Мультимедиа на уроке иностранного языка

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  • Развивающий аспект – развитие способности к обучению, к сравнению и составлению.
  • Воспитательный аспект – формирование самостоятельности, потребности к самообучению.
  • Учебный аспект – обобщение изученного материала по теме, развитие лексико - грамматических навыков говорения.
  • Сопутствующая задача – промежуточный контроль лексико-грамматических навыков.

Речевой материал: предположения реального условия - If - sentences.

Методическая цель: оптимизация образовательного процесса путем внедрения компьютерных технологий на уроке иностранного языка с целью

  • ускорения процесса обучения,
  • повышения интереса учащихся к предмету,
  • улучшения качества усвоения материала,
  • индивидуализации процесса обучения.

Компьютерные технологии – это один из эффективных способов организации учебного процесса, но главной и ведущей фигурой на уроке остается учитель. Ведь только разумное комплексное сочетание всех имеющихся в его распоряжении методических приемов и технических средств может дать желаемый результат.

Оснащение: обучающая программа на CD “English Gold 2000”, презентация в Power Point “What is a computer?”, наглядные пособия: лексика урока, примеры условных предложений, речевые модели.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

Приветствие, объявление целей и задач урока.

Warming-up. Good morning, friends! Nice to see you! We are also pleased to welcome our guests. We have a good chance to use new technologies at our English classes. Today we review and consolidate the theme “Computer Hardware” and practise in using conditional sentences of real condition.

II. Фонетическая зарядка.

Phonetic drill. At first we train some words to pronounce them correctly. Look at the whiteboard. Say after me:

to perform
to convert
to store
input hardware
processing hardware

hard disk
central processing unit
to direct
to retrieve
to provide
output hardware
storage hardware

III. Основная часть урока.

Контроль знаний и речевых навыков по теме «Компьютер».

1. Do you know these words? Take the cards and match the words and their Russian equivalents (2 students).

устройство ввода данных
устройств обработки данных

жесткий диск
устройство обработки информации
устройство хранения данных

(For the rest students). Do you now computer hardware? Name the devices. What is it?

The answers: the monitor, the keyboard, the mouse, the CPU, the speakers, the printer, the scanner, the floppy disk, CD.

Let’s check the task. Look at the blackboard. Is it right?

Take the Russian equivalents off.

2. Take your places in front of the computers. Now we work with the presentation in Power Point. Do you know what a computer is? What is computer hardware, software? The presentation will help you to answer the questions.

Presentation. Приложение 1.

What is a computer?

Computer is a device for processing information.

What is a computer system?

Computer system is a combination of four elements:

  • Hardware
  • Software
  • Procedures
  • Data / Information

What is a computer used for?

Computer is used:

  • to convert data into information,
  • to store information in the digital form.

What is software?

Software is the programmes that tell the hardware how to perform a task.

What is hardware?

Hardware is the devices composing a computer system.

What categories is computer hardware divided into?

Computer hardware is divided into four categories:

  • Input hardware.
  • Processing hardware.
  • Storage hardware.
  • Output hardware.

Input hardware collects data and converts them into a form suitable for computer processing.

Input devices are a keyboard, a mouse, a video camera, a scanner, a microphone.

What does processing hardware do?

What are the most common components of processing hardware?

Processing hardware directs the execution of software instructions in the computer.

The components of processing hardware are a central processing unit and main memory.

What is the purpose of storage hardware?

What are the ways of storing data?

The purpose of storage hardware is to store computer instructions and data and retrieve them.

The most common ways of storing data are a Hard disk, a floppy disk, a CD, a DVD.

What does output hardware do?

What are output devices?

Output hardware provides the user with the means to view information produced by the computer system.

Output devices are a monitor, a printer, and speakers.

3. Do the tasks.

  1. What is extra?
    • input hardware, processing hardware, storage hardware, output hardware, execution hardware;
    • a keyboard, a mouse, a hard disk, a scanner;
    • a monitor, a printer, a microphone, speakers;
    • a hard disk, a CPU, a floppy disk, a DVD.
  2. You want to upgrade your computer. What does the word “upgrade” mean?
    Upgrade - усовершенствование, модернизация компьютера с целью расширения его возможностей.
    Now we are in the shop. Choose the necessary device. What will you buy?
    • You need a device for producing paper copies of data (a printer).
    • You need to input your speech or singing into the computer (a microphone).
    • You need to store programmes and larger amounts of data (a hard disk).
    • You need to input a picture or a photo into the computer (a scanner).
    • You need to communicate with the other computers and transfer data from one computer system to another (modem).

Close the presentation.

Развитие речевых навыков по теме «Условные предложения» (реального условия I тип).

Работа с обучающей программой.

4. If you need to muster your English, you can use electronic textbooks on CDs.

Today we’ll practice “Conditional sentences” with the help of the teaching programme “English Gold 2000”.

Open the programme: find the word Setting (Пуск) -- All the programmes – English Gold 2000 – English Gold 2000 (red-n-white disk). Open the window “Dialogue”—Contents (the first symbol on the left). Find the dialogue 138. Listen to it, pay attention to the structure and tense-forms of the sentences. Click the left button of the mouse according to my command.

  • What will you do if you win a lot of money? Stay at the best hotels.
  • If I win a lot of money, I shall stay at the best hotels.
  • What will he do if he misses the bus? Take a taxi.
  • If he misses the bus, he will take a taxi.
  • What will he do if he doesn’t sell his old car? He won’t buy a new car.
  • If he doesn’t sell his old car, he won’t buy a new one.
  •  What will you do if they offer you more money? Work less.
  • If they offer me more money, I shall work less.
  • What will he do if she doesn’t type the letter? Type it himself.
  • If she doesn’t type the letter, he will type it himself.
  • What will the children do if they come home early? Play in the garden.
  • If the children come home early, they will play in the garden.
  • What will you do if you are ill tomorrow? I shan’t go to work.
  • If I am ill tomorrow, I shan’t go to work.
  • What will you do if you go to the party? Enjoy myself.
  • If I go to the party, I shall enjoy myself.
  • What will you do if he asks you? Tell him the truth.
  • If he asks me, I shall tell him the truth.
  • What will you do if it rains tomorrow? Stay at home.
  • If it rains tomorrow, I shall stay at home.

What kind of sentences is used? Какие предложения использованы в микродиалогах?

Are they real? What conditions do they express? Какие условия они выражают?

Look at the board. Read the sentences and say what tenses are used in them?

  • If I go to the party, I shall enjoy myself.
  • If he misses the bus, he will take a taxi.
  • If he doesn’t sell his old car, he won’t buy a new one.
  • If I am ill tomorrow, I shan’t go to work.

In the main sentence Future Simple is used. In the If-part Present simple is used.

In the negative sentences we use shan’t and won’t.

Shall not = shan’t, will not = won’t.

5. Listen to the dialogue once more and then do grammar task.

Open the window “Grammar”—Contents (the first symbol on the bottom) – Ex.69.

Fill in the gaps with the missed words. Find the mistake in the last dialogue.

  •  What will you do if you win a … of money?
  • If I win a … of money, I … stay at the best hotels.
  • What will he do if he … the bus?
  • If he … the bus, he will take a taxi.
  • What will he do if he doesn’t sell his old car?
  • If he doesn’t sell his old car, he … buy a new ….
  •  What will you do if they offer you more money?
  • If they offer me more money, I … work less.
  • What will you do if she doesn’t type the letter?
  • If she doesn’t type the letter, he ... type it ….

I wonder what marks has the computer given to you?

Take your places at the desks.

  1. Try to make up your own short dialogues using conditional sentences. Look at the whiteboard. Examples:
    1. – What will you use, if you want to muster your English?
      – If I want to muster my English, I shall use electronic textbooks on CD.
    2. – What will a student do if he wants to paper copies of data?
      – If he wants to paper copies of data, he will use a printer or a copier.

IV. Домашнее задание.

At home make up 2 short dialogues using conditional sentences. Read the text “Computer Operations. Types of Data” and answer the questions at pp.170-172 of your textbooks.

(Агабекян И.П. Английский для средних специальных заведений. Ростов-на-Дону: «Феникс», 2002.)

V. Итоги урока.