Урок английского языка "Виртуальное путешествие в Лондонскую Национальную галерею"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


Развивающий аспект — развитие способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия — к подбору речевых средств, адекватных цели и ситу­ации, к планированию своего высказывания, воображе­нию; развитие творческого мышления, самостоятельности, личностной активности учащихся.
Воспитательный аспект — способствовать формированию у учащихся художественного вкуса и уважения к мировой культуре, более глубокого осознания общечеловеческих ценностей.
Учебный аспект — развитие речевых умений на основе творческого использования усвоенного ранее материала в новых ситуациях общения; сопутствующая задача — скрытый контроль уровня сформированности речевых умений.

Речевой материал: лексический и грамматический материал предыду­щих уроков.

Оборудование: мультимедийный проектор для демонстрации слайдов в программе Power Point.

Раздаточный материал: тексты “The Impressionist Painters”; буклеты ”The Beginner's Guide to Impressionism”; рабочие листы для учащихся (WORKSHEET FOR STUDENTS).

При разработке урока использованы материалы сайта http://www.nationalgallery.org.uk

Ход урока

Teacher: I’m very glad to see you. I hope you are fine, aren’t you? Let’s make our lesson useful and interesting.
During several lessons we spoke about art and painting. And now I invite you to visit the National Gallery of London, one of the most important art galleries in the world.

На экране появляется слайд Национальной галереи (см. Приложение 1).

Teacher: This is The National Gallery in Trafalgar Square. It has been in this building since 1838 which was built as the National Gallery to house the collection of Old Masters Paintings (38 paintings) offered to the nation by an English private collector, Sir George Beamount.
Today the picture galleries of the National Gallery of Art exhibit works of all the European schools of painting which existed between the 13th and 19th centuries.

На экране появляется слайд с объявлением о выставке.

At present there is a redisplay of modern masters from the National Gallery collection called MANET TO PICASSO. Let’s enter it and enjoy the masterpieces of impressionists.

На экране появляется слайд, дающий краткую информацию об импрессионистах.

Teacher: Before enjoying the paintings let’s read the text about the impressionist painters.

Учащиеся читают текст и выполняют задания к тексту. Эту работу можно провести как письменный контроль чтения, так и устно в группе или индивидуально.


The term 'Impressionist' was first used as an insult in response to an exhibition of new paintings in Paris in 1874. It was derived from the title of a painting "Impression: Sun Rising" exhibited in 1874 by Claude Monet. He exhibited the work independently of the official Salon in Paris, along with artists such as Renoir, Cezanne and Pissarro. 'Impressionism' subsequently became widely used to describe the type of painting practised by this group of artists, who exhibited together eight times up until 1886.

These painters rejected the tra­ditional manner of painting. Their idea consisted in making art free from everything academic that had lost freshness. Their main task consisted in rendering not the exact representation of things, but the artist's momentary impressions of them and in conveying them in all their spontaneity. They took painting out of the studio into the open air to reflect the world in its continual state of flux (перемена), to show the world melting in the light of the air, light becoming the main subject in their pictures. The main device of their painting was in putting bits of pure colour on the canvas leaving it to the eye to do the mixing, instead of mixing it on the palette and their rapidly applied brushstrokes are often visible. The result of this was a fluidity of line, freshness of colour and the image of the world represented as smiling or mysterious.

People at first were accusing the impressionists of their mocking at art. "Who has ever seen grass that is yellow and pink and blue?" — they laughed look­ing at their pictures. But the daring pioneers relent­lessly criticized by the public by the end of the century had been recognized as the leading school in European painting.

Task 1. Find English equivalents for the following Russian words: в ответ, отрицать, холст, палитра,
точное воспроизведение, мазок кисти, обвинять, видимый, надсмехаться, быть признанным, живопись.

Task 2. Decide whether the statements below are true (T) or false (F).

1. Claude Monet’s painting "Impression: Sun Rising" was a great success in the official Salon in Paris.
2. The impressionists continued the traditions of academic painting.
3. The impressionists created their paintings outdoors.
4. They accurately mixed colours on the palette.
5. The impressionist painters had been recognized by the end of the 19-th century.

Teacher: Now let’s have a look at the impressionist’s paintings and share opinions of them. Explain your impressions, thoughts, feelings and emotions in four or five sentences. Use as many new words and expressions from UNIT 7 as possible. You can take notes in your worksheets. Then in groups you will discuss and choose only one work for the museum of one painting.

Учащимся предлагаются буклеты The Beginner's Guide to Impressionism (см. Приложение 2), которые помогут им в дальнейшей работе на уроке, и WORKSHEET FOR STUDENTS (см. Приложение 3), в которых учащиеся будут записывать свои впечатления во время просмотра картин.На доске можно поместить LANGUAGE SUPPORT в помощь учащимся.

Language for expressing personal opinions

  • The way I see it...
  • As far as I can see...
  • This looks like...
  • This seems / appears to be...
  • It might/could be...
  • It makes me feel...
  • It reminds me of...
  • I have no idea what is painted.
  • I can't figure out what is painted.
  • It strikes me that...
  • As I see it / In my opinion...
  • I feel very strongly that...
  • I'm inclined to believe that...
  • I am absolutely convinced that...
  • I tend to think that...
  • On balance, I'd say that...

На экране появляются слайды с изображением картин художников импрессионистов, взятых с сайта Национальной галереи. Учитель выступает в роли экскурсовода, давая краткую информацию о каждой картине (см. Приложение 3). Учащиеся высказывают свои впечатления о картинах.

Teacher: So you have seen some beautiful paintings. Discuss your thoughts, feelings and emotions in groups and choose only one work for the museum of one painting. And what is the museum of one painting? Listen to its description and then answer my questions.


Every painting is the artist's world of feelings and ideas. It takes an artist many months or even years to create his picture. But at a museum or at an exhibition people usually spend only a few seconds or minutes in front of it, especially if they see a lot of new pictures. So it "works" actively for a very short time. It will be good if we can organize museums of one painting. If there is a big hall, with good lighting, comfortable arm-chairs and a thick rug on the floor, that does not let visitors hear footsteps, the impression of the picture will be stronger. And if there is background music, the effect of the painting will be much greater. It will be wonderful if in another room visitors may read some material about the painter's life and work and study his sketches for the picture.
The people will really have a chance to come in closer contact with an art work when such museums appear. They will also inspire the painters if they want to pass the test, as the picture for such a museum must be a masterpiece.
The first museum of one painting opened in Penza in 1985.


1. How long do artists usually create their pictures?
2. How much time do people usually spend in front of each painting at the exhibition?
3. What makes the impression of the picture stronger in museums of one painting?
4. Do you think background music will make the effect of the painting better?
5. Do you think such museums will inspire painters to create masterpieces?
5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of museums of one painting?

Teacher: Work in groups, choose the best painting for your museum of one painting and reason your choice.

Учащиеся в группах просматривают буклеты, записи в рабочих листах, делятся впечатлениями, обсуждают и выбирают картину для музея. Затем представитель от каждой группы называет картину и объясняет свой выбор. Учитель показывает выбранную картину на экране.

Teacher: As you can see opinions differ. And I’m sure it was really difficult for you to choose only one picture because all of them are beautiful.

Well, our lesson is almost over. I’m very pleased of your work. Thank you for being active at the lesson. It was very interesting to listen to your points of view. Your marks for the lesson are the following. (Учитель оценивает работу учащихся на уроке.)

Now, please write down your home task.
Have you got any questions?
The lesson is over. Good-bye

Предлагаю на следующем уроке провести лексико-грамматический тест по тексту IMPRESSIONISM (NEW MILLENIUM ENGLISH 11 кл., WORKBOOK, UNIT 7, Exam practice, ex.2, p.64).