Открытый урок "Music in Our Life"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Урок английского языка: обучение устной речи в 8-ом классе (4-й год обучения) с использованием учебно-методического комплекса “Cambridge English for Russian Schools” - 3. Авторы Эндрю Литтлджон, Диана Хикс под редакцией Ольги Виноградовой. 2006 г.

Topic: Focus on Music

Оснащение: аудиозапись с музыкальными фрагментами различных музыкальных жанров; карточки с лексикой по теме; учебник английского языка.

Цель: активизировать лекиско-грамматический материал по теме.

Задачи урока:

  • Учебная: развитие умения говорить (обучать высказыванию о музыке, выражать свое мнение о различных музыкальных жанрах, любимых произведениях, исполнителях)
  • Воспитательная: привлекать интерес и любовь к музыке (классической и современной), расширять кругозор учащихся по теме “Музыка”.
  • Развивающая: развитие речевых умений, познавательной активности, умения работать в группе и индивидуально; развитие умения выражать свое отношение к теме, развивать аналитическое и критическое мышление.

Ход урока

Введение (знакомство с целью урока)

Today we are going to speak about music and discuss some problems connected with music.

Повторение лексики по теме.

You have cards with the words and their meanings. Match the cards.














без мелодии



Warm-up. The lesson is devoted to music.

And let’s begin with music.

Listen to 6 pieces of music and try to guess what sort of music it is and share your reaction to this music.

Use the expressions on the blackboard.

Brilliant! Great for…

Good for…

Not my kind of music.

  1. jazz
  2. pop music
  3. rock
  4. folk
  5. classical
  6. waltz

Reading the text with gapped sentences.

  • You are going to read the text with gapped sentences about “a famous English group “The Beatles”. Open your books p.44 ex.3.3.
    Read the text and complete the gaps with topic words.
  • Answer my questions about the group.
    When was the group formed?
    What were the names of the boys?
    What was different in their music?
  • True/ false statements. Correct me, if necessary.
    “The Beatles” was formed at the beginning of the 60s.
    “The Beatles” made a revolution in classical music.
    Their songs seemed tuneless and melancholic.
    A hysteria, called “Beatlomania” swept Britain and then France.
  • What songs of this group have you heard?
    Listen to the song “Muchelle”, give your opinion of the song.
    Now Let’s speak about your favorite sort of music.

Use the expressions: I impressed by…

…can’t but admire …

…can’t stand.

What kind of music do you listen more often to?

Do you listen to the music that you don’t like?

(Слушают фрагмент “К Элизе” Бетховена)

Do you like this music? (if not – why?)

What do you think of modern music?

Do you have a favorite group/singer?

Tell us about them

(Желающие рассказывают, их рассказы сопровождаются музыкой)

Discussion: work in two groups – one group is for music; another – against.

Use as many words on topic as you can to give your reasons.

Home task: to tell about the role of music in our life.

Подведение итогов.

To sum up the lesson I should say that we have done a lot during our lesson. Thank you for your work. Your marks are…