Открытый урок по теме "Молодежные группы и организации"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

Социокультурный аспект – знакомство с высказываниями зарубежных сверстников о том, как они выражают свою индивидуальность.

Развивающий аспект – развитие способности к обобщению, логичности и доказательности, развитие коммуникабельности.

Воспитательный аспект – формирование терпимого отношения к попыткам самовыражения молодежи и понимание этих попыток.

Учебный аспект – совершенствование лексических навыков говорения.

Сопутствующая задача – развитие умения аудировать и читать с полным пониманием прочитанного и услышанного.

Речевой материал:
продуктивный: subculture, hippie, punk, biker, raver, hacker, scout, young farmer, volunteer, environmentalist, aggressive, to conform to, identity, liberal, option, to rebel, rebellion, rebellious, to reject, to try out, to identify with, violent.

Оснащение: аудиозапись песни из к\ф «Титаник» или любой другой грустной мелодии, иллюстрации с изображением представителей молодежных групп, микротекст на аудирование, схема диалога на каждого учащегося, учебник, магнитофон.

Ход урока

I. Подготовка к речевой деятельности.

1. Организация класса.

T: Good morning. I am very glad to see you today. Sit down, please and make yourselves comfortable.

2. Введение в сюжет урока. Сообщение перспективы урока.

T: I’d like you to listen to a piece of music. Members of what subculture might like it? Why?
P1: I think emo teens might like it because the song is very sad.
P2: Emo people like touching tunes because they make them cry.
T: I agree. I also think that emo might enjoy such sad music. (Показывает изображение подростков-эмо) Their behaviour is a way of expressing themselves. Today we are going to speak about ways of  following the youth culture and reasons of joining the group.

3. Фонетическая зарядка.

T: You recognized the emo quickly. Can you define other youth groupings and organizations?
(Показывает иллюстрации молодежных организаций и группировок; учащиеся называют их)

4. Речевая зарядка.

T: Well done! You are real experts in this matter. I need your help now. I often have arguments with my nephews. They are good boys but their appearance and behaviour seem strange to me. They wear coloured hair, metal chains and earrings. They listen to awful music and dress in a shocking way. Why do they do this?
P1: Maybe they want just to show off.
P2: I suppose, they’d like to express …
P3: They want to…
T: Thank you for your explanation. I’ll try to be more tolerant.

II.  Основной этап урока.

1. Подготовленный монолог «My attitude to subcultures». (Проверка домашнего задания)

P1, P2, P3
T: Thank you very much for interesting opinions.

2. Аудирование монологического высказывания с полным пониманием содержания.

T: A lot of young people are against subcultures. They join youth organizations and take an active part in life. You have already mentioned the organization “Nashi” today. I interviewed Kirill who is a pupil
of our school and a member of  “Nashi”. Would you like to know why Kirill joined this organization?
Now listen and share your opinions about his lifestyle.
“Life is not easy nowadays. A lot of people become aggressive and violent. They reject everything and don’t conform to society’s standards. A lot of teens follow criminal groupings, such as skinheads. But I want to be with people who support the President and the Prime-Minister and their team. That’s why I’ve joined “Nashi”. The members of this organisation are positive and creative. We organise meetings in N. Novgorod and in Moscow because we are concerned about the future. I am sure we will win”.

3. Монологические высказывания по вербальным опорам.

T: What is your attitude to his life stile? Express your point of view using the expressions on the board.

I approve of…                             On the one hand I…                             I disapprove of…
He follows…                               He worries about…                              K. identifies himself with…
K. is concerned about…              He wants to…                                      He spends time…
He wants to…                              On the other hand I…                          I don’t like…
I believe…                                   He spends time…                                 He’d better…
I think it’s bad for…

T: I thank you for expressing your opinions.

4. Чтение текста высказываний подростков с полным пониманием содержания.

T: I’d like you to know now tow teens from different countries express their identity.
Read the text on page 78 in your Student’s books and say whose lifestyle you like most. Why?

5. Монологические высказывания с опорой на текст.

P1, P2, P3
T: Thank you. It was a pleasure to listen to your opinions.

6. Диалогические высказывания учащихся с опорой на схему (диалог-убеждение).

T: Imagine the conversation between Tom and Svetlana. Whose viewpoint is closest to you? Prepare a conversation using the scheme and act it out.

T: Thank you for interesting conversations.

7. Монологическое высказывание без опор.

T: How do you express your own identity?
P1, P2, P3

III. Завершающий этап.

1. Домашнее задание: ex. 4.2), 4.5), p.79

2. Подведение итогов.

T: You worked fine, thank you. Your marks will be excellent and good today. See you tomorrow.