Урок в младших классах по теме "Мы любим животных"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Задачи урока:

  • Практические:
    Провести контроль умения воспринимать англоязычное высказывание на слух и адекватно на него реагировать,
    Умение высказывания в форме монолога, как на уровне реплики развернутого характера, так и на уровне коммуникативной ситуации общения,
    Навыков и умений письменной речи в форме подготовленных рефератов.
  • Воспитательная:
    Способствовать развитию у учащихся уважительного отношения к культуре стран изучаемого языка, прививать любовь к животным.
  • Образовательные:
    Способствовать расширению кругозора учащихся, развитию познавательных мотивов.

Оснащение урока: тематические картинки, рефераты, игрушки, карточки, таблички с именами животных, медали из фольги.

Ход урока

1. Вступительная часть (презентация задач урока).

Teacher: Boys and girls, today we are going to talk about our pets.

1) We are to revise everything about our cats and dogs.

Yоu'vе got some reports оn your pets to present in class.

2) Then we'll talk about pets in Britain.

We'll compare pet names and animal talk in Russia and Britain.

3) At the end of the lesson we lean 'animal' traditions in Russia and English speaking countries.

2. Основная часть.

1. Warming up activity.

Teacher: We are great animal lovers. Let's express our love.

What а big black cat!

What а cat! What а cat!

а) Фонетическая отработка скороговорки.

b) Лексическая подстановка в подобные восклицательные предложения:

Teacher: I have a surprise for you. Look at animals’ photos and say what you think of the pets.

For example: What a playful kitten!

Pupils: What а funny dog!

What a fluffy cat! Etc (комментирование детьми картинок).

II. Teacher: We know how to look after our pets well. Complete the Animal Friend Rules with “must” or “mustn't”:

1. Yоu __ give milk to kittens.

2. Yоu __ give dogs big bones, yоu __ give them small bones.

3. Yоu pets ____ have fresh water.

4. Yоu __ walk your dog.

5. Yоu __ give sweets to pets.

6. Yоu __ take pets to school.

III Teacher: At home уоu'vе prepared reports оп your pets.

Let's listen to some of them. Then ask your friend questions if уоu want to learn more about the pet.

IV Teacher: Now read the story “PETS IN GREAT BRITAIN” [1].

Say what names cats and dogs have in Britain.


Lots of families in Great Britain have got оnе or more pets. Dogs are the favorite pets and there are about 6 million of them in Britain. The second favorite is а bird - budgie.

Some families do not keep cats or dogs. Тhey keep other anima1s as pets in their homes. Тhere are more than 12 million pets in Britain.

The Eng1ish take good саге of their pets. They give them nice names: Rover, Rax, Cindy, Misty (for dogs); Albert, Snowy, Fluffy, Тоm (for cats); Polly, Chatterbox (for parrots); Guy, Scamper, Shipley, Shirley (for monkeys). When they speak of their pets, they say, "Не", "She" (not "It").

The English give their pets nice food to eat. Тhey. buy food for their pets in pet shops. Тhе English аге pet lovers!

V Teacher: Look through the text again to learn about the first favorite pet in Britain and реt traditions there. Do the Test. Choose the right answer.


1. In Britain the first favorite pet is:

а) a dog b) a cat c) a parrot

2. When the English people speak about pets they say:

а) we b) he or she с) it

3. English people usually buy food for the pets:

а) in а cafe b) оn а farm c) in a pet shop.

VI Teacher: Now we are going to work in groups. Those who are the best will get medals.

Read the роеm BAВIES [2] and match the animals to what they say in Britain and Russia.


The hen has а chicken,
What does it say?
Cheep, cheep, cheep, cheep!
Аll through the day.
The duck has а duckling,
What does it say?

Quack, quack, quack, quack!
Аll through the day.
The sheep has а lambkin,
What does it say?
Ваа, bаа, bаа, bаа!
Аll through the day.

The pig has а piglet,
What does it say?
Squeal, squeal, squeal, squeal!
Аll through the day.
The cat has а kitten,
What does it say?

Mew, mew, mew, mew!
Аll through the day.
The dog has а puppy,
What does it say?
Воw, wow, bow, wow!
Аll through the day.

Animals They say in Britain:

1) а chicken A) squeal, squeal

2) а kitten B) quack, quack

3) a puppy C) mew, mew

4) а piglet D) cheep, cheep

5) а duckling E) bаа, bаа

6) а lambkin F) bow-wow

2) We have pets as guests today. What are their names? What makes you think so?

These are labels for the pets.


1. The cat's nаmе is Black because he is black.

2. The cat's nаmе is Snowy because he is white.

3. The dog's nаmе is Spot because he is spotty.

4. The cow's nаmе is Reddy because it's red.

5. The parrot's nаmе is Chatterbox because he likes to talk.


3) Match the English pet names with the Russian pet names.

1) Blackie a ) Рыжик

2) Fluffy b) Снежок

3) Reddy c) Жучка

4) Snowy d) Пушок

1. Choose the right answer (Match the columns )

1) The symbol of Russia. а) а lion

2) The symbol of Great Britain. b) а bear

3) The symbol of Australia. с) а kangaroo

2. Which of the animals lives in Australia?

а) The bear. b) The polar bear. с) The koala. d) The panda.

3. The black cat brings good luck in

а) Russia b) Great Britain

4. It's good luck to bring а cat into а new house in

а) Russia Ь) Britain

III Подведение итогов.

Teacher: Your work is great and уоu are super!

Who has the most medals?

What have we done at the lesson?

Our results:


1) Have talked about your pets.

2) Have found information about pets in Britain.

3) Have compared pets' names and animal talk in Russia and English-speaking countries.

The game is over. Good luck and good byе.


  1. Верещагина И.Н., Притыкина Т.А., Английский язык. М., Просвещение, 2008.
  2. № 1, 1990 (стихотворение “Babies”).