Способы познания мира

Разделы: Иностранные языки



  • побуждать учащихся к активному участию в познании окружающего мира;
  • развивать память, внимание, логическое мышление;
  • учить учащихся формировать собственную точку зрения, выражать собственное мнение, чувства;


  • способствовать интеллектуальному и культурному росту учащихся;


  • практиковать учащихся в умении вести беседу по темам "Лондон", "Путешествие", "Книги в моей жизни";
  • совершенствовать навыки монологической и диалогической речи;
  • совершенствовать грамматические умения и навыки;
  • тренировать класс в чтении текста с извлечением основной информации;
  • совершенствовать артикуляцию английских звуков;


  • обучать вежливому и доброжелательному общению друг с другом с соблюдением этикетных норм;
  • воспитывать чувство уважения друг к другу;
  • воспитывать чувство уважения к культуре, традициям и обычаям других народов.

Ход занятия

Good morning, dear friends! I am very glad to see you again. How are you? I hope you are fine. What are we going to do today? We are going to speak about different ways to explore the world - about travelling and reading. We' ll speak about London, about our Kaliningrad weather as well. We are going to recite poems. We'll sing songs and play games. Let's get started.

Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, where have you been?
I've been to London to look at the Queen.
Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, what did you there?
I frightened the mouse under the chair!

There are many new faces in our classroom. Let's make friends!

Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы учителя:

What is your name?

How old are you?

What do you do?

What country are you from?

What town do you live in?

What languages do you speak?

What is your motto?

Примерные диалоги учащихся:

- What is your name?

- My name is : And what is your name?

- My name is : Nice to meet you. How old are you?

- I am 9. And how old are you?

- I am 8. What country are you from?

- I am from Russia. What town do you live in?

- I live in Kaliningrad. It is a big centre.

- What languages do you speak?

- I speak Russian and English a little. And what about you?

- I speak Russian and English too. What is your motto?

- My motto is "There no place like home". And what is your motto?

- "All's well, that ends well".

Текст для беседы по теме "Путешествие".


Modern life is impossible without travelling.

Thousands of people travel every day either on business or for pleasure.

They can travel by air, by rail, by sea or by road.

Of course, travelling by air is the fastest and the most convenient way, but it is the most expensive too.

Travelling by train is slower than by plane, but it has its advantages. You can see much more interesting places of the country you are traveling through. Modern trains have very comfortable seats.

Speed, comfort and safty are the main advantages of trains and planes.

Travelling by sea is popular too. On board large ships and small river boats people can visit different countries and cities.

As for me I prefer travelling by ::::. .

Примерный диалог "Приобретение билетов".

I'd like a ticket to London, please.

When are you going to fly?

Today or tomorrow, I think.

Just a minute. I think Flight 67 is the best for you.

When is the flight?


Excellent. How much is the ticket?

Business or tourist class?

Tourist class, please. Business class is too expensive.

Single or return?

Return, please.

That'll be 140 pounds.

Here you are.

Thank you.

Текст для беседы по теме "Лондон".


London is the biggest city in Britain. More than 7 000 000 live and work there.

London is the capital of Great Britain, a big political, industrial and cultural centre.

The heart of London is the City. Many people work in the City, but very few live there. There are a lot of banks and other offices there. You can visit some interesting places in the City or near it.

One of them is the Tower of London. The Tower of London was a fortress, a palace, a prison and the king's Zoo. Now it is a museum. You can see a lot of interesting things in the rooms of the White Tower. It was built in the 11-th century by William the Conqueror. There are always black ravens in the Tower of London. People look after them very well as they believe that London will be rich while ravens live there.

St. Paul's Cathedral is not far from the Tower of London. Sir Christopher Wren built it in the 17-th century after the Great Fire.

Trafalgar Square is in the centre of London. In the middle of the Square stands a tall column. It is a monument to Admiral Nelson.

The building of the Houses of Parliament is very famous. Big Ben is the name of the clock and the bell.

Westminster is a political centre of London. There are a lot of offices there.

Westminster Abbey is one of the most beautiful churches in London. Many English kings, queens and great people are buried there. Westminster Abbey is famous for its Poets' corner too.

Buckingham Palace is the place where the Queen of England lives. There is a beautiful monument in front of it. I'd like to go to London.

Текст для беседы по теме "Книги в моей жизни".


Different people have different hobbies. Different people like doing different things. I am fond of reading.

I've got a very good collection of books at home and I am really proud of it.

I can't say my collection is thematic. I've got different books: fiction and historical novels.

I've got many books about animals and birds.

I also have books which can tell you about different countries and lands.

We learn when we read books.

Whatever you do, wherever you go you'll always need a true friend and a good teacher. Books are our friends and teachers.

I've already read many books. Some of them are very interesting indeed, some are boring. Some of them are easy to read, some are difficult to understand.

I usually read books to the very end.

I often go to the library and take books there to read.

My favourite books are about animals.

Подведение итогов.

Thank you very much! It was a real pleasure to listen to you. Your stories were lovely! I wish you good luck. Good bye!