Разработка проекта и речевой игры для 5–6-го класса по теме "Город"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


Types of buildings: hospital, clothes/book/sport shop, market, supermarket, bank, library, museum, cinema, theatre, cafe, restaurant, disco, art gallery, post office, newsagent’s, hotel, church, cathedral, police station, etc.

Materials: made of stone/ marble/ glass/ metal/ concrete/ brick.

Features: decorated with ornaments/ statues/ towers/ balconies/ columns.

City Objects: street, park, square, monument, memorial, street lamp, fountain, flower – bed, lawn, bench, bus stop, railway station, airport, etc.

Characteristics: wonderful, beautiful, terrific, nice, fantastic, high, low, big, small, good, bad, terrible, horrible, modern, ancient, etc.

Position: near, in front of, behind, on the right, on the left, between, far from, opposite, across, in the centre of; located in, situated in, etc.

Урок “Конкурс архитекторов”

По жребию распределяются названия зданий. Каждый учащийся рисует проект своего здания и рассказывает о нем, используя vocabulary темы. Для того, чтобы провести игру, изображения зданий рекомендуется вырезать.

Цель урока:

  • закрепление vocabulary,
  • развитие умений аудирования, монологической и диалогической речи.

Оформление доски: в центре нарисована площадь (мелом или из бумаги). По мере проведения конкурса город “строится” (картинки прикрепляются магнитами, мелом дорисовываются деревья и т.п.).

Ход урока

  • T. – Glad to see all of you here. Today you are welcome to our “The Best Architect Competition”. We’re going to build a city. Let’s choose a name for it.
  • T. - … O.K. Now let’s start our competition. You’re welcome.
  • S.1 – I’ve made a project of a hotel. It’s a high modern building. It is made of concrete, glass and metal. It is very comfortable for visitors. Behind the hotel there is a small beautiful park. In the middle of the park there is a fountain and there are many benches in the park so people can have a rest. There are a lot of flower – beds and lawns in front of the hotel. There is an underground parking not far from the hotel. There is a newsagent’s near the hotel where people can buy newspapers.
  • T. – Where are you going to build your hotel?
  • S.1 – I’m going to build it in the centre not far from the main square.
  • T. – O.K. A wonderful building. What shall we build next?
  • S.2 – I think we should build a museum so that tourists can visit it. This is my project. This museum looks ancient outside but it is modern inside. It is made of brick and it is decorated with columns and ornaments. It is neither high nor low. It is surrounded with trees and flowers. In front of the museum there are nice green lawns.
  • T. – The museum looks really beautiful. Where would you like to build it?
  • S.2 – I’d like to build it on the right of the main square. …..etc.

(Таким образом заслушиваются все проекты, город “строится”, дорисовываются деревья, дороги и т.п. Затем учитель задает учащимся вопросы о том, какие проекты зданий больше понравились и почему. Выбирается лучший архитектор, который награждается дипломом и призом.)

Игра “Cops & Robbers”)

Then a signal of a mobile phone is heard.

T. – We’ve got a SMS – message from Chief Police Officer of our city. It says “Attention! Danger! A dangerous criminal Pink Panther has come to our city and has stolen important documents from the City Hall. All citizens must help Mr. Sherlock Holmes, an Interpol Agent, to catch him!”

(На доске в “городе” появляются картинки “прохожего”, “детектива” и “преступника”)

T. – Let’s help Mr. Sherlock Holmes. Listen what he says “Last time people saw the criminal near the bookshop. Could you tell me how I can get to the bookshop?”

(Учащиеся работают с опорными карточками.)

  • Could you tell me how I can get to…?
  • Excuse me, how can I get to the …?
  • Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the …?


  • go up/down/ along/ across the street
  • go to
  • turn right/left at the corner/ near the bus stop
  • cross the street

 (Учащиеся тренируются задавать вопросы и отвечать от лица “горожанина” и “сыщика”. Учитель передвигает “преступника” по доске.)

S.1 - Excuse me, how can I get to the bank?

S.2 – Go along the street to the post office and turn left.

S.1 – Thanks. Oh, nobody there. Now it’s your turn to be a detective.

S.2 - Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the hotel?

S.3 – Go up the street, turn right at the corner, go along the street and you’re here.

S.2 - Thanks. Oh, nobody there. Now it’s your turn to be a detective… etc.

(Когда все учащиеся побывали “прохожими” и “детективами”, “преступника” ловят.)

T. – You’ve been very good citizens and helped the police to catch that bad man. You’ve done very well today and you deserve good and excellent marks.