Урок "Что ты знаешь о США?"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


T: Good day, dear friends. You learn English, the international language It is spoken in America, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, some countries in Africa, Europe, Asia. Today we are going to talk about America. The USA is called the "melting pot" or "mixed salad". Why?

P1: People from all over the world have mixed together to create modern American society.

(Показ картинки, на которой изображены люди разных национальностей)

T: Yes, you are right. Can you name some nationalities living in this country.

P2: Oh, yes. I can also say that this country is a nation of immigrants.

(Ученик показывает национальности, используя материал учебника "Reader" стр. 32)

T: Every country is rich its own historical events. Do you know some facts about the history of America”?

P3: Yes, I do. I am interested in it and I can tell you about the most important events of America's history.

(Ученик рассказывает историю образования Америки, используя материал учебника "Reader" стр. 33)

T: The official language in American is English, but there are some differences between British English and American English. Would you like to play a game?

(Учитель показывает вариант слова на Британско-английском языке, а ученики дают вариант этого слова на Американско-английском языке. Кто больше знает слов, тот и будет победителем)

Учитель приводит примеры:

British English




American English




T: I see you know words brilliantly. Well, let's talk about America today.

You can use a plan of this topic.

(Учитель раздает листы с заданием, учащиеся по плану рассказывают об Америке сегодня)


1. The USA is a highly developed country.

2. The population and large cities.

3. American government.

4. Black Americans

5. Interesting places of America.

6. American flag.

(Учащиеся используют рисунки, иллюстрации)

T: Thank you. Your stories are useful and interesting. We have read some additional facts. American people have many special days and holidays. Guess and name the holidays.

(Учитель зачитывает фразы о каком-либо празднике, учащиеся должны назвать этот праздник)

1. It is one of the best holiday for children. They wear masks and fancy dresses (Halloween).

2. It is a religious holiday, America celebrates the birth of Christ (Christmas).

3. They gather together to give thanks for all the good things in the life (Thanksgiving day).

4. The fathers declared that the USA would be free and independent from England (Independence day).

5. "Thanks For being such a great mum" (Mother's day).

6. The children blow horns and whistles at midnight to announce the beginning of a new year (New Year's Day).

7. This means "Be my friend or love" (St. Valentines Day).

8. Both presidents are famous for their honesty (President's day).

T: Children, let's have a chat about any holiday you like.

(Учащиеся выбирают один из праздников, работают группой по 2–3 человека и предоставляют свой проект-диалог)

P1: Do you know which holiday started in the USA?

P2: Which one?

P1: Thanksgiving.

P2: I like Thanksgiving Day

P1: Why?

P2: Because we can eat turkey, sweet potatoes, cranberry souse.

T: Thanks a lot. Your dialogues were enjoyable, indeed. And now look at some pictures on the walls, you see the portraits of American presidents. Some of them are famous for some facts.

(Учащиеся рассказывают о президентах, которых всегда чтят американцы)

1. George Washington.

2. Thomas Jefferson.

3. Abraham Lincoln.

T: I know that you have projects about Presidents of the USA. Present them.

(Учащиеся представляют проекты-доклады и говорят, почему они выбрали именно того или иного президента)

T: It will be interesting for you to make a tour over the capital of the USA.


(Один из учеников является гидом, все остальные – пассажиры автобуса, которые совершают экскурсию по столице. Гид использует видеофильм о Вашингтоне)

1. Washington Monument.

2. The Capital.

3. Lincoln Memorial.

4. Jefferson Memorial.

5. The National Mall.

6. The White House.

7. The Library of Congress.

8. The National Air Museum.

T: Every sight has its own history. Listen to the tape about The White House and say what new information you have learnt.

(Звучит запись аудиокассеты, учащиеся рассказывают о том, что нового они узнали из этого текста)

T: Now I have some questions about this country. I hope you know these facts. After it I will call the best pupil.

(Предлагается тематическая викторина)

1. What countries made early settlements in America? (Spain, France, England, the Netherlands)

2. Who were the pilgrim Fathers (English religious groups).

3. What is a symbol of Freedom in the USA? (The Statue of Liberty)

4. What kind of music first developed in New Orleans? (Jazz)

5. On what river is the capital of the USA? (The Potomac river)

6. What is the largest river in the USA? (The Mississippi)

7. What university is the oldest? (Harvard University, 1636)

8. What are the most popular team sports in the USA? (Basketball, American football, baseball)

9. What monument in the capital is called "the pencil"? (Washington monument)

10. What state of the USA is situated in the Pacific Ocean? (Hawaii)

11. What American state is situated 50 miles from Russia? (Alaska)

T: Great! The winner is .... I see that you know some facts about this country. If you have a chance to visit this country, do it! America is worth seeing.

(Учитель подводит итоги)