Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку "Современная молодежь и ее отношение ко Второй мировой войне"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  • Воспитание чувства сопричастности к истории нашей страны.
  • Воспитание чувства гордости за подвиг нашего народа в годы Великой Отечественной войны.
  • Формирование потребности и способности понимать чужие точки зрения на социальные проблемы современной молодёжи и поколения прошлых лет.

Дополнительный материал: компьютер, экран, карта мира, карточки со словами на английском языке

to take part


to win








to be in a captive

Great battle



German army

to struggle against

war years

the enemy


In honour of

heavy battle

to be killed

to turn

to be brave

to defense




Ход мероприятия


Today we have an unusual arrangement because we will remember and speak about one of the greatest war on our planet it is the Second World war. We will introduce with your opinions about the World war Second and your attitude towards this war. Look at the blackboard, you see the expressions.

All people should live in peace and harmony  Our present and future can not be without the past

II. Основная часть

At first let` s see the creative work about the Second World war

1. Представление презентации  “The Second World war“ (Приложение 1)

  • ответы на вопросы в процессе просмотра презентации.
  • Do you know when these battles were started and finished?
  • What is the another name of Kurskaya bulge?
  • Do you know how many days continued Stalingrad battle?
  • по завершению, высказывания мнений о войне и  отношение к этой войне.

2. Дополнительные вопросы учителя

-  Have you ever been  in Prokhorovka?

- Have you ever visited the Kursk Bulge?

T. As far as you know in this war not only grown-ups took part, young patriots struggled against fascism. Let` s remember some of them

3. Представление презентации «The young patriots» (Приложение 2)

T. What do you think about these teens?

P.I believe that young patriots were brave, strong and loved Russia.

T. Are you the patriots of our country?

P. I can say that I am a patriot because I love my country too and I`m going to serve in the army after finishing school.

T: - Let` s compare the present life of children with the life of young patriots.

P: - As far as you know the best time is the young years. I asked my classmates and my friends. I can say that the children’s young years during the war were hard because they had only one purpose to save and to help our country.

T: - How do you think these children had the same problems as you?

(на доске карточки со словами, дать комментарии и сравнения к ним )

To want to study, to dream about the time without war, to quarrel with parents, to help other people, to reject everything, to risk the life, to spend your free time as you want.

P: - To my mind the expression «to quarrel with parents» suits for different times because this problem has been existed from birth of a man.

P.I think that to dream about the time without war suits for the both generations, because a lot of people suffer from war nowadays too.

P. I`d like to say that the life  in war years always is more dangerous, that`s why children risked their lives more during the war.

4. «Диалог поколений»

T: - Let s imagine that some of them will be adults, other will be grandparents and another will be teens. Ask each other  and approve or disapprove your points of views about our topic.

1 группа - (adults)

2 группа - (grandparents) 

3 группа - (teens)

Grandparents: As far as you know we lived in a very difficult  time. But we think that we were more friendly, kind, helpful than teens and adults nowadays.

Adults: We respect your time and we are thanked for our happy life without war but we disagree with your opinion because we built a lot of destroyed towns, cities and we built new towns and cities. We like our  country as you. We have done a lot of for our  country.

Teens: We know that you are wiser, you have a lot of life experience but you agree that all times were , are and will  change and be hard for every person. We don` t forget about your feats, but we have another points of views and we want to be more open for communication with other peoples.

III. Заключительная часть

We have listened to the opinions of these groups. What can you advice to your children when you will become adults? Ученики высказывают свои пожелания.

To be a patriot of our country, to love our Motherland o be proud of our country to serve in the army, don`t forget the heroes of the Second World war.