Урок-повторение с использованием ИКТ в 6-м классе "Необычные дома"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


1. Повторение лексики по теме мой дом;
2. Тренировать учащихся в употреблении грамматич конструкции there is/are;
3. Тренировать уч-ся в построении вопросов;
4. Научить уч-ся описывать свой дом;
5. Повторить предлоги места;
6. Воспитывать бережное отношение к изуч языку.

1. Good afternoon, dear friends! Glad to see you. We are going to have unusual lesson today. The theme of our lesson is – home my crazy home.

I think you agree with me that everybody of us live in the flats or houses. I’d like to know more about your flat or house. Also we’ll revise the words, practice in our speech the grammar constructions there is/are, brush up prepositions of place, and of course you will try to describe your flat.

Let’s start. You’ll answer my questions.

How are you?
What day is it today?

Thank you.

2. Phonetic drill

Let’s repeat the pronunciations of the words after me. So the sound …..

1 – ture picture
2 – ng living – room, dining – room
3 – a+ll wall
4 – tch watch, kitchen
– air chair
– eir their

Well done.

But I prepared for you a poem. Look at the blackboard and repeat after me. Ok. Now who wants to read?


Oh, it’s nice and cozy.
It’s light and sunny.
It’s comfortable.
It’s dream of a room.
A sweet dream like ice-cream!


3. You are very clever pupils. But I prepare for you some questions. Could you answer my questions, please? I’d like to know more about your flat or house.

  1. Do you like your room?
  2. Why do you like your room?
  3. Have you got a room of your own?
  4. Do you live in a house or in the flat?
  5. How many rooms are there in your flat?
  6. What floor do you live on?
  7. Is there a balcony in your house?
  8. Is your flat big or small?
  9. Has your flat all modern conveniences?
  10. What room is the smallest in your flat?
  11. What rooms are there in the flat?
  12. What will help to make the room more comfortable?
  13. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in your house?
  14. What makes a good house?

4. Guess the riddles.

Thank you very much. I know everybody of you like riddles. Do you agree with me? Now let’s guess the riddles. Look at the blackboard, you can see a riddles there.

1 – they look at one another all the time, but never meet. What are they? (the ceiling and the floor)
2 – in my house there is a smallest house with windows and doors and only one person living in it – knowledge.(a bookcase)
3 – we are 4 brothers living under one roof. Do you know us?(a table)

Thanks for your work.

5. My dear friends you are good at English and now look at the Sally’s living room. You can ask and answer questions using the prompts below. (Слайд 10)

6. Well done.

Are you tired?

I want to play with you? Don’t you mind? Ok. Let’s play. I know some interesting game, listen to me. One pupil takes the card and look. We can guess what is there in his room and what is this room?

7. (Сдайд 14)

8. To sing song

9. The lesson is over.
