Открытый урок по теме "Добро пожаловать в Америку"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Оснащение: карта США, плакат «Американские президенты», эмблемы штатов, папки-раскладушки: «Американские писатели», «Достопримечательности Америки», американские символы, картинки и плакаты с изображением Белого дома, Капитолия, Нью-Йорка, визитные карточки штатов Аляски, Калифорнии, Род-Айленда.

Технические средства: магнитофон, проигрыватель дисков, аудиокассеты,CD диски.

Цели урока:

  • Практическая: совершенствовать ЗУН учащихся в устной речи и аудировании. Практиковать учащихся в употреблении ранее изученной лексики по теме, умении использовать учебный материал в монологической и диалогической речи.

  • Образовательная: ознакомление с географическим положением США, государственными символами, культурой страны изучаемого языка.

  • Развивающая: способствовать расширению и углублению знаний учащихся о культуре страны изучаемого языка, знакомство с реалиями этой страны. Прививать учащимся умения и навыки самообразования, исследовательской работы.

  • Воспитательная: формирование высоких моральных качеств, побуждение учащихся к самостоятельной, исследовательской, творческой деятельности. Содействовать развитию организаторских, творческих способностей, инициативы.

Девиз урока: «E Pluribus Unum”, что в переводе с латинского означает «One out of many”.

Урок начался со вступительного слова учителя:


Good morning everybody!
Glad to see you at our lesson!

Last time we have read and spoken much about one of the largest countries in the world – the USA. In size it is the fourth largest country after Russia, Canada and China.

And the theme of our lesson is: “Welcome to America”. It will be an untraditional lesson, because we are going to make an amazing journey to the USA.

The main aim of the lesson is to generalize and enrich your knowledge about the country: its geography, climate, some states symbols, main cities and of course places of interest.

The USA is the nearest thing to an instant geography lesson that the world can offer. It is blessed with a wealth of a natural beauty. The land of the country is as varied as it is vast. So a traveler from almost any part of the world can find in the USA an area he will meet at home. He can find here cool pine forests, high mountains with snow on their tops, grassy plains, beautiful meadows in blossom dotted with brooks, lakes, rivers and trees, fertile lands and of course broad vineyards, deserts and sandy beaches shining in tropical sunlight.

It is really the country of a dream. Most people want to visit the country. And you? Have you ever been to America? And would you like to visit it? So today you’ll have such opportunity, because we are going to make an amazing journey to a country of our dream. Let us go.


Teacher: The USA meets us with a famous folk song “This land is my land”. (учащиеся прослушивают и поют песню вместе):

This land is your land; this land is my land,
From California, to the New York Island,
From the redwood forest, to the Gulf stream waters
This land was made for you and me.

Teacher: VIP persons meet us in America. Let me introduce to you Mr. President of America Barack Obama and the first lady Mrs. Michelle Obama. (Уч-ся играют роли президента Америки и его жены, они приветствуют гостей и рассказывают о географическом положении США, климате и символах Америки. Информация может быть примерно такой):

The Flag of the USA

The flag of the USA – popularly called “the Stars and Stripes and Old Glory”, was adopted in 1777. It consists of 13 horizontal stripes red and white equal to the number of the original states with a blue union marked with white stars, equal in number to 50 states today.

The red stripes proclaim liberty, the field of blue stars for loyalty.

The Coat- of-Arms.

The coat-of-arms of the USA represents an eagle with wings outspread, holding a bundle of rods – the symbol of administering – in the left claw and an olive twig – the emblem of love – in the right claw.

The motto of the coat-of-arms is “E Pluribus Unum” (“One out of many” – in Latin).

Teacher: thank you for your geography lesson about your country. And now we’ll visit some states of America. But do you happen to know how many states are there in America? Which is the smallest state? (За отдельным столом, на котором стоит визитка и символ штата, сидят ученики-представители самого маленького штата Америки Род-Айленда).

Rhode Island

Rhode Island – is the smallest in the USA. The area of this state is only 3,144sq/k. The population is about a million, maybe a little more. The capital of Rhode Island is Providence. Do you know that Rhode Island not an Island of all? It’s made up of 36 islands and a mainland. Rhode Island has many old homes, churches and other buildings, some of which are over 300 years old. The largest cities of Rhode Island are Providence, Warwick, Pawtucket, and Cranston.

The leading industry is jewelry and silverware. The state produces granite, limestone and graphite. Rhode Island is one of the six New American states. Its nickname is “Little Rhody”. The floral emblem of the state is the violet.

Teacher: And now let’s visit the largest state. It is … Yes, you are right. It’s Alaska. (За отдельным столом, на котором стоит визитка и символ штата, сидят ученики-представители самого большого американского штата – Аляски).


Alaska is closer to Russia than any other state. It is the largest state of the USA. Juneau is the capital of Alaska.

In 1959 Alaska became the 49th state. It was purchased from Russia.

The climate there is very harsh. It is very cold throughout the whole year. The temperature may drop as low as -47 Fahrenheit in some places.

Towns are far apart in Alaska. It is a wild country. Many people use planes to travel in the state.

The Eskimos live there simple and efficient life on the peninsula and the islands of the coast and get their food from the surrounding waters.

After fishing, Alaska’s chief industry is lumber and the production of wool pulp.

The growing season in Alaska is short, but the sun shines twenty hours a day in summer. Things grow fast and big. A cabbage can weigh about 30 kilograms.

Alaska is the biggest state, but it has the fewest people. The population of Alaska is around 450,000. It is rich of gold.

The floral emblem of Alaska is the Forget-me-not. The nickname of Alaska is the Great Land.

Teacher: So my dear, I want you to relax a little and to listen to a nice song. Sing it together. (Звучит песня “Hotel California” в исполнении группы “Eagles”:

On a dark desert highway,
Cool wind in my hair
Warm smell of colitas,
Rising up through the air
Up ahead in the distance,
I saw a shimmering light
My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim
I had to stop for the night
There she stood in the doorway;
I heard the mission bell
And I was thinking to myself,
“This could be heaven and this could be hell”
Then she lit up a candle
And she showed me the way
There were voices down the corridor,
I thought I heard them say…
Welcome to the hotel california
Such a lovely place (such a lovely place)
Such a lovely face
There’s plenty of room at the hotel california
Any time of year (any time of year)
You can find us here

Teacher: Do you know the song? And the band? Yes, it was the band “Eagles”. They invite you to visit such a lovely place – California. As you know, it is the most populated state it America.


California is the most populated state in America. The population of California is around 25 million people. Its area is over 400 thousand square km. do you know why California’s nickname is “Golden State”? Because gold was found there over a hundred years ago. The largest cities in California are: Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, San Jose, and Oakland. Its capital is Sacramento. The floral emblem of California is the Golden poppy. The 37th president of the USA Richard M. Nixon was born there.

Hollywood is in California too, so many movies and TV shows come from the state.

One of the world’s largest zoos is in California. The state is the second in fishing, the third in petroleum. It is the first in airplanes and wine, it is a leader in automobiles. The state song of California is “I love you, California”.

California was the birthplace of the United Nations. The event took place in San Francisco in 1945.

Teacher: That’s a pity, but we can’t visit any states else because of the time. But we can get acquainted with some largest cities of the USA. Let’s start with the heart of America – its capital. And what is the capital of the USA?


Washington is the capital of the USA. The city was founded in 1790 on a site chosen by George Washington, the first President of the USA.

The population of the city is about one million. The city was build according to a preliminary plan. There is a law that forbids to build structures more than 90 feet (27, 4 m) high in the city. It means, there are no skyscrapers in Washington.

Washington is a large scientific and cultural centre. There are 5 universities in the city.

The Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln memorials are among the city sights.

There is no heavy industry in the city. Foreign tourists are surprised by visiting the city. The Washington Monument looks like a very big pencil. It rises 160 meters and is hollow inside. A special lift brings visitors to the top in 70 seconds from where they can enjoy a view of the city. From the top of the monument you can see the District of Columbia and even the neighbor State of Virginia.

The city is divided into four main areas: Northwest, Northeast, Southwest and Southeast.

Teacher: Next city we’ll visit is New York. It is the largest in America and the third largest city in the world.

New York

(The city of yellow devil.)

New York is one of the biggest cities in the world. It is situated at the mouth of the Hudson River. New York consists of five districts: the Bronx, Manhattan, Queens and Richmond. Its total area is 365 sq. miles or about 900 sq. kl.

New York’s situation at the mouth of the Hudson River made it the biggest port in the USA.

A traveler who visits New York for the firs time wonders at the new architecture.

It is the city of skyscrapers. Most of skyscrapers contain restaurants, barber shops, banks, and post offices.

When an American speaks about New York, he means Manhattan. Manhattan is an island. It is surrounded by the East River and the Hudson River. These two rivers are crossed by 50 bridges. Manhattan is the heart of New York City.

Broadway is the best known of New York’s streets. It is also the longest street in the world. In the center of Broadway is Times Square. If you look at Times Square at night, you will understand why the Americans call it the great White Way.

Teacher: Guess a riddle. There is a very famous lady in the USA. American people say it is the highest and the heaviest lady in the country. What is it? Yes, it is the Statue of Liberty. Show in on the picture.

The Statue of Liberty

The statue of liberty – the figure of a woman who has just reached her freedom. It is the symbol of America. It is 46 meters high – not counting the pedestal it stands on.

The Statue of liberty is a gift of the people of France to the people of the USA. It is a symbol of freedom to human beings across the world since her dedication in New York Harbor in 1886.

The Statue was the work of Alsatian sculptor Frederic August Bartholdy.

The book that liberty holds in her left hand symbolizes the Declaration of Independence. In her right hand is a burning torch – the symbol of freedom.

Teacher: Everybody in the world knows the building named “White house”. What could you tell about it?

The White House

The name “White House” became official when President Theodore Roosevelt had it engraved upon his stationery. It gets its name from the white walls. But the white house wasn’t always white; its original color was grey.

The president and his family live upstairs in the White House. But the building belongs to the American people not to the President and it is open to the public, anybody can go inside and look around.

The first room on the White House tour is the White House library. In 1942 an air-raid shelter was added to the White House so that the President and his family could hide in case of a possible air-raid.

Teacher: Mr. President of the USA lives and works in the White House. And would you like to name the seat of the USA Congress?

The Capitol

The Capitol is the seat of US Congress. The Capitol building dominates all Washington. It stands on the hill rising above the Potomac River. The Capitol consists of a central building crowned by a great dome and connected at each end by galleries with a large wing. The north wing contains the senate Chamber, and the south wing – the House of Representatives. The 36 columns which surround the lower part of the dome represent the states in the union at the time this impressive structure was designed. Beneath the dome is a monumental hall called the Rotunda, decorated with works of art relating to American history. Chambers of the congress are open to public, they have visitor’s galleries. There is a special gallery for foreign diplomats. Special places are set aside for press, radio and TV representatives.

Teacher: (Подведение итогов урока). Time goes on so quickly. And our lesson comes to the end. And what is the result of the lesson? What have we done at the lesson? What states have we visited? What interesting facts about the country have you remembered? What are the main, largest cities in America? Name its symbols, state buildings and etc.


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