Сценарий праздника для начальной школы "Animals"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  • тренировка произносительных и фонетических навыков, совершенствование навыков выразительного чтения стихотворений,
  • стимулирование интереса к изучению иностранного языка;


  • вырезанные из картона фигуры или мягкие игрушки животных

Ход мероприятия

Ведущий1: Good morning, boys! Good morning, girls! I’m glad to see you. I hope you are fine today. Are you ready to start our party? Today we’ll have the English party and have a talk about the animals domestic and at the zoo.

Ведущий 2: What animals do you know?

(Дети в зале поднимают руки и называют всех известных животных)

Ведущий 1: Excellent! I see. You know a lot of animals.

Ведущий2: (Выходит на сцену и объявляет)

Now, children, all of you
Are invited to the zoo!

Дети выносят фигуры животных, вырезанных из картона или мягкие игрушки, и читают выученные заранее стихи.

The Tiger Cub

The tiger cub, the friend of mine,
Much like a cat, but all in line

The elephant

The elephant has got a son,
A little boy a small one,
But I am simply at a loss,
This child is bigger than a horse.

The monkeys

Visitors of all ages
Like to laugh near these cages
But you must remember too,
That the monkeys laugh at you.

The swan

And now, just look at the swan,
He swims and swims over the pond,
And looks sadly at the sky,
As if to say: “I want to fly! ”

The hares

I am looking at the hares
And I see their long grey ears,
That is why you know what?
The hares’ tails are so short.

The hippo

The day is hot, the sun is red,
What can you do about that?
But hippo, he is no fool,
He simply sleeps in his pool.

The polar bear

The day is hot, the sun is bright,
I see the bear, he is white,
He does not like the hot sun,
He likes big icebergs, we have none.
I like the bear, he is nice,
Shall I buy for him an ice?

The foxes

The foxes, red and silver black
Don’t ever sleep, the sleep they lack,
Don’t you believe in their sleep?
When they lie still, the foxes peep.

The baby deer

How pretty! What a dear!
Have you seen a baby deer?
There’s great surprise
In his lovely dark

The camel

The camel’s looking so sad,
A week has passed since last he ate.
And you again have bought some ice,
Though you already had it twice!

The Kangaroo

All the babies in the zoo
Envy little kangaroo,
You can only see his head,
Mother’s bag is baby’s bed.

The parrot

I wonder, have you ever heard,
A parrot? He is a talking bird,
He says “a fool” to any man,
He sleeps and eats and talks again.
But he is dreaming of warm seas,
Of palms and some unknown trees

The whale

I’ve heard some tales
About whales
I have not known any tale
As long, as he
From head to tail

Ведущий 1: Well done! Excellent! And now let’s recite some poems about domestic animals.

The cat

I love my cat,
It’s warm and fat
My cat is grey,
It likes to play.

The dog

I will not hurt my little dog,
But stroke and pat his head,
I like to see him wag his tail,
I like to see him fed.

The sheep

Baa, baa, black sheep,
Have you any wool?
Yes, sir, yes, sir,
Three bags full

Five little goats

Five little goats walked one day,
And each little goat had something to say
The first one said, “What a fine day! ”
The second one said, “Let’s run and play”
The third one said, “It looks like rain”
The fourth one said “Oh, no! Not again! ”
The fifth one said “There’s a drop on my head.”
So they all hurried home to their warm, snug shed.

Ten little chickens

Two little chickens looking for some more,
Along came another two and they make four.

Run to the haystack,
Run to the pen,
Run, little chickens,
Back to mother Hen.

Four little chickens getting in a fix,
Along came another two and they make six.

Run to the haystack,
Run to the pen,
Run, little chickens,
Back to mother Hen.

Six little chickens perching on a gate,
Along came another two and they make eight

Run to the haystack,
Run to the pen,
Run, little chickens,
Back to mother Hen.

Eight little chickens run to Mother Hen,
Along came another two and they make ten.

Ведущий 2: I hope you liked the poems. Now I want you to sing a song “Old MacDonald had a farm”

Old Mac Donald had a farm
And on this farm he had some chicks,
With a chick, chick here,
And a chick, chick there,
Here a chick, there a chick,
Everywhere a chick, a chick
Old Mac Donald had a farm

Old Mac Donald had a farm
And on this farm he had some ducks,
With a quack, quack here,
And a quack, quack there,
Here a quack, there a quack,
Everywhere a quack, quack
Old Mac Donald had a farm

Old Mac Donald had a farm
And on this farm he had some pigs,
With an oink, oink here,
And an oink, oink there,
Here an oink, there an oink,
Everywhere an oink, oink
Old Mac Donald had a farm

Ведущий 1: Now, dear children, listen to my riddles and try to guess them.

1. I have a bushy tail,
Sometimes I’m grey and sometimes I’m red,
I like nuts. What am I?
(A squirrel)

2. This animal is small,
It lives in the woods
And runs very fast and
It is afraid of everything. What is it?
(A hare)

3. It doesn’t speak, nor does it sing,
Or at the bell-door give a ring
But still it lets its master know
Someone wants to see him.
(A dog)

4. My long, thin legs are good and fast
I like to gallop and to run.
Oh, yes, I think it is great fun.
(A horse)

5. It is grey, but it is not a wolf,
Long-eared, but not a hare,
With hoofs, but not a horse
(A donkey)

Ведущий 1: And now, children, listen and remember how long animals live.

Rabbits – 5 years, dogs- 15 years, pigs- 25 years, sheep- 12 years, goats-15 years, horses – 30 years, cats- 13 years, cows - 25 years, camels – 40 years.

Учитель предлагает ученикам прослушать и запомнить информацию о продолжительности жизни животных. Можно также на наборное полотно выставить картинки животных и соответствующие им годы жизни. Учитель затем закрывает представленную информацию, и дети отвечают на вопрос How long do rabbits(sheep, cats, etc.) live?

Ведущий 2: Dear children! Look at these words very attentively and try to guess the names of the animals.

God (dog), menkyo (monkey), tac (cat), ogrf (frog), omuse (mouse), owc (cow), ypon (pony), igp (pig), sohre (horse).

Ведущий 1: Now, please, help our animals to find their houses.

Перед учениками разлинованный лист, по вертикали и горизонтали которого расположены буквы алфавита. Домики имеют следующие координаты a bear-AF, a cat- DF, a hare – CG, a tiger- AJ, a frog- DJ, a lion- BJ, a mouse- CL, a cow-AL. Задача детей расположить картинки с животными в клетки с соответствующими координатами.


Ведущий 1: Well, boys and girls. It’s very good that you know so much about animals. Ведущий 2: Of course they are our friends and we must take care of them. Our party is over. Thank you all very much. Good-bye.