Урок английского языка по теме "Wild animals" в 7-м классе по УМК Т.Аяповой, издательство "Атамура"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Aims of the lesson:

  • знать лексику по теме “Wild animals”, правила составления предложения, формы неправильных глаголов;
  • уметь составить краткое описание животного, соблюдая структуру предложения и последовательность, оценивать работы других учащихся, правильность составления;
  • формировать бережное отношение к окружающей среде, к диким животным.

Тип урока: закрепление ЗУН.

Вид урока: практическая работа.

Plan of the lesson:

I. Постановка целей.

1.Greeting (приветствие)

а)raport of duty (рапорт дежурного)

2. Aims of the lesson (цели урока)

II. Актуализация знаний.

1. Сhecking up the home task (riddles) (проверка д/з (ребусы))

2. Patter (скороговорка)

III. Формирование знаний и умений учащихся.

  1. Text with pictures (текст с картинками).
  2. Opposites (антонимы).
  3. Game “Animal experts” (игра “Знаток животных”).
  4. The fauna of Eastern Kazakhstan (фауна ВКО):
  • new vocabulary (новые слова).
  • reading of the text (чтение текста).
  1. Description of animal (описание урока).

IV. Домашнее задание

  1. The ending of the lesson (итог урока).
  2. Home task (д/з).

Ход урока

I. Постановка целей

1. Greeting.

- Good morning, children!
- Sit down, please.
- How are you?
- Fine!

a) Raport of the duty.

-Who is on duty today?
-Who is absent today?
-Who is he/she absent?
-OK. Let’s begin our lesson.

2. Aims of the lesson.

- Today we shall repeat irregular verbs and their forms in the Past, answer to riddles, read the text, play games, make up descriptions of animals and so on.

II. Актуализация знаний.

1. Checking up the home task (riddles).

-Well, the 1-st task is your homework. Let’s checking up.
-Have you prepared your riddles?
-Who will go to the blackboard?
-Show your riddles to your classmates. (обращение к классу) You must answer to riddles.
-What is it? Who knows?
-Take your place. Thank you.
-Who is the next?
-Fine! You are very good pupils.

2. Patter.

And now we shall try to pronounce this patter:

A black cat sat on a mat

And ate a fat rat.

-Read it slowly, please.
-Repeat after me. (убираю по одному слову)
-Who will try to pronounce it?
-Let’s go on.
-Look through the patter and find irregular verbs and name their forms.

(eat – ate - eaten)
(sit – sat - sat)

-Look at these cards and name their forms. Translate them, please.
-OK. Thank you.

III. Формирование знаний и умений учащихся.

1.Text with pictures.

-Look at this text. Read and translate it, please.

Where do animals live?

Our planet is home for many animals. They live everywhere. (еж), (волк), (лиса), (белка) and (заяц) live in the forest. And (слон), (обезьяна) and (тигр) live in the jungle. (лягушка) lives in the lake. (ящерица) lives in the field. And (летучая мышь) lives in the dark places.

-You are excellent pupils!

2. Opposites.

-Now look at the blackboard.
-Find and name all opposites. (составляют пары-антонимы)
-Very well!

3. Game “Animal experts”

-And now let’s play. OK?
-Our game is called “Animals experts”. As you know already, this is a flower. Pass it to your neighbor and say the name of any animal. If you can’t, please pass it on and stand up. The rules of the game are: you must say the word quickly and not repeat the names. Understand?

Let’s start!

-Very good! You know a lot of animals!

4. The fauna of Eastern Kazakhstan.

- Look at the text which in front of you.

The fauna of Eastern Kazakhstan.

The fauna of Eastern Kazakhstan is very rich. There are wild rams, Siberian mountain goats, deer, elks, snow leopards in mountains. There are also lynxes, squirrels, brown bears, wolves, foxes, wild boars, sables, badgers and other animals in the region.

1) New vocabulary

-Below this text are new words. The first, I pronounce all words, and you listen to me with very attentively.
-Repeat after me!

2) Reading of the text.

- Now you can read this text.
-Read and translate it, please.
-Who is ready?

5. Description of animals.

-And now open your notebooks and write down today’s date.
-What is the date today?
-What is a day of the week today?

Your task: try to make up description of any animal, which you like.

I give you 3 minutes for your preparing.

-Who is ready?
-Go to the blackboard and tell us about your favorite animal.

IV. Домашнее задание.

1. The ending the lesson.

-What have you done on the lesson?
-What new words have you know?

2. Home task.

-You will take your home task, if you will go to the blackboard and take any picture of animal. Go! The next!
-Your home task is on the page 44 exercises 5. You must read these texts and translate them. The next lesson you will tell new information to your classmates about dogs, foxes and grey wolves.
-Thank you very much for the lesson.
-The lesson is over. Good buy!