Заключительный урок по теме "We are wizards, aren it we?" (6-й класс)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 6

Урок 7

Цели и задачи:

  • Развивать навыки устной речи.
  • Практиковать учащихся в монологическом высказывании по теме.
  • Практиковать учащихся в письменном высказывании по теме.

Оборудование: учебник, рабочие тетради, компьютеры, мультимедиапроектор, слайды, электронные тесты.

Лексический материал: to predict, prediction, leader, politician, President, architect, Aries, Gemini, Taurus, Leo, Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, Pisces, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Scorpio, sign, zodiac.

Социокультурная информация: достопримечательности Лондона.

План урока:

  1. Организационный момент. Задачи урока.
  2. Фонзарядка.
  3. Речевая зарядка.
  4. Отработка лексики по теме.
  5. Практика устной речи. Монологическое высказывание по теме
  6. Сюрприз. Песня “In Ten Years”
  7. Контроль знаний. Test
  8. Письменная практика.
  9. Подведение итогов урока. Домашнее задание.

Приложение 1, Приложение 2

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент. Задачи урока

Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you again. Sit down, please.

Today we have an unusual lesson. We ‘ll predict the future because the topic of our lesson is “ We are wizards, aren’t we?” and the computers will help us.

Who is on duty today? Who is away today? What date is it today? What day is it today? Are you ready for the lesson? How are you, …? Are you fine,…? Are you OK,…? ( беседа ведётся во фронтальном режиме).

2. Фонзарядка

Слайд 2. См. Приложение 1

T: Let’s begin with phonetic drills. Try to pronounce the words and the sounds correctly. Listen to me and repeat after me: to predict, prediction, leader, politician, President, architect, Aries, Gemini, Taurus, Leo, Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, Pisces, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Scorpio, sign, zodiac.

3. Речевая зарядка

Слайд 3

Answer my questions, please:
Can you predict the future?
Are you a wizard?
Aries are brave and intellectual, aren’t they?
What are Pisces good at?
What is your sign of the zodiac?
And what can you say about your character according to your sign?
What can you say about Libras?
What sense do the Virgos have?
What do the Sagittariuses like?
Who is hardworking among the signs?

4. Отработка лексики по теме

Слайд 4

1) Find as many words as you can in the word - square.

2) Match the invention and the year

Слайд 5

PC computer
Space rockets

5. Практика устной речи. Монологическое высказывание по теме

a) T: Children! Guess who are they? (Слайд 6)

They are brave, intellectual, talented. They like to lead. They don’t like dull work. (Aries.)

They are kind, sensitive, good at arts. People like them because they are always ready to help. (Cancer.)

They are very brave people, independent, and sensitive. They like hunting and sports. (Sagittarius.)

They are calm, systematic, economical. They are successful in life. They are very hardworking. (Capricorn.)

They are very original, creative, sometimes very eccentric. They are very good friends. They understand other people. (Aquarius.)

b) T: Children! Today we have guests. And I think they want to know their character features according to their sign. What do you think? Ask them questions, please and characterise them.

Учащиеся задают вопросы присутствующим и дают характеристику их знака зодиака.

с) T: And now let’s work with cards. Characterise the sign you have chosen.

Работа по карточкам.

d) T: I think it’s time to predict the future to our guests. Tell them, please, what will happen to them in ten years. (pupils’ predictions) Remember, please, about Future Simple tense.

6. Сюрприз. Песня “In Ten Years”

T: And now a surprise for you to rest a little bit. A song “In Ten Years”. You may sing with a singer.

7. Контроль знаний. Test

Слайд 7

And now one more task on the topic “We are Wizards, aren’t we?” Choose the right answer:

1. They are strong personalities, very dynamic; they don’t like to be alone. People like their company.

a) Leo
b) Taurus
c) Cancer
d) Pisces

2. They are very original, creative, sometimes very eccentric. They are very good friends. They understand other people.

a) Capricorn
b) Aquarius
c) Gemini
d) Libra

3. They are unselfish. They are active, good at arts. They make friends very easily.

a) Gemini
b) Capricorn
c) Sagittarius
d) Leo

4. They are tender, kind, and dreamy.

a) Libra
b) Scorpio
c) Virgo
d) Cancer

5. They like to be attentive to other people. They are musical.

a) Taurus
b) Aquarius
c) Sagittarius
d) Gemini

8. Письменная практика

T: Children! Your last tsk is write a few sentences about the future of our native town, Shumerlya. What will it be in ten years?

9. Подведение итогов урока. Домашнее задание

T: I think our lesson was very interesting today. You have learned a lot of interesting about the signs of zodiac. You predicted the future to our guests. You read and spoke well. Thank you. Your marks are...

See you on Wednesday. The lesson is over. Good- bye!


And now one more task on the topic “We are Wizards, aren’t we?” Choose the right answer:

1. They are strong personalities, very dynamic; they don’t like to be alone. People like their company.

a) Leo
b) Taurus
c) Cancer
d) Pisces

2. They are very original, creative, sometimes very eccentric. They are very good friends. They understand other people.

a) Capricorn
b) Aquarius
c) Gemini
d) Libra

3. They are unselfish. They are active, good at arts. They make friends very easily.

a) Gemini
b) Capricorn
c) Sagittarius
d) Leo

4. They are tender, kind, and dreamy.

a) Libra
b) Scorpio
c) Virgo
d) Cancer

5. They like to be attentive to other people. They are musical.

a) Taurus
b) Aquarius
c) Sagittarius
d) Gemini


And now one more task on the topic “We are Wizards, aren’t we?” Choose the right answer:

1. They are strong personalities, very dynamic; they don’t like to be alone. People like their company.

a) Leo
b) Taurus
c) Cancer
d) Pisces

2. They are very original, creative, sometimes very eccentric. They are very good friends. They understand other people.

a) Capricorn
b) Aquarius
c) Gemini
d) Libra

3. They are unselfish. They are active, good at arts. They make friends very easily.

a) Gemini
b) Capricorn
c) Sagittarius
d) Leo

4. They are tender, kind, and dreamy.

a) Libra
b) Scorpio
c) Virgo
d) Cancer

5. They like to be attentive to other people. They are musical.

a) Taurus
b) Aquarius
c) Sagittarius
d) Gemini