Природа вокруг нас

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока:

  • научить учащихся использовать в речи лексические единицы по теме “Животные”;
  • познакомить учащихся с литературным творчеством Элен Поттер;
  • привить детям любовь к животным – братьям меньшим.

Задачи урока:

  • семантизация и автоматизация лексических единиц;
  • совершенствование навыков устной монологической речи;
  • совершенствование навыков чтения;
  • активизировать в речи учащихся использование present perfect progressive.

Тип урока: урок усвоения нового материала.

Оборудование: магнитофон, мультимедийный проектор. (Презентация)


I. Организационный этап.

1. Teacher: I am glad to see you, deer friends. Sit down, please. Look at the blackboard.

It is the 17th of December today.

II. Постановка проблемного вопроса, цели и задач урока.

2. Teacher: Listen to the song and sing, please.

I. Mr. Smith, the keeper, has got ten vipers in his zoo.
Mr. Smith, the keeper, has got ten vipers in his zoo.
Mr. Smith, the keeper, has got ten vipers in his zoo.
And he has to feed them every day.

II. Mr. Smith, the keeper, has got nine tigers in his zoo.
Mr. Smith, the keeper, has got nine tigers in his zoo.
Mr. Smith, the keeper, has got nine tigers in his zoo.
And he has to feed them every day.

III. Mr. Smith, the keeper, has got eight monkeys in his zoo.
Mr. Smith, the keeper, has got eight monkeys in his zoo.
Mr. Smith, the keeper, has got eight monkeys in his zoo.
And he has to feed them every day.

IV. Mr. Smith, the keeper, has got seven deer in his zoo.
Mr. Smith, the keeper, has got seven deer in his zoo.
Mr. Smith, the keeper, has got seven deer in his zoo.
And he has to feed them every day.

V. Mr. Smith, the keeper, has got six lions in his zoo.
Mr. Smith, the keeper, has got six lions in his zoo.
Mr. Smith, the keeper, has got six lions in his zoo.
And he has to feed them every day.

VI. Mr. Smith, the keeper, has got five llamas in his zoo.
Mr. Smith, the keeper, has got five llamas in his zoo.
Mr. Smith, the keeper, has got five llamas in his zoo.
And he has to feed them every day.

VII. Mr. Smith, the keeper, has got four owls in his zoo.
Mr. Smith, the keeper, has got four owls in his zoo.
Mr. Smith, the keeper, has got four owls in his zoo.
And he has to feed them every day.

VII. Mr. Smith, the keeper, has got three foxes in his zoo.
Mr. Smith, the keeper, has got three foxes in his zoo.
Mr. Smith, the keeper, has got three foxes in his zoo.
And he has to feed them every day.

IX. Mr. Smith, the keeper, has got two parrots in his zoo.
Mr. Smith, the keeper, has got two parrots in his zoo.
Mr. Smith, the keeper, has got two parrots in his zoo.
And he has to feed them every day.

X. Mr. Smith, the keeper, has got one bear in his zoo.
Mr. Smith, the keeper, has got one bear in his zoo.
Mr. Smith, the keeper, has got one bear in his zoo.
And he has to feed them every day.

Our lesson is devoted to animals. The aim of the lesson is to read and learn some new words, to make short stories about them.

III. Подготовка учащихся к активному сознательному усвоению знаний.

3. Teacher: Will you, please, open your student`s book at page 103, exercise 6. Match the names of the animals in English and Russian.

1) медведь, 2) корова, 3) паук, 4) крыса, 5) мотылек, 6) лиса, 7) улитка, 8) олень, 9) муравей, 10) журавль, 11) кенгуру, 12) лягушка.

a) a fox, b) an ant, c) a frog, d) a spider, e) a deer, f) a kangaroo, g) a rat, h) a moth, i) a bear, j) a snail, k) a cow, l) a crane.

(Контроль осуществляется в форме самопроверки; учитель открывает ответы, записанные на доске: 1i, 2k, 3d, 4g, 5h, 6a, 7j, 8e, 9b, 10l, 11f, 12c)

4. Teacher: Repeat English words after me all together, please: a fox, an ant, a frog, a spider, a deer, a kangaroo, a rat, a moth, a bear, a snail, a cow, a crane, a lion, a tiger, a monkey.

5. Teacher: Do exercise 7. Look at the picture. Listen to the tape and read the names of the animals to each other.

(Аn elephant, a hedgehog, a squirrel, a rabbit, a hare, a wolf)

IV. Этап усвоения новых знаний.

6. Teacher: Animals and birds live in zoos, on farms and some people keep them at home. Do you agree? Guess which of these animals are: farm animals, zoo animals, pets. Use the words from exercise 6 and 7.

(А fox, a deer, a kangaroo, a rat, a moth, a bear, a cow, an elephant, a hedgehog, a squirrel, a rabbit, a hare, a wolf)

7. Teacher: Will you, please, open your student`s book at page 104, exercise 8. Repeat after me, please, all together: a deer, a kangaroo, a sheep, a pig, an elephant, a horse, a rabbit, a hare, a tiger, a dog, a squirrel, a wolf, a monkey, a lion.

8. Teacher: Say which of these animals are wild and which of them are domestic. Use the phrase:

I think, wild animals are: ……………….

I think, domestic animals are: ……………….

9. Teacher: Read the text "Helen Beatrix Potter" and match the paragraphs with their titles. There are four paragraphs but five titles. There is one extra title.

a) Great Interests d) Early Years.

b) Beginning of a Writer e) Story for a Sick Boy.

c) School Friends.

Helen Beatrix Potter

1) Helen Beatrix Potter was born on 6th July 1866 in London. She was an only daughter of rather rich parents. She did not go to school but had classes at home.

2) Beatrix was fond of two things. They were animals and drawing. She had a lot of small pets at home: a family of snails, mice, a rabbit, bats1 and a hedgehog. From a small child she did hundreds of drawings of plants and animals and learned to do it very well. She often illustrated her letters to child friends with little animal drawings and told them stories about these animals.

3) One day in 1893 she wrote to a little boy called Noel Moor. The boy was ill and she wanted to please him and humour him2. The letter began with the words: "I don't know what to write to you so I shall tell you a story about four little rabbits whose names were Flopsy, Mopsy, Cottontail and Peter." In this letter she told the story of Peter Rabbit and illustrated it with lovely little drawings.

4) Eight years later Beatrix Potter remembered the letter and the story and wrote her now famous children's book "The Tale of Peter Rabbit". The book was very successful and Beatrix Potter became a professional children's writer. For many years now children in England and other countries have enjoyed her stories about mice, kittens3, ducks, squirrels, hedgehogs and rabbits. And her perfect illustrations make her books even better.

10. Teacher: Listen to the tape, watch a short film and read the text again.

(Учащиеся просматривают мультимедийную презентацию о творчестве Элен Поттер с текстовым сопровождением, читая его)

11. Teacher: Read the text about Beatrix Potter again and say as much as you can about:

  • her family;
  • her interests;
  • her stories;
  • her first famous book.

V. Этап актуализации умений учащихся.

12. Teacher: Аnswer the questions, please.

1. Have you got any pets at home?

2. What pet have you got at home?

3. What is your pet like?

4. When do you feed your pet?

5. Do you make pictures of your pet?

6. Do you like your pet?

13. Teacher: Use the plan and speak about animals.

a) Animals round us.

b) Wild and domestic animals.

c) Farm animals, zoo animals.

d) My pet.

(Запись плана в тетрадь)

VI. Контроль домашнего задания.

(Учащиеся выполняют упражнение № 11 на станице 99)

13. Teacher: What questions can you ask these people?


Mr. Harry Parson has been writing a book for eleven months.
Have you finished your book yet?

1) Simon has been looking for a job for five months.

2) Ann and Alan have been trying to do their homework for hours.

3) Alice has been hoping to buy a new mobile.

4) Ruby King has been thinking of visiting New Zealand for years.

5) Roland Scott has been trying to make a successful film for years.

6) Bobby has been hoping to find his favourite dog for weeks.

7) Nora has been thinking of going to a disco for weeks.

8) Alice has been waiting for her friend since morning.

VII. Домашнее задание.

Рассказ о животных с использованием упражнений:  № 6, 7, страница 103, № 8, страница 104.