Разработка мероприятия по английскому языку для учащихся 8-х классов "Эрудиты"

Разделы: Иностранные языки



  1. развивать навыки говорения, расширяя кругозор школьников
  2. формировать умение распознавать и употреблять следующие времeна: настоящее простое время, настоящее продолженное время, прошедшее простое время, настоящее завершенное время, будущее простое время, настоящее простое время (страдательный залог), прошедшее простое время (страдательный залог)
  3. закрепить лексический и страноведческий материал по темам: Великобритания, США, Россия


  1. развивать мышление, память
  2. развивать самостоятельность, эмоции
  3. совершенствовать навыки речи
  4. переводить информацию в другую языковую форму


  1. содействовать эстетическому воспитанию обучающихся, формированию любознательности, толерантного отношения к представителям других наций, воспитание чувства патриотизма и интернационализма.


  1. Мультимедиапроектор, интерактивная доска, компьютер
  2. Авторская Презентация в MS PP

План мероприятия

Pupil (P): Good afternoon everybody!
We are glad to see you at the competition today. We are going to play “The erudite persons”. Two teams will take part in it.
Состав команды был определен ранее.
Представление команд – участниц игры.
The name of the first team is  “The Cleverest”.
The captain of the team is Ganieva Alina.
(капитан  представляет участников своей команды)
The name of the second team is ”The Wisest”.
The captain of the team is Kildebecova Gusel.
(капитан представляет участников своей команды)
P: To count the points I’d like to introduce the jury. The members of the jury are (the pupils of  the 10-11 forms)
Dear jury! Take your places, please.
The first round  is “Next”.
You should answer as more questions as you can for 3 min., if you don’t know the answer, you should say “next”, as you have only 3 min.

Round № 1 (Вопросы первого раунда без ответов зачитывает ведущий викторины. Параллельно вопросы высвечиваются на интерактивной доске. Участники команд отвечают на вопросы ведущего в течение 3 минут, после истечения времени вопросы задаются другой команде. Победителем признается та команда, которая за 3 минуты дала правильные ответы  на большее количество вопросов.)

  1. What’s the capital of the UK? (London)
  2. Where does the British Queen live? (Buckingham Palace)
  3. What’s the USA’s symbol of freedom? (Statue of Liberty)
  4. What’s the capital of Northern Ireland? ( Belfast)
  5. Where can we see the Tsar - Bell and the Tsar –Cannon? (in Moscow in Kremlin)
  6. What river is London situated? (The Thames)
  7. What’s St. Paul’s Cathedral? (church)
  8. What sea is the UK washed by? (The North Sea)
  9. Who does the real power belong to in the UK? (Parliament)
  10. Where did the Great Fire of London begin? (in the house of the king’s baker)
  11. What animal is the symbol of English might and strength? (the lion)
  12. What Russian city has 111 bridges? (St. Petersburg)
  13. What plant is the symbol of Ireland? (shamrock)
  14. What’s the national symbol of the USA? ( the bald eagle)
  15. Where do English people keep the Queen’s crown? ( in the Tower)
  16. How many years did Sir Christopher Wren build St. Paul’s Cathedral? ( 35 years)
  17. What Russian poet first called St. Petersburg Petrograd? ( A. Pushkin)
  18. Where does the British prime – minister live? ( 10, Downing Street)
  19. When is April Fool’s day celebrated? ( April, 1)
  20. What ocean is the UK washed by? ( the Atlantic ocean)
  21. What’s the name of the House in Parliament whose members are permanent? (the House of Lords)
  22. What tree is the symbol of Russia? (  the birch )
  23. Who invented coca-cola? (John Pemberton, the USA)
  24.  What’s the capital of Scotland? (Edinburgh)
  25. What’s the name of the British flag? (the union Jack)
  26. Who built London Bridge? ( the Romans)
  27. Who is known as the “king of jazz”? (Louis Armstrong)
  28. Who was the first American president? (G. Washington)
  29. What was the surname of the Russian tsar Peter the Great? (Romanov)
  30. What plant is the symbol of England? (the rose)
  31. What Russian poet wrote “Переправа, переправа!
Берег левый, берег правый,
Снег шершавый, кромка льда …(A.T.Tvardovskii)
  1. How many sons does Prince Charles have? (2)
  2. Who created Donald Duck? (Walt Disney)
  3. When do Russians celebrate Christmas? (January , 7)
  4. When can British people listen to the Queen’s speech on TV (On X-mas)
  5. Who stars in the film “ The Terminator” ( A. Shwarznegger)
  6. Who is regarded as the most successful director in Hollywood today? (Stephen Spielberg)
  7. What’s the largest state of the USA? ( Alaska)
  8. Who is the official head of the state in the UK? (the Queen)
  9. What oceans is Russia washed by? (The Arctic ocean and the Pacific ocean)

Pupil: Jury, declare the results of the first game.

P: The second round is ”Dates”.
The dates are given on the interactive board. (Презентация «Даты»)
(1574, 1918, 1961, 1703, 1557, 1147, 1492, 1666, 1066, 1949, 1381, 1941)
You should answer the questions choosing among all these dates the right date.
You are answering in turn! (10 sec. for each question)
The questions:

  1. When was Moscow founded?
  2. When was St. Petersburg founded?
  3. When was the Great Fire of London?
  4. When was the first flight into space?
  5. When did William the Conqueror come to England from France?
  6. When did Christopher Columbus discover America?
  7. When did Moscow become the capital for the second time?
  8. When did Bashkortostan join Russia?
  9. When was Ufa founded?
  10. When did Britain and its former colonies found the Commonwealth?

T: Now our jury declares the results of the second round.

P: The third round is “Match the parts of the names” (Презентация «Составить имена»)

Bred Christopher
Mark Petersburg
Alexander Lomonosov
Wren Vegas
Robert London
Michael Suvorov
Jack Washington
Las Pitt
Saint Twain
George Burns

(Bred Pitt, Mark Twain, Alexander Suvorov, Michael Lomonosov, Christopher Wren, Las Vegas, Robert Burns, George Washington, Saint Petersburg, Jack London)

P: And our jury will declare the results of the third round.

P: The fourth round is “The famous people”.
(The pictures of the famous people on the interactive board) (Презентация «Великие люди»)

  1. A. Bell
  2. M. Lermontov
  3. W. Shakespeare
  4. A. Pushkin
  5. M. Kutuzov
  6. Peter the Great
  7. Juri Dolgoruki
  8. A. Popov
  9. Queen Victoria
  10. Queen Elisabeth II

P: You should answer the following questions, to answer one question you have only 1 min.
The questions:

  1. Who won the battle near Borodino?
  2. Who founded St. Petersburg?
  3. Who wrote the tragedy “Hamlet”?
  4. Who ruled the country for 54 years?
  5. Who invented radio?
  6. Who wrote the poem “Borodino”?
Let’s ask the jury to give the results of the fourth round.

P: The fifth round: A longer word.

There is a long word on the blackboard. You have to make up as more words as you can, using the letters of this word. You have 5 min. The winner will be the team that makes up more words.
The word: Exploration
The jury will declare the results of the fifth round.

P: The sixth round: “Grammar”.
The teams answer in turn.( Formulas are given on the interactive board)(Презентация «Времена»)

  1. What’s the formula of Present Perfect Tense?
  2. What’s the formula of Present Simple Tense?
  3. What’s the Formula of Past Simple Tense?
  4. What’s the formula of Present Progressive Tense?
  5. What’s the formula of Present Simple Passive Tense?
  6. What’s the formula of Past Simple Passive Tense?

In what tense do we use following words?

  1. Now
  2. Often
  3. Yesterday
  4. Next year
  5. Yet
  6. Just

Make up your own sentences in

  1. Present Perfect Tense
  2. Past Simple Tense
  3. Present  Progressive Tense
  4. Present Simple Tense
  5. Present Simple Passive
  6. Past Simple Passive
  7. Past Progressive Tense
The jury declare the results of this round.
P: The seventh round: Capitals and Flags.
Each team has got the names of the countries and its flags.

P: You should put together the names of the countries and its flags.
(Презентация «Флаги и страны»). What team will be quicker and right that team will be the winner. (3 min)
And our jury will declare the result of the seventh game.
P: Dear pupils! Our competition is finishing and now our jury will declare the total score.