Открытый урок в 11-м классе "What do you know about cinema?"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели и задачи:

  • Знакомство с историей возникновения кинематографа.
  • Развитие способности к анализу, догадке, способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия.
  • Развитие воображения.
  • Формирование лексических навыков говорения.
  • Формирование грамматических навыков “Восклицательные предложения”, “Эмфатические предложения”.
  • Воспитание чувства сопричастности к мировой истории, памятникам искусства.


  • видеомагнитофон,
  • фильм “Унесенные ветром”,
  • мультимедийный проектор,
  • раздаточный материал (тексты для чтения).
  • Фото Маргарет Митчел, Вивьен Ли.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент

The topic of our lesson is the history of cinematography. You will speak about the history of cinema, the world cinema empire Hollywood. You will watch the scene from the film “Gone with the wind” and learn how this film was made. You will make up your dialogues and express your feelings and opinions on the films. By the end of the lesson you will speak about your favourite actors and actresses.

2. Фонетическая зарядка

Let’s begin with revising new expressions and word combinations. Repeat after me all together:

a magnificent performance
a fantastic show
excellent decorations
outstanding actors
a great director
extraordinary costumes
sensational musical
impressive scene
astonishing film
touching melody.

3. Аудирование текста

(см. Приложение 3, см. Приложение 1).

The 20th century may be called the century of film making.

Cinema and T.V. films have become an important part of our lives. I want you to listen to the information about the first film and fill in the table.

Inventors of the cinema Inventions Date The name of the film What is it about
The Lumiere brothers Film projector and monitor picture camera 1895 “Arrival of the train” Train came towards the camera.

a) answer the questions
b) retell the text using the table.
Учебник Ex.1(2), p.178.

4. Составление вопросов, работа в режиме Р1 – Р2 – Р3 – Р4.

You have read the text of Hollywood. You have learnt the information about the history of Hollywood and film making. Make up questions and ask pupils to answer them.

  1. When did the first studio appear?
  2. What are the largest studios?
  3. What famous actors starred in the films?
  4. What genres were the first?
  5. What was the first coloured film?

Учебник Ex.2 (3), p.178.

5. Просмотр сцены из фильма “Унесенные ветром”.

You have just said that the first coloured film was “Gone with the wind’’. Have you seen the film? There are some names from the film making industry that are known all over the world. Do you know this woman? What is she famous for? I want you to watch the scene from the film.

6. Cоставление восклицательных предложений.

Express emotionally your opinion about this scene, actors and acting.

What a talented actress!
What a wonderful scene!
What a marvelous scene we have seen!
How magnificently she plays!
How impressive!

7. Работа с текстом

(см. Приложение 7, см. Приложение 1).

I’ll give you the texts scan them and do tasks.

a) read the text and find the facts about each of these people.
b) what events happened in these dates

1926; 1936; 1938; 1939;

с) answer the questions on the text.

8. Ролевая игра

Imagine that you are the director of the film and the young actress. The director of the film is scolding the actress. What conversation might take place between them. Use the emphatic sentences.

Activity Book Ex.18, p.88.

9. Составление диалогов

(см. Приложение 9, см. Приложение 1).

When we go to the cinema with friends we usually discuss the film. Make up your dialogues and express your likes or dislikes.

10. Проверка домашнего задания

I want you to speak about your favourite actors and actresses.

11. Подведение итогов урока

You have worked hard and were a success. You have learnt about the history of cinematography and making the film ’’Gone with the wind’’, expressed your likes and dislikes of the films, spoke about your favourite actors and actresses. I give you good and excellent marks. The lesson is over, good bye!