season. Then check them from whiteboard.)

III. Listening practice.

T.: Excellent! But there is a Donkey Who lost his way. Listen to the tape and tell: Which is his best time of the year? (см. Приложение 1)

IV. Asking questions.

Pupils listen to the tape and answer the question.

T.: Are you right? Well done! Mrs. Year lost a season. Ask her questions and guess what season is it?

Pupils ask such questions as:

  1. Is it sunny in this season?
  2. Can we play hockey in this season?
  3. Is it rainy in this season?
  4. Is it cold in this season?
  5. Can we toboggan in this season?
  6. Is it hot in this season?
  7. Can we ride a bike in this season?
  8. Is it cloudy in this season?
  9. Do animals like this season?
  10. Is it snowy in this season?
  11. Do birds sing in this season?
  12. Do children like this season?
  13. Is the river covered with ice?
  14. Is the grass green?
  15. Do people wear warm coats?
  16. Are the trees yellow in this season?

Pupils guess the season: Is it autumn (winter, summer, spring)?

V. Grammar practice.

T.: To find next season we have to ask questions. Take sheets of paper and ask questions.

(Приложение 3.1)

T.: Marvelous! Which is your best time of the year? And why?

Pupils describe their presentations of seasons but before it they divide into four groups.


I. Winter is our favorite season. It’s cold, windy, and snowy, sometimes it is sunny but it isn’t warm. People wear warm coats. Animals are sleep. The days are short and the nights are long in winter. But we can toboggan, ski. We can play snowballs and make snowwoman. Rivers are covered with ice and children can play hockey in winter. Everything is white. It’s nice. That’s why we like winter.

II. Spring is our favorite season. It’s sunny and bright. Animals wake up; birds fly back from warm countries. Sometimes it’s cloudy and rainy. But it’s neither cold nor warm. We like to play football and ride a bike in spring.

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III. Summer is our favorite season. It’s sunny and bright. The days are long, the nights are short. There are many flowers in fields. It’s hot in summer and we can swim in the river. We play football, ride a bike or play badminton. Birds sing songs. It’s fine.

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IV. Autumn is our favorite season. It’s neither warm nor cold. It’s often rainy and cloudy. Birds fly to warm countries. Wild animals prepare food for winter. We can ride a bike, play football, tennis but we can’t swim. Trees are yellow and red in autumn. It’s very beautiful.

T. That’s OK. British like to speak about weather. It’s interesting to know why they like to do it.

Ps. I think weather in Britain is changeable. That’s why they like to speak about weather.

VII. Conversation practice.

T. Look at the Whiteboard and make the weather forecast for tomorrow.

Pupils make weather forecast for Great Britain.

VIII. Game “Fortune Tree”.

T. When all seasons come together mysterious things happen. There is unusual tree here. It’s Fortune Tree. All people want to know what will be tomorrow, next week, next year. Come to the tree and learn out your fortune. (Приложение 3.2)

Pupils read their fortune. They are happy. They sing a song “If you are happy” (Приложение 2)

If you are happy and you know it, clap you hands,
If you are happy and you know it, clap you hands.
If you are happy and you know it
And your face will surely show it
If you are happy and you know it, clap your hands.

T.: Our lesson is over. We helped Mrs. Year.

Mrs. Year: Thank you very much. My present for you is smile. Smile always and be happy! Good bye!

Teacher gives children small chocolates in the form of smile.

T.: Good bye! Thank you.

Ps.: Good bye.