Итоговый урок в 7-м классе по теме "Мастер на все руки" (УМК В.П. Кузовлев)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока.

  1. Развивающий аспект: развитие внимания, памяти, логического мышления.
  2. Воспитательный аспект: развитие самостоятельности и творческих способностей учащихся.
  3. Учебный аспект: развитие речевых умений учащихся, активизация лексического материала по теме, развитие умений аудирования, практика учащихся в устной речи, умение высказывать своё мнение, развивать навыки диалогической речи по заданным ситуациям.

Основные задачи.

  1. Актуализировать лексические навыки говорения.
  2. Совершенствовать произносительные навыки.
  3. Проверить навыки употребления и образования форм наречий.
  4. Развивать навыки устной речи на основе прочитанного текста.
  5. Развивать навыки диалогической речи.


  1. АРМ учителя.
  2. Презентация учителя.
  3. Учебник.
  4. Раздаточные карточки.
  5. Творческие работы учащихся.

Ход урока

1 этап. Приветствие. Проверка готовности учащихся к уроку. Вхождение в атмосферу иноязычного общения для учащихся.

Teacher: Good afternoon. Sit down, please. Glad to see all of you here. I hope you are all feeling good today.

Students: We are fine. Thank you.

2 этап. Сообщение целей урока. Фонетическая зарядка.

Teacher: People can be good at different things. They may have good results not only in studying but also in participating in different clubs. Today we are going to speak about your achievements and achievements of your friends. What are the rules on how to do things well? Can you find them in the poem?

One thing at time

(Edith Segal)

Work while you work, All that you do One thing at time,
Play while you play. Do with your might, And that done well,
That is the way Things done by halves Is a very good rule
To be happy and gay. Are never done right. As many can tell.

Teacher: Say, what do you think about the rules?

(Ответы учащихся: P1, P2, P3, P4 etc.)

3 этап. Активизация ЛЕ и совершенствование фонетических навыков.

Teacher: Now look at the board and choose the correct translation.

первоклассный ученик

a) an ace pupil

b) a beautiful pupil


  1. to go
  2. to achieve


a) ambitions

b) an aim


a) a championship

b) competition

игрок номер один

a) the number two player

b) the number one player


a) a pro

b) a winner

как следует

a) great

b) properly

набрать наибольшее количество очков

a) to get a lot of scores

b) to score the most points

установить рекорд

a) to set a record

b) to make a record

стараться изо всех сил

a) to try hard

b) to make o’key

играть главную роль

a) to star

b) play a star

лучший спортсмен

a) the champion

b) a top sportsman

Teacter: Choose the correct translation of the active word.

1. The German ace was a nice pilot, but our pilot was better.

a) Первоклассный

b) ас

2. The DJ set the record of the new but famous group.

a) поставить пластинку

b) установить рекорд

3. The teacher asked me to do everything properly.

a) как следует

b) тщательно

4. The house has been built properly, so the earthquake couldn’t ruin it.

a) основательно

b) как следует

5. The Moscow Kremlin is starred and has a beautiful illumination at night.

a) украшать звёздами

b) сыграть главную роль

6. No matter how hard we tried, we failed.

a) стараться

b) упорно

Key: 1b, 2a, 3b, 4a, 5a, 6b.

4 этап. Практика аудирования, контроль понимания прочитанного.

Teacher: British and American children write to different magazines about activities they are good at and ask for advice if they have some problems. Let’s listen to the information. What problems do the following children have?

(Аудирование коротких текстов, плёнка № 3).

Группы ребят получают задания на карточках.

Прослушайте четыре коротких текста, определите проблему и выберите правильный совет.

  1. I’m good at basketball, and I want to become better. But now I’m trying to impress people with my game. Can you help?

(Will M., New Hampshire)

  1. I’m great at playing the trumpet, but there is this new note we are learning in a song, and I can’t get it. Can you help?

(Mary H. , Massachusetts)

  1. I love woodwork but everyone in my class finds it strange. So far I have made a bird table with the help of my granddad. It’s a great hobby and more people should do it. Why don’t they understand?

(Jacob Long, Somerset)

  1. I’m playing a song on my violin in front of one hundred people. I am very very nervous. Can you help?

(Brian K, Illinois)

Teacher: What advice can you give in these situations? Match them with the problems. (Учащиеся после прослушивания текста выбирают совет, который подходит к проблемным ситуациям).

  1. The best players usually don’t think about whether they are impressive or not. They just play the game as well as they can. Others will notice that you play well. The most important thing you should be doing is having fun. Train more regularly and harder and you will get better. You will play better and improve sooner if you just take part in a game and pay attention.
  2. Sometimes kids will say something critical of another person if they don’t understand this person. You can explain more properly about your hobby to your friends.
  3. Everyone gets nervous before performances, even professionals. You shouldn’t allow your feeling stop you from performing. The best thing you can do is to be well prepared. You will become more confident. If you make a mistake or forget what to do, keep going. The audience may not notice your mistake. Grown-ups are happy to see kids perform.
  4. Don’t be discouraged. Think back to when you first began to play the trumpet you had to learn how to finger each note better and make it sound nice. If you keep working more properly at this new note you will get it sooner. Perhaps you can arrange to meet with your teacher at some time other than right after class. I’m sure your teacher will be glad to help.

Key: 1а, 2d, 3b, 4c.

Презентация учителя: “ Мастер на все руки”. Приложение 1. (Слайд №1-2).

Отработка грамматического материала: наречия образа действия. Приложение 1. (Слайд №3).

Отработка употребления наречий, прилагательных и частей речи, являющихся и наречиями и прилагательными. Приложение 1. (Слайд №4-5).

(Учащимся раздаются карточки. Самостоятельная работа учащихся. Выполняется письменно).

Teacher: How have they done it? Complete the sentences.

  1. The team scored the goal very…
  2. The idea came into his head…and he hurried to tell us about it.
  3. Charlie Chaplin acted in films…
  4. Robinson Crusoe worked… to survive on the island.
  5. Michael Jordan played basketball…and won a lot of championships.
  6. What have they praised you for…?

Key: 1- quickly, 2-suddenly, 3-well, 4-hard, 5-greatly, 6-recently.

5 этап. Практика учащихся в чтении .

Teacher: People’s abilities are very different. Some people are good at one thing. Some others are good at a lot of things. What is better?

Учащиеся выполняют упр.1 стр.37.

(Беседа по тексту в режиме P1,P2, P3.)

  1. Why is Robert the best hacker?
  2. What subject helps Robert to be good at computers?
  3. What does Ben like about Robert?
  4. Why does Tracy like about Lisa?
  5. Why can Lisa help other people?
  6. What does Tim dislike about Henry?
  7. Can Henry become a top specialist in making models?

Teacher: Is the following information true or false? Prove.

(Учащиеся выполняют упр.2, стр38.)

Robert gets A’s in some subjects.

Robert already knows what he is going to be.

Robert can become a good programmer.

Lisa is a hard-working person.

Lisa studies very well.

Lisa can do many things brilliantly.

Henry has a problem in organizing his work.

Henry can become a good photographer.

Teacher: Can Robert, Lisa or Henry be called a Jack of all Trades? Why?

(составление уч-ся высказываний, на основе прочитанного, используя модель).

I think…can/ can’t be called…

She/he…. besides…

And Jack…. So…

6 этап . Формирование личностного отношения к вопросу Хорошо ли быть мастером на все руки. Письменная речь учащихся. Is it good or bad to be a Jack of all trades?

I think it’s good to… I’m not sure if it is… I don’t think it’s good to….
You can… It’s better to…. You can’t …
You know how to… You can… You don’t do it….
You do it … you can help… You can become… You can’t become….

7 этап. Творческие работы учащихся. Монологическая речь учащихся. (Приложение 2, Приложение 3).

(Выступление ребят - проверка домашнего задания)

P1: Have you got a friend who you can call a Jack of all trades? What is he or she good at?

P2: What sort of person would you like to be?

P3: What are you good at? Can it help you in your future profession?

8 этап. Тренировать учащихся в диалогической речи, используя разговорные клише. Приложение 1 (Слайд №5-7) Учащимся раздаются карточки с различными ситуациями. Время подготовки 2-3 минуты.

P1 - Can you cook?

P2 - Yes, I’m quite good at cooking vegetable soup with potatoes. But I don’t know how to prepare big delicious dinners. And you? Do you know anything about taking pictures?

P1 - I’ve no idea how to take photos.

9 этап. There are a lot of proverbs about work.

Teacher: Can you match English proverbs with their Russian equivalents?

1. He works best who works his trade. a) Не за своё дело не берись.
2. Every man to his trade. b) Дело мастера боится.
3. Practice is the best master. c) За всё берётся, да не всё удаётся.
4. He who begins many things finishes but few. d) Люби дело- мастером будешь.

Key: 1d, 2a, 3b, 4c.

10 этап. Подведение итогов урока. Выставление оценок. Создание мотивации ожидания следующего урока.

Приложение 1

Приложение 2

Приложение 3