Урок английского языка в 7-м классе по теме "Can people do without you?"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Основные задачи урока.

  1. Отработка лексики по теме, формирование навыков аудирования и говорения.
  2. Развитие языковых способностей, памяти, мышления.
  3. Воспитание чувства взаимопомощи, умения работать в коллективе.


  1. Раздаточный материал в виде карточек каждому ученику.
  2. Иллюстрации по теме урока.

Организационный момент.

Hello! I am glad to see you. Look at me and let’s smile, smile to each other, please.

Today we’ll do different activities on the theme: “Can people do without you?”

Think and try to find the answer on the following question:

“Is it important to help other people or not?’

Основной этап урока.

1. Look at the blackboard! There are some English proverbs. The parts of these proverbs are mixed. Put the parts of the proverbs in the right order. Read them and give the Russian equivalents.

Best is the master practice (Practice is the best master).

Lost never a deed is good (A good deed is never lost).

2. Let’s revise the words and expressions on the theme of our lesson. (SB p.50-51).

Work in your groups. The leaders will read the words and expressions and others should read after them.

3. Now close your books and check up.

How do you know these words and expressions?

4. I’ll give you the cards. Read the task and do it.

Choose the right sentences for each question.

  1. Whom does the charity help?
  2. How does the charity help?
  3. Why do people work for charity?

1. It helps disabled children. 2. It shows sympathy to orphans. 3. It supports needy people. 4. They donate money. 5. It cares of different animals. 6. It collects money, food and clothes. 7. They want to give a helping hand to elderly people. 8. It gives shelter homeless animals.

Then exchange your cards and check up the task with the key.

(Key: Whom -1, 5; How – 4, 6, 8; Why – 2, 3, 7).

Put the marks for you works.

What’s your mark?

Mistakes 0-1 2-4 5-7 >7
Marks 5 4 3 2

5. Answer the questions.

Who can help needy people and needy animals?

What charities do you know?

What do you know about their activities?

6. Individual work.

Read the text; match the names of charities and their descriptions.

a) OXFAM b) RSPCA c) UNICEF d) Save the Children e) Help the Aged.

  1. It’s a large international organization. It cares of children in poor countries. It collects money, food and clothes. It helps disabled children. It shows sympathy to needy children and orphans.
  2. It’s a British charity. Its members visit lonely and elderly people. Its members give a helping hand to needy people.
  3. It helps people in poor countries. Its members take care of homeless and needy people. It sells new and used goods. It collects money for poor people. It supports needy people.
  4. It helps different animals. It protects animals. It members help animals by donating to the charity. They provide shelter homeless animals. They want to make the world the better place.
  5. It helps children in the world suffering from disease and hunger. Its members collect money, clothes and food. They give a shelter orphans. They want to give a helping hand to needy children.

7. Group work. The group leaders should choose a card with the title of charity and keep it in a secret. The group should make up a story about the activities of charity. The members of other groups will try to guess the name of charity.

Заключительный этап урока.

Answer the main question of our lesson:

Is it important to help other people or not?


Задание на дом.

Imagine and make up a story: “My charity”.