Методическая разработка урока по теме "В.Шекспир. «Венецианский купец»"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Оборудование урока: УМК  В. Эванс, Дж. Дули, Б. Оби, О.В. Афанасьевой, И.В. Михеевой  «Английский в фокусе»/«Spotlight», 10 класс,  Москва, «Просвещение», 2008 (книга для чтения – «Венецианский купец» В. Шекспира, Портфолио);  видеофильм на английском языке «Венецианский купец», производство компании ВВС, 1980г.; музыкальное слайд-шоу «Венеция 16 века»; мультимедийная презентация «Тайны жизни и творчества В. Шекспира» – парный проект учащихся; костюмы для драматизации фрагментов пьесы; театральный реквизит; карточки для  рекомендаций членов художественного совета; благодарственные письма учащимся и членам художественного совета; англо-английские Оксфордские словари.  

Методологическая цель: создание на уроке условий для интеллектуального и эмоционального развития учащихся.
Развивающая цель: развитие артистических способностей, внимания, способностей к сравнению и сопоставлению, догадке.
Воспитательная цель: приобщение  учащихся к мировой художественной литературе, кинематографу;  воспитание чувства партнёрства.  
Познавательная цель: знакомство с биографическими фактами жизни и творчества великого драматурга В. Шекспира.
Учебная цель: контроль уровня развития речевых умений говорения (диалогическая и монологическая речь), контроль уровня сформированности умений  аудирования/чтения  с целью извлечения конкретной информации.


1. Введение в тему урока, создание мотивации

Dear friends! I am happy to see you again. Today we are going to continue our work with the Readers, I mean the play of William Shakespeare «The merchant of Venice». And as you see we are lucky to meet our guests. This is our Creative Review Committee.  They are English teachers. Hope, they’ll give you some recommendations how to improve your playing and, perhaps, your English.
Dear guests! If you don’t mind, take these sheets of paper to write your recommendations to our students. During our lesson you are welcome to express your feelings, thoughts of it, put your marks to our students. I’m sure it will be very useful for us. Four eyes see more than two. Thank you.

2. Целеполагание

So, it’s high time to start. First of all let’s identify our aims. What is our final aim?
P1 – Our final aim is to put a play on the stage.
And what can we do at our today’s lesson to be closer to our final aim?
P2 – As we are dealing with the play of William Shakespeare «The merchant of Venice», to my mind, we should learn as much as possible information about its author.
P3 – Right. We can do it by watching the project presentation of Dmitry and Sergey and listening to some new facts about William Shakespeare.
Any more aims?
P4 – If we want to have the recommendations of our guests we should rehearse our play.
So, agreed.

3. Парный проект «Тайны жизни и творчества В. Шекспира». Защита мультимедийной презентации, аудирование/чтение учащимися новой информации о В. Шекспире

Предтекстовый этап

Let’s start with the project, I mean the presentation of the boys. You have already read some information of William Shakespeare in your Readers. Now you’ll learn some new facts of his life. After the presentation you will have a test. You have 15-20 seconds to look through this test. (Приложение 1)
Your time is up. Welcome boys. Who will start?
The presentation «William Shakespeare».

4. Контроль умений в аудировании /чтении информации в презентации. True / false test. Взаимоконтроль. Обобщение нового материала

So, you have 2 minutes to do the test. It’s time. Now exchange your works, use red or green pens to check up on your works. Here are the right answers:

1    2        3        4       5     6       7     8         9     10      11      12     13      14      15
f    t         t          f       t      f        t      t         f        t         t        f        t        t         t

Put the marks to your classmates according to these criteria:  
0 mistake – «5»                            3-4 mistakes – «3»
1-2 mistakes – «4»                        more than 4 mistakes – «2»
Give me your answers sheets, please.
What facts of William Shakespeare impressed you most of all?
Are there any facts that you find strange or unbelievable? (P1, P2, P3 …)

5. Сообщение информации об истории создания комедии «Венецианский купец», месте действия в комедии – Венеции 16 века при сопровождении музыкального слайд-шоу «Венеция» – виды и музыка 16 века.

So, William Shakespeare wrote a lot of wonderful works. One of them is a comedy of «The merchant of Venice». What do you know about the period when it was created and, perhaps, about its further life?
P1 – Shakespeare wrote The Merchant of Venice in 1596-7. When he was thirty-two years old he had already written some of his most famous plays, including Romeo and Juliet and A Midsummer Night's Dream.
The Merchant of Venice is one of Shakespeare's best-loved plays. It has been translated into many languages and is a favourite choice of theatre companies throughout the world. There have also been many film versions of this play, including an Indian version (1941), a French version (1953) and a Maori (New Zealand) version (2002). The most recent English-language film version was made in 2004, starring Al Pacino as Shylock.

As you have already said Shakespeare lived in Stratford-upon-Avon, and then in London but he wrote not only of England, but of Italy, too. How do you imagine Venice of the 16-th century? Musical presentation « Venice of the 16-th century» – views of Venice and music of the 16-th century.
P2 – In Shakespeare's time, Venice was a very wealthy sea port. There were many merchants like Antonio, who made their money by sending ships all over the world. The ships carried goods that were bought and sold in different countries. The sea was a dangerous place, and ships were often wrecked or attacked by pirates. Merchants, and other people, often needed to borrow money from moneylenders like Shylock. Moneylenders had to make a living, so they charged people interest.

Right you are. What else can you say about Venice of the 16-th century?
P3 – The city of Venice was on the north-east coast of Italy. There was no other city like it in the world. It was built on hundreds of small islands which were joined by bridges over the canals. Because of this, the main method of transport was by boat. People could walk along the narrow streets, and on the paths along the canals, but for a longer journey, they had to travel by boat. When Lorenzo and his friends helped Jessica escape from her father's house (p. 13), they probably went by boat, as they had heavy boxes to carry.

6. Краткое описание сюжета комедии

I think we should tell our guests about the plot of the play.
P4 The Merchant of Venice tells a number of stories which are all connected. There is the love story of Bassanio and Portia: Bassanio loves Portia, but he needs to borrow money so that he can travel to Belmont and ask her to marry him. There is the story of the friendship between Antonio and Bassanio: Antonio wants to help Bassanio find the money he needs, but the cost is very high. Then there is the story of two old enemies, Shylock and Antonio: Antonio decides to ask Shylock for help, but Shylock sees his chance to take a terrible revenge.

7. Просмотр фрагментов видеофильма на английском языке «Венецианский купец»

I видеофрагмент

а) Предтекстовый этап работы с фрагментом (предвопросы)

Dear friends! I promised you to find the English version of the film «The merchant of Venice». And now you will have a chance to watch the episodes from the film. While watching the first episode try to read information about the company, the producer, the director, the characters. You may take some notes. (Просмотр первого эпизода фильма.)
Who is the producer?  – Jack Gold
Who is the director? – Jonathan Miller
Which company produced this film? – the BBC
What is the main character’s name? – Antonio

б) Просмотр первого эпизода видеофильма.

в)  Послетекстовый этап работы с фрагментом.

г) Работа с незнакомой лексикой текста фрагмента (англо-английский словарь)

Классификация лексики: архаизмы, сокращённая и книжная лексика.

Now have a look at the words of Antonio from the first episode. (Приложение 2)
Which words are unknown for you? Underline them, please. What are they? Let’s use Oxford Student’s Dictionaries of Current English to find the definitions of the new words. You may write them down on your sheets of paper.
Which words are bookish? – whereof means of which, where from, what about
Which words are archaisms? – sooth; in sooth means indeed, in fact, actually, truly
Which words are colloquial? – ‘tis means it is
Weary means to be tired, tire
What stuff means What nonsense

д) Изменение текста: замена архаизмов,  книжных слов современной лексикой.

Now let’s try to change archaisms and bookish words into modern English. What do we have now?

II видеофрагмент

а) Создание мотивации

Now we need to watch the second episode to follow the behavior of the main characters. Your task is to identify the characters and to feel their behavior.

б) Просмотр второго эпизода фильма

в) Персонификация главных героев, перенос информации на учащихся. Ощущение поведения главных героев учащимися

– Who are these men? Well, Sergey, you are going to play the role of Antonio. How do you feel this character? Introduce yourself, please.
P1 – I’m Antonio. I’m a rich merchant. I make my money by trade buying and selling things in other countries. They say I am a good man and always try to help people. However, this can get me into serious trouble.

What is typical of your character, Alexey? I mean the role of Bassanio.

P2 – I’m Bassanio. I’m Antonio’s best friend and a romantic hero of this story. I want to marry Portia, and I ask Antonio to help me win her love. They say I am a loyal friend, but I am young, and like to spend a lot of money.

Thank you, boys.

8. Драматизация сцены 1. Репетиция к итоговому театральному показу пьесы «Венецианский купец»

– Now let’s try to play the first scene. I think you need some time to change your clothes. You have only one minute. (Приложение 3)

P1 – a poem    «Our Story»
P2 – a Narrator
P3, P4 – Scene 1 (A street in Venice)

III видеофрагмент

а) Создание мотивации

The next episode will show us the behavior of one more character. Who is he?

б) Просмотр третьего эпизода фильма

в) Персонификация главного героя, перенос информации на учащегося.  Ощущение поведения главного героя учащимся.

Well, Dima, how do you feel yourself as Shylock?
P3 – I am Shylock. I am a rich and successful moneylender. I have a difficult life because many people in Venice have no respect for moneylenders. I am fond of money. Sometimes I am angry because people treat me badly. I think of a clever and terrible plan to hurt Antonio.

Драматизация сцены 2 (Приложение 4)

P1 – a Narrator
P2, P3, P4 – Scene 2 (Shylock's office)

9. Этап релаксации

Предположение года создания фильма. Повторение: называние лет, фразы предположения. Совершенствование умений в поисковом чтении – поиск заданной информации – года создания фильма, имени и фамилии актёра/актрисы фильма, которые играли туже роль, что и каждый член группы.  Тренировка внимания. Перевод римских цифр в арабские.

It’s high time to have a rest and train our attentiveness. From your IT lessons you remember the Roman figures. You may revise their meanings right now.

Roman figures – Latin letters:

I                   V                 X                  L                  C                       D                       M
1                   5                 10                50                100                    500                    1000

Your task is to write down the year of the film foundation and the actors and actresses’ names who played the same roles as you play now. Be attentive, please. You may take notes, if you need it.
But before watching the episode, let’s try to predict the year of this film foundation.
(Все предположительные даты записываются на доску, рядом с именем ученика, который её произнёс).  Don’t forget to use the supposition phrases:
I can be mistaken but I think that…
It seems to me that…
My guess is …
I suppose…
Perhaps, it’s …
Maybe, it’s …
I guess …                                                                                                       The key: MCMLXXX – 1980
So, the winner is … He / she was the closest to the right variant. We present him / her with a symbolized prize. It’s a favorite feather of Shylock. Our congratulations.

Antonio – John Franklyn Robbins
Bassanio – John Nettles
Shylock – Warren Mitchell
Portia – Gemma Jones
Nerissa – Susan Jameson
Prince of Morocco – Marc Zuber  
Prince of Aragon – Peter Gale

IV видеофрагмент

а) Создание мотивации

Now it’s a turn of the girls to follow the behavior of their heroines. Let’s watch the next episode of the film. What can you say about your characters?

б) Просмотр четвёртого эпизода фильма

в) Персонификация главных героев, перенос информации на учащихся. Ощущение поведения главных героев учащимися

P4 – My name is Portia. I am the heroine of the story. I am a rich woman. They say I am beautiful and very clever. I love Bassanio very much, and when he is in trouble, I will do everything I can to help him and his friend.
P5 – I am Nerissa. I am Portia’s maid, and we are also good friends. I listen to Portia’s problems and always give her sensible advice. They say I am very understanding and have a sense of humor.

III Драматизация сцены 3 (Приложение 5)

P1 – a poem    «What Makes the World go Around»?
P2 – a Narrator
P3, P4, P5, P6, P7 – Scene 3 (A room in Portia's house)

10. Работа с портфолио

Определение способа улучшения знания английского языка – просмотр видеофильма на английском языке «Венецианский купец», классификация незнакомой лексики из фильма (англо-английский словарь) – домашнее задание.  Самостоятельное планирование работы  учащимися – определение даты просмотра фильма и её фиксация в портфолио. Пополнение списка просмотренных фильмов на английском языке в языковых биографиях учащихся.  

Now let’s open the Portfolio. Your home task will be to watch the film up to the end. So, let’s plan when you can do it. (Приложение – мультимедийная презентация к методической разработке урока).
e.g. I’m going to watch this film today.
On Friday I will have some free time to watch the film in English.
As for me I’ll do it just after the lessons because I am eager to know about the ending of the film.

When you watch this film, you’ll be able to write about this fact in your Portfolio, p. 14.

11. Подведение итогов урока

Анализ рекомендаций членов художественного совета учащимися. Выставление оценок учащимся за актёрское мастерство и владение английским языком членами художественного совета. 
Благодарственные письма учащимся, членам художественного совета – учителям английского языка. (Приложение 6).

Thanks a lot for your work. You are born actors and actresses. I wish to present you with the famous quotations from the William Shakespeare’s works. Hope, they will help you in your future life.
I thank our guests for their work and present them with the famous quotations also. Are you ready to pass us your recommendations? Thanks a lot.